Chemistry of a Car Crash

It's A Small Crime And I've Got No Excuse

[a/n: if you read this chapter while listening to 9 Crimes by Damnien Rice, you will feel a lot. trust me. just go search it on youtube and listen to it while reading :D]

“What the hell?” She said with tears starting to form in her eyes. He pulled away from this mystery girl to stand face to face with Maddie.

“Maddie…” He desperately tried to say, but nothing else came out.

“Fuck!” She shouted and swung her arm at the wall, knocking down a picture of her and Alex down on the ground. The glass shattered all over the floor, just like Maddie’s heart.

“What’s going o—“ Taylor said running into the room after hearing the glass break, “Oh Alex!”

She put her arms around Maddie trying to calm her shaking body.

“Is everything okay?” Molly asked coming into the room. Taylor shook her head. Immediately Molly looked at Alex and never in a million years would she picture the girl she called her ‘best friend’ standing before her.

“Roxie?” Molly said in disbelief, “What the fucking fuck!?”

Molly took a step towards her and Alex backed away. He was still trying to get his head to wrap around the situation.

“How could you?” Molly said with pleading eyes, standing before Roxie.
“He was mine first,” She said snobbish.

“I’m not anymore!” Alex shouted throwing his arms up into the air.
“That’s what you think,” Roxie replied.

“To think you were my best friend,” Molly said shaking her head, “You’re a fucking bitch.”

“Oh I’m a bitch?” She said pointing to herself, “How about you?”

“You lied to me,” Molly accused.
“Yeah so what?”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Molly said narrowing her eyes at her.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Oh that’s it!” Molly said and swung her fist, landing straight on Roxie’s cheek, throwing her to the ground. By now Jack and Zack were standing in the doorway of the living room, watching the whole thing go down.

Roxie picked her hand up to swing at Molly, but she missed. Molly took advantage of this an punched her again, hitting her in the nose. Blood came out almost instantly. Roxie took another swing and Molly and nailed her on her left eye. Yet Molly was stronger and hit her again on the cheek, cutting Roxie’s lip open as her fist made contact.

Zack looked at Jack and it was time for them to go in. Jack stepped in and grabbed Molly, holding her fists in his hands while Zack forced Roxie out the door. He came back and held on to Molly, trying to calm her down.

Jack glanced over at Alex, shaking his head in disapproval.

Maddie couldn’t stop crying, but Taylor kept gripping tighter on to her, trying to calm her down.

“I think you should go,” Taylor suggested.
“I can’t,” Alex snapped.

“No Alex,” Taylor said sternly, “You need to go.”

“Come on man,” Jack said putting a hand on Alex’s shoulder.
“No!” Alex resisted.
“You broke her before Alex,” Taylor said pushing her weight on Maddie’s back, “You broke her again.”

“I didn’t do shit!” He argued.
“Last time I checked, making out with another girl in your girlfriend’s house is wrong.”
She kissed me!”
“That’s what they all say,” Taylor said rejecting his poor excuse.

Maddie looked up at Alex with blood shot eyes, barely whispering, “Get the fuck out.”


“Get the fuck out!” She said a little louder.

“Maddie,” He tried.

“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!” Maddie shouted, causing Jack to pull Alex out of the house.

“Zack,” Taylor said, “A little help?”

He gladly nodded and picked up Maddie, carrying her bridal style upstairs to her room. He laid her down on the sheets, with Taylor crawling in behind her. Maddie clung on to Taylor’s shirt for dear life as she let the river of black tears roll down her cheeks.

“Thanks,” Taylor weakly smiled.

“I’m going to take Molly home and get some ice for her.”
“Night Zack.”
“Take care of her,” Zack said and left the room.

“Shhhhh,” Taylor said stroking Maddie’s hair, “It’s alright.”

Maddie looked up at Taylor.

“I-I Need-d R-Rian,” She sobbed. Taylor nodded and reached over for Maddie’s phone. She quickly scrolled through the numbers and clicked on Rian’s before pressing the phone to her ear.

“Hello?” he answered groggily.
“Hey Rian,” Taylor said trying to sound calm.
“It’s Taylor,” She sighed, “We have a bit of a problem.”
♠ ♠ ♠
what's a story without a bitch fight? :]