Chemistry of a Car Crash

We'll Start The Clock Together

“How about this one?” Jack said pointing at the necklace through the glass case.

“She wouldn’t wear that,” Alex said and kept on walking with his eyes glued to the cases.

“Can I help you guys with something?” A sales woman said stepping up the counter where the two clueless boys were standing.

“Actually yeah,” Alex said flashing a charming smile towards her, “You can.”

“Well what can I help you with?” She said straightening out the bottom of her jacket.
“He’s in the dog house and needs to get out,” Alex said pointing over to Jack, who seemed to be mesmerized by the shiny gems. Alex just shook his head and focused back on the girl, “And I need a present for my girlfriend.”

The sales woman’s face fell when he mentioned girlfriend, “Alright well then let me show you a few things”

Jack followed Alex and the sales woman over to a private collection in its very own glass case. There were rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, almost anything a girl could want.

“Maybe you should get her that,” Alex said pointing to the case. Jack shot him a look and Alex shut up.

“Now are you looking for something to just ease her over, or win her back?” The woman asked Jack.

“I told her I didn’t want to marry her and she took it as I only wanted to sleep with her,” He explained almost miserably.

“Owch,” The woman said, “That must’ve hurt.”
“She screamed at me then left to go to his girlfriend’s hotel room,” He said pointing at Alex.

“Do you love her?” The woman asked.
“Y-Yeah,” Jack stuttered. He never stuttered like that before.
“Then I’ve got the perfect thing,” She said and walked away returning with a necklace.

“It’s one of a kind. Only two hundred of these were made,” She said handing the necklace over to Jack.

“It’s perfect,” Jack said with a huge grin on his face. The woman wrapped it up and put it in a bag for him.

“Your turn,” She said with a warm smile on her face.
“I kinda want to get something that matches this,” He said pulling the key off from around his neck.

“Hold on,” She said and walked away once more.

“Awesome,” He said holding the key in his hands. She did the same and wrapped the necklace for Alex.

“Thank you so so much,” Jack said just before they had left.
“You’re welcome, and good luck with both of your girls!”


“You know what he told me?” Taylor sniffed.
“What?” Maddie said with her arms around her and her head resting on his around.

“He told me he didn’t want to marry me.”
“Tay,” Maddie sighed, “You know Jack doesn’t want to get married.”

“I’m twenty-two Maddie! I should be finding something serious by now!” Taylor said turning her head towards her best friend.

“And I’m twenty but I don’t see myself settling down with Alex any time soon,” Maddie pointed out.

“That’s you Mads. You already have the perfect guy in your life. I’m still looking,” Taylor said sadly.

“Tay,” She sighed but was interrupted by a knock on her door. Maddie slid out from behind Taylor and walked over to the door, cracking it open slightly.


He looked down at the ground, then back up at her with sadness in his eyes.

“Come on,” She said opening the door wider and motioning for him to come in. Taylor looked up from her spot on the bed and almost burned holes through the poor boy’s body.

“I’ll let you two talk,” Maddie said and walked into the bathroom to wait it out.

“Taylor,” He said sitting down on the bed. She remained silent.
“Come on babe, you have to talk,” he cooed, trying to brush his hand against hers. She pulled her hand away and folded her arms over her chest.

“Okay,” He mumbled and stared down at the ground.

Moments of silence passed before Taylor opened her mouth.

“After this, I refuse to speak to you again,” She said quickly, yet Jack’s eyes still lit up when he heard he voice.

She took in a deep breath, “I need to be finding someone who wants to stick it out with me for the rest of my life Jack, and if you’re just looking for a quick fuck, then you’re looking in the wrong place for it. There’s a bar down the street. I’m sure you could pay some hooker for the night.”

“If I wanted to sleep with a hooker, then would I get you this?” He questioned, putting the bag on the bed in front of her.

“You can’t buy me with money,” She hesitated.
“But I can show you how much I love you.”

She smiled at his cheesy statement before opening the bag and awing at his gift.

“I love it Jack,” He said throwing her arms around him and hugging him as a peace offering.

Maddie smiled to herself until she felt a famillar feeling in her pocket.

One New Text: ALEXXXXX!!

r they bak together yet?

She laughed at how he couldn’t spell a three letter word, but he could spell ‘together’.

yes. :]
♠ ♠ ♠
holy shit. 101 subscribers
thank you guys so so much.
and for those of you hardcore readers who read through this whole thing
in one day.
*cough cough* ohhaielise *cough cough*
thanks :]

ya'll make my day, it's not even funny.