Chemistry of a Car Crash

I Think We've Got An Emercency

“So what the hell was this ‘emergency’ band meeting for?” Zack asked walking down into Maddie’s basement with Jack and Rian trailing behind.

“Well,” Alex began.
“You got someone pregnant!?” Rian shouted.
“You’re leaving the band!?” Zack asked.
“No,” Alex said getting frustrated.
“YOU’RE BREAKING UP WITH ME!?” Jack screamed.
“Ugh! Yes Jack!” Alex said rolling his eyes, “I’m breaking up with you!”
“I thought we had something!” He said throwing himself around Alex.

“Would you let me finish damnit?” Alex said irritated and Jack let go.

Alex took a deep breath, “I had and epiphany”

“A what?” Jack asked confused.

Alex just shook his head and ignored Jack, “I want to start over,” He paused and looked over at Maddie who had moved from the floor to the couch and smiled at her. He looked back over at Rian, Zack and Jack who were standing in front of him.

“We take a few days off and stay here, just like before.”

“But tour’s only half way over!” Zack whined.
“Then we say Jack fell off the roof or something!” Alex said throwing his hands up in the air, “I just… I need this.”

“You mean you want to disappear for a week to sleep with Maddie?” Rian clarified.

“No!” Alex snapped, “I miss who I used to be. I wasn’t always a manwhore, and I had this best friend who still needs me,” He said looking over at Maddie again and flashing her his charming smile, “So I want to start from the beginning, or at least go through what I can again. Just to remind me the world isn’t about girls and drinks,” He took a breath, “There’s a lot I’ve been missing out of and I don’t want to miss any more of it.”

Rian smiled at Alex then looked at Maddie, “You changed him.”

“No,” She sighed and blushed as she stood up from the couch, “Just reminded him.”