Chemistry of a Car Crash

Hints Are All You're Getting

Everyone helped clean up breakfast and all four of them went to the store to buy more food for the house.

“On you mark,” Maddie said raising her eyebrow in the shopping cart.
“Get set,” Taylor followed sitting in the opposite shopping cart.
“GO!” The both screamed and gripped on to the sides of the shopping carts for dear life. Alex and Jack took off running full speed down the candy isle, except Jack stopped dead in his tracks in the middle causing Alex to crash into him and Maddie and Taylor to scream in pain.

“Our song!!” He shouted pointing up at the ceiling.
“What the hell Jack?!” Alex said a bit pissy.
“Our song… is on… the radio!” Jack said very slowly so they could all comprehend.

Sure enough, that when they all shut up they heard the last chorus of Dear Maria playing through the stores PA system.

“You guys really made it big!” Maddie said with her voice dripping in sarcasm, “You’re playing in supermarkets now!”

This caused both her and Taylor to burst out laughing and the manager walking over to them, asking them to nicely get out of the shopping carts and leave.

“So much for buying food,” Maddie muttered as she climbed into Taylor’s car.
“You boys in the back,” Taylor ordered. Their heads hung low as they got in.

“Are we still going to get food?” Maddie asked hopeful.
“Me and you are,” She said shooting a look to the boys in her rearview mirror as she pulled out of the parking lot, “These boys I’m making stay in the car.”

“Awh but ma!” Alex whined.
“Yeah mom! We won’t be bad!” Jack said ad they both bursted out laughing.

“No,” Taylor said and that was the end of the conversation.

“Maddie?” Alex said grabbing on to the head rest above the seat and getting close to her ear.
“Buy me Milano’s please?” He said with a smile.
“If you promise to stay out of my Oreos.”
“Promise,” He said like a little kid.

Her and Taylor got out of the car, leaving Jack and Alex behind. Hopefully the car would still be there when they got back.

“So where are you guys planning on taking us?” Maddie asked casually as Taylor reached into the freezer to grab a few frozen pizzas.

“Out,” She said keeping her mouth shut about the whole plan.
“Not fair,” Maddie pouted, leaning on the shopping cart.

“It’s not Denny’s,” Taylor said and took off down the isle.
“Can I at least have a hint!?” Maddie shouted and followed Taylor, who had stopped in front of the floral display.

“Flowers?” Maddie questioned, looking at Taylor. She nodded her head.
“Where the hell would we go that has flowers?”

Taylor led her down to the pasta isle next.

“Taylor Kendra Marshall,” Maddie said getting impatient, “What the fuck?!”

“Come on,” She said turning towards the checkout, “You need to get home and get ready.”

“It’s noon!” Maddie complained.
“And your hair is going to take at least an hour and a half,” Taylor shrugged.
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so all time low was fucking amazing!
ya'll are really gonna like them when they play their new songs live.
its awesome!

and someone threw a big pink dick on stage,
so Jack picked it up and hit Alex on the head with it a few times.
don't give those to jack anymore.

and i took more video than i did pictures this time.
so i dont have very many. sorry :[

they were pretty damn good live :]