Chemistry of a Car Crash

Booze And Boyfriends Don't Mix

“TAYLOR!” Maddie shouted as soon as she came back up. Her arms still wrapped around Alex’s neck as he held her bridal style in the water.

“How bout we have a party!” Taylor grinned at Maddie.
“It’s like seven o’clock,” Maddie said, “Who the fuck would show up?”

“Well you know just me, you, Molly, Kara, and the boys.”

“What’s one party,” Alex said nuzzling at her neck.

“Fine, but I need to change and we need booze,” Maddie said giving in to Taylor.
“Yay!” She squealed and got out of the pool. She stopped halfway to the house and looked back at Maddie, “You coming to change?”

Maddie looked at Alex, then at Taylor, then back at Alex, “I suppose.”

“Me and Jack will go get the booze, you, Taylor and Rian get everything else.”
“Okay,” Maddie giggled and slipped free of Alex’s grip. Taylor turned around and walked into the house already.

“Wait,” he said grabbing her arm and pulling her back, “Don’t I get a goodbye kiss?”

“What are you five?” She asked.
“Please?” He said sticking out his bottom lip. Maddie rolled her eyes and pecked his lips quickly. He did one better and cupped her cheeks, bringing them together slowly.

“ALEX! ARE WE GOING OR NOT!?” Jack screamed when he stepped out the back door, breaking their kiss for the second time.

“We’re never going to get alone time anymore,” Maddie said and shook her head.
“They don’t trust me,” He said quietly and let go of her.
“Well neither do I, but that’s beside the point,” She said swimming over to the edge and climbing out.

“So are you and Alex back on good terms?” Taylor asked reaching in to the cabinet beneath the sink in Maddie’s bathroom.

“I don’t know why you can’t use your own hair dryer,” Maddie mumbled.
“Because yours is prettier,” Taylor smiled, “Now answer my question.”

Maddie sighed heavily, “I don’t know…… I guess so.”

Taylor looked at her disappointedly while holding the hair dryer in one hand and a brush in the other, “You could at least give him another chance.”

“I am!”
“A real one,” She said with a serious tone in her voice.
“It’s just,” She sighed, “I know she kissed him, but I didn’t see him trying to push her off or anything. I think he actually wanted it.”

“He’s in love with you Maddison,” Taylor reminded and turned on the hair dryer. Maddie said something but Taylor couldn’t hear.

She walked over to her closet and looked for something to wear.

“Hey Taylor?”
“What are you wearing?” Maddie said returning her gaze back to her clothes in the closet.
Taylor let out a heavy breath, “Let me change, then I’ll help you.”

“Thank you!” Maddie said hugging her tightly.

A few minutes later Taylor came back and helped Maddie get dressed.

“Put that song back on!” Maddie shouted from her bathroom as she grabbed the flat iron to fix her hair that Alex ruined. So Obvious by Runner Runner came pouring through the small, yet loud, speakers of Maddie’s iHome.

This is our night. The look in your eyes says we can go all the way. I'm losing my mind, broken inside. I want you to take my breath away. It's obvious that my heart beats for you.

“You girls look hot,” Rian commented and stood in front of the doorframe.
“Thanks?” Maddie said rather hesitantly.
“This isn’t going to be like one of those high school parties, is it?” He complained.

“Maybe,” Maddie smirked.
“Well your booze and your boyfriend are here,” He said standing up straight, “And if I were you I’d go get to him before the booze does.”
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