Chemistry of a Car Crash

Twelve Year Old ***s

The next few hours seemed to fly by so fast, that almost all of them couldn’t keep. Once the show was over, they all went out to Friendly’s and got ice cream. Molly stayed attached to Zack the whole night. Maddie smiled when Molly came over and whispered that she got his number and to thank her for the night.

Two days later, Alex sat cross legged in the middle of Maddie’s bed with his Mac book in his lap.

“What the hell!” He shouted.
“What’s wrong now?” Maddie said standing in the doorway of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel.

Alex looked up from his laptop and took a gulp of air when he saw Maddie. He shook his head and stared back at the screen, “Nothing.”

“You were obviously shouting about something,” She said tossing the towel in the laundry basket and sitting down next to him on the bed. Her eyes scanned the screen. Anger was building up as every word she read made her more and more angry.

Alex, I know you won’t listen to any of us, but Maddie is a whore. When you guys left, she dated so many guys, it’s almost impossible to count. Don’t sleep with her, and if you already did, go get tested for some STD. She’s probably got them all. If you need a shoulder to cry on when she breaks your little heart, I’ll be here.

Forever and Always,

“Who do these little twelve year olds think they are?” Maddie said flashing her eyes at Alex, who tried to back away from her.

“I knew this would happen,” He said shaking his head, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” She said trying to calm down, “They just don’t like that you have a girlfriend.”
“The price of fame I have to pay,” He said smiling weakly.
“Yeah,” She said and smiled contently.

A box popped up on the screen and displayed one new message. Alex touched the pad and clicked on the message to read it.

Alex and Maddie (because I know you’re going to be reading this at some point), this is from me (Katy) and all of the other hustlers. We have faith in you guys! Don’t let what those little “fangirls” are saying get to you. A few of us went and found Taylor after the show, she told us about how you and Alex had been best friends since high school. You are such a sweet girl! And we’re going to back up whatever you two share! Promise!

Oh and Maddie, You are what he needs. Alex doesn’t need some trashy hoe on his arm anymore. We’ve heard one too many songs about one night stands and affairs. (not that we didn’t enjoy those songs!) He needs a well grounded girl and one who’s going to keep his ego in check. Don’t let him go Maddie! We believe in you guys!


The Hustlers

“At least I have some fans out there,” Maddie giggled. Alex took the laptop and shut it, sliding it to the edge of the bed.

“Come here,” He said wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her into his chest, leaning back onto the bed, “No matter what any of those girls say, I’m going to love you.”

She looked up at him and smiled weakly.

“They can’t change my mind about you,” He said and kissed her forehead, “Because they like to lie.”

“Don’t believe a little twelve year old who’s in love with you,” Maddie giggled.
“I wasn’t going to,” He chuckled.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i might post another chapter tonight,
but that depends on how im feeling.
i also got a new story idea when i was grocery shopping today.
i know, it's weird, but whatever.

oh yeah, and michael jackson's dead.
the world is ending.

please don't let all time low be next!