Chemistry of a Car Crash

I Guess It's Gonna Have To Hurt

[a/n: listen to Starts With Goodbye by Carrie Underwood with this chapter. do it for me, please?]

Maddie remained tense under Jack’s arm, but she felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Soon she was drifting to sleep on Jack’s shoulder as his head leaned on top of hers.

Alex’s eyes slowly opened and he looked around. He was confused at first, but then he saw Maddie. He panicked when he saw Jack with her, but calmed down quickly. Alex sat up and nudged Jack on the shoulder as his eyes shot open. He slipped Maddie out from under his arms and Alex took her, crawling back into bed with her and falling asleep while the party continued to go at full swing downstairs.

Around three in the morning Maddie became restless. She was still worrying about Alex. She rolled over on to her side and curled up next to his chest.

“Roxie,” he mumbled in his sleep.

Her eyes shot open and her heart stopped.

“You can’t do that. We can’t do that behind the bus,” He said in his sleep.

Her fists were clenched beneath the sheets. She took a deep breath and began shaking him.

“W-What!?” He shouted startled. Maddie just stared with daggers in her eyes.

“Maddie?” he said squishing his eyebrows together and nearly squinting at her.

“You fucking liar,” She spat.
“What are you talking about?” he asked flipping on a light next to the bed.
“You said you were over her!” She shouted.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He asked again.
“Oh you know exactly what I’m talking about Gaskarth,” She muttered angrily.

“I-I don’t?” He asked more than he stated.

“You aren’t over her!” She shouted and stood at the other side of the room.
“Over who!?”

“I already told you everything that happened!”
“Then why did you just mumble her name in your sleep!” Maddie huffed, folding her arms across her chest.

“Because I was asleep!” He shouted, throwing his arms in the air. He took his hands and ran them through his messy hair before dragging them down his face and looking at her dumbfounded, “What do you want me to say Maddie?”

“You rockstars are all the same,” She said shaking her head.
“You small town girls are nothing but bitches.”

Oh that was low.

“Well you know what! Get the fuck out of my house Alex!” She screamed and pointed to the door, “Because I guess other little trashy hoes will put up with your bullshit!”

“Maybe I liked those trashy hoes better!” He said a bit cocky.
“You’re always a manwhore,” She sneered.
“Then why did you come to see me?” He questioned.
“You aren’t the guy I used to know.” She said with her eyes starting to sting.
“You aren’t the girl I used to know.” Owch.

“You’re a fucking jackass!”
“You’re a fucking bitch!” Strike three.


By now Rian, Taylor, Molly, Kara, Zack, and Jack were standing in the hall as still as possible, listening to what was happening behind the closed door.

She bit her lip and looked down at the ground. A tear rolled off her cheek and hit the floor, silently shaking every wall in the house. Her eyes moved back up and shifted to Alex.

“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!” He said furiously and ran towards her. His hands cupped her face and he smashed their lips together with as much force as possible.
♠ ♠ ♠
and yes, alex does have real panic attacks.
and their relationship is on the rocks,
but with roxie make another appearance?
maybe. maybe not.

and thanks for the comments guys.
i know you guys care :]