Chemistry of a Car Crash

***ed Up Life

The two of them were seated inside a quiet Italian restaurant. Good thing Alex was paying attention to Maddie at one point in her life, because he remembered her undying love for Italian food.

“Maddie,” Alex spoke up after the waitress had left to go put in their orders.

Her eyes met his, “Yes?”

“I love you,” He said with a smile.
“I love you too,” She giggled and picked up her glass of wine, “I’m so glad I have a boyfriend who’s of legal age of drinking.”

He gave her a cautious look and took a sip from his glass as well.

“What if I wasn’t older than you?”
“We’d both be fucked then.”
“Nice words,” Alex commented.
“Only for you,” She said tapping her fingers on the glass in her hand.

He took his hands off the table and wiped them on his pants. Never before had his hands gotten sweaty before, or had his heart ever raced as fast as it was right now.

“Alex, are you okay?” Maddie asked noticing he was a little sick looking.

“Yeah,” He said looking back up at her. She was beautiful.

“You don’t look so good,” She said with concern in her voice.
“I just have a lot to say.”

“Well I guess I should start from the beginning then,” he chuckled, trying to ease his way in.

“I know we’ve had our fights and we’ve had our pointless arguments, but I’m not letting that get between us,” He took her hands and held them above the table, “You are perfect in so many ways Madeline and you never fail to amaze me. My mother always warned me about the other girls, but she always told me that you were what I needed. You have a smile that can light up the room and you have the bluest eyes I have ever seen. You are truly the most amazing person I have ever met. You know me better than anyone else ever will, and I’m alright with that.”

She could tell he was choking on his words. He took a breath and began again, “I love you with everything I have and I’m willing to give up so much for you. You understand the life of touring and you like our music. You are my everything Madeline.”

She could feel tears building up behind her eyes. He was the most adorably kid on the planet right now. And the best part was, he was all hers. At one point though, she thought he was going to get down on one knee and propose to her.

“So,” He said shifting his weight around in his seat, but still holding her hands above the table, “I want you to stay with me on this fucked up journey of mine. So will you?”

“Alexander William Gaskarth,” She said with a few tears freely flowing down her cheeks, “I wouldn’t have a second doubt about it. Yes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
so i felt like i needed to awh a few people.
and i needed to put msyelf in a better mood.
can you say cheesy much?