Chemistry of a Car Crash

The "Talk"

Taylor ran up the front steps and rang the bell. Almost immediately it opened and Jack threw himself around her.

“Jack, what’s going on?” Taylor asked and he let go.

“I’m not going back to Maddie,” Alex said speaking up for himself.
“What!?” Taylor said with wide eyes.
“She’s never going to get back with me,” He said and looked at the ground disappointed, “So what’s the fight worth anyway?”

“Because she’s miserable without you Alex!” Taylor said like he was stupid, “You boys and your stupid boy penises.”

“So what am I supposed to do?” He said standing there looking at Jack and Taylor for answers.

Jack looked at Taylor and Taylor looked at Jack. Silently they both agreed and then bursted out with, “GO FUCKING TALK TO HER!”

“Okay, Okay!” Alex said throwing his hands up in defeat and heading out the front door.

“We make a good team when we’re pissed,” Taylor giggled and hugged Jack.
“Maybe that’s why I love you,” He said and pulled her tighter.
“You what?” She said with a wide eyed goofy grin.


“Maddie?” Alex called out as soon as he walked into the house.
“She’s upstairs,” Rian yelled from the kitchen. His face dropped when he saw Alex, “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I-I don’t know,” He shrugged, shoving his hands into his back pockets.
“You’ve been hiding out for a week…”
“It’s not like she hasn’t,” Alex cut him off.
“What ever,” Rian huffed and left Alex to be. He ran upstairs and knocked on her door softly.

“Ramen?” Maddie said as she twisted the door knob, only to wish she hadn’t, “It’s you.”

“Mads, just listen to me,” He begged.
“I don’t want to,” She said and shut the door in his face.
“Shutting this door isn’t going to stop me from talking to you!” He shouted.
“I was kind of hoping it would!” She fired back.

“Ugh! It was stupid of me to kiss Roxie, I know. It’s just she started talking to me and I fell for it again. I shouldn’t have let my actions get ahead of my mind. She knew about you but she didn’t care, which is why you found us the way you did. I tried to push her off countless times, but when you walked in I was getting ready to shove her off again.”

“You still kissed her Alex,” Maddie muttered through tears, “Do you know how much it hurt when you were with all those other girls?”

“What?” He said caught off guard.
“Every time I saw you, you had another girl around your arm. I hated that.”
“This isn’t about Roxie anymore?” He said confused.

She hesitated and cracked the door open revealing her tear stained cheeks, “No.”

He took his chances and pushed the door open further, but not that Maddie minded. He closed the door quietly and stood with his back against it. Maddie didn’t move. Instead she stayed put in front of him with her arms folded over her chest staring down at the ground.

“Maddie,” He said trying to take a step forward, but she pushed him back.
“I don’t even know why you’re here right now,” She said without any emotion.
“Because I came to apologize.”
“It’s going to take a lot more than an apology Alex,” She said looking up at him, but quickly shifting her eyes back to the ground.

“Well I’m going to try my damnedest to make it up to you.”
“You might not even want to try,” She replied coldly.
“Maddison,” He said with a frustrated sigh following, “Why do you have to make things so complicated!”

Me? Make things complicated?” She said with a shocked tone in her voice, “Did you forget who you were Alex?”

“If anything, I figured out who I really am!” He said with narrowed eyes that softened when he saw a tear roll down her cheek.

“Mads,” He whispered, stepping as close as he could towards her.
“No,” She said fighting back, “Go away.”

He didn’t listen and instead wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to his body.

“Alex let me go!” She cried, “Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go……”

She grabbed a fist full of his shirt and held on to it for dear life. He held her tightly, swaying from side to side, trying to comfort her.

I'm gonna break down these walls I built around myself. I wanna fall so in love with you and no one else could ever mean half as much to me as you do now. Together we'll move on. Just don't turn around. Let the walls break down,” He sang softly and kissed her hair.

“I-I love you,” She choked out with red puffy eyes.
“And I love you,” He said pushing pieces of her hair behind her ears.

“Forgive me?” She said sticking out her bottom lip.
“If you forgive me.”
“I do,” She smiled.
“Then I forgive you too,” He smiled softly. She stood up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing their lips together and letting the moment turn into pure bliss.
♠ ♠ ♠
so yeah this one's pretty long.
only because im most likely going camping this weekend.
which means no updates till around monday-ish or sunday night
depending on when we get back. dont worry, im bringing my laptop to write though! :D

and in other news!
two new one shots on 7.7.09
any guesses as to who they're about??

He let out an angry breath before slipping out of bed and flipping on a light. He tore open his notebook and grabbed the first pen he could find on his desk, quickly putting it to the paper.

Too much of anything, Is too much.
Too much of love, Can be too much.
We had too much time. Too much us.
So we fought like tomorrow was promised.
Too much, too much, too much, too much,
Too much, too much, too much, much.
Much too much

i know, iim such a tease!