Chemistry of a Car Crash

Why Does Love Always Feel Like A Battlefield?

Her hands went to push him back, but got lost half way and became tangled in his hand. She was still wearing that corset that he always found to be sexy on her.

He guided her over to the bed, keeping her occupied with his mouth. She was losing the battle that he had so obviously won.

His lips detached from hers and found their way to her collar bone, leaving slow kisses along her neck. She tried to keep her moans quiet, but they seemed to be escaping her lips. Her hands moved up to his shoulders, she used what energy she had left to push him off.

“Alex,” She shoving him, “Stop!”

Jack looked at Taylor , “Do we run in there now?”

“No,” She said and tip toed her way to the door, pressing her ear against it. Jack followed her lead and sat on the floor with his head against the door as well. Molly joined next, standing between Taylor and Jack, with Zack’s arms around her waist and his head on her shoulder trying to listen. Rian stood off to the side with Kara, waiting for any news.

He looked at her confused. He stopped at sat next to her. With a heavy sigh he opened his mouth but quickly closed it. She sat there and played with her fingers, avoiding his eyes.

“Maddie?” He spoke up after a while of silence. She looked at him with eyes full of tears.

“Come here,” He whispered and pulled her into his chest. She took a deep breath and realized that whatever they just fought over was stupid.

“It was a dream,” he explained quietly, “I don’t talk in my sleep.”

“You just did.”
“Okay, I don’t talk in my sleep every night,” he corrected and gave a small smile down at her. She looked up and returned it.

“Do you want to know what it was about?” She nodded silently.

“You and me were having a party on the back of the bus with Jack and Matt, “He looked down to make sure she was still alright, “And then Roxie showed up and started shit with me again. I told her to get the fuck away, but she kept pushing. So then I dragged her to the back of the bus outside and I was gonna kick her ass.”

“Really?” She said with slightly wide eyes.
“Do you still love me after I called you a fucking jackass?”
“Do you still love me after I called you a fucking bitch?”

“Yeah,” She smiled.
“Me too.”

She kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Make up now?” He said with a devilish grin.
“Hold that thought,” She said and sat up straight, taking in a deep breath, “You can move away from the door now!”

“BITCH!” Taylor shouted and Maddie giggled.

“How’d you know they were there?” Alex asked surprised.
“When you live with Taylor , you just know,” She said and leaned back to slip her lips on his once more.