Chemistry of a Car Crash

Love Drunk

The party was in full swing and drinks were flowing freely. Music was blasting and red plastic cups were to be seen everywhere.

Maddie had just walked in to the kitchen to grab another Redbull and Vodka when she saw Alex leaning up against the counter looking a little spaced out.

“Alex?” She cooed, “Are you okay?”

He froze.

She moved in closer and noticed he was sweating a lot and his hands were shaking.

“Alex!” She said trying to get his attention. His hands held on to the edge of the counter for dear life.

She slammed her empty red cup on the counter and quickly ran out the back door to grab Rian or Jack.

“H-He won’t move or talk!” She said trying to keep her voice steady. Jack looked up from where he was standing with Taylor and Molly and went over to help Maddie.

“Alex brah!” Jack shouted. Again, he didn’t move. Jack picked him up over his shoulder and brought him upstairs to Maddie’s room, putting him down on the bed.

“Stay here with him,” He told Maddie, “He’ll be alright.”

“What do I do?” She asked looking up at Jack for some answers.
“Wait till he comes out of it,” He said and sat down on the bed with Maddie who was trembling with fear.

“He’s never done this before,” She said as five minutes passed by.
“They’ve gotten more frequent,” Jack said trying to keep her calm.
“What has?”
“His anxiety attacks.”
“He never had those before,” She said snapping her head in Jack’s direction.
“He’s always had them. It’s just now they’ve gotten worse. Like three weeks ago, he had one on stage.”

“I dunno,” He shrugged, “Me, Zack, and Matt covered Damnit though.”

Maddie gave a weak smile, “You would.”

Jack sighed heavily before throwing his arm around her and pulling her close, “He’s gonna be alright.”

“What if he’s not?” She said with a worried tone.
“Just breathe Maddie,” He said quietly with his arm around her.
♠ ♠ ♠
i have milanos and i feel like i should be getting kicked out of a van right now.
damn you alex gaskarth.

and prepare for a few depressing chapters,
i broke up with my boyfriend.
this means i can sulk and write for a while.
and eat milanos and sweedish fish till i die.

fuck my life.