Chemistry of a Car Crash

All The Small Things

“Thank you for taking me out tonight,” She said as the elevator doors shut.
“Happy Birthday,” He whispered, leaning over towards her. A smile spread across her lips.

He was just about to kiss her when the doors opened to their floor. She tried not to laugh out loud, but she couldn’t keep in it. He grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together as they walked down the hall to their room.

He swiped their key through the door and let her walk in first. She slipped her heels off and threw them by her bags. She took her hair out of its messy bun and let it fall over her shoulders. When Alex turned around he was breathless.

She stood there in front of the bed with a smile on her face and sparkles in her eyes. No one could resist her.

“Help me?” She asked, motioning to the zipper on the back of her dress. He nodded and unzipped it for her, letting the straps fall over her shoulders. She quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, crawling in to bed and reaching for the remote.

Alex changed just as fast, lying down next to her. Her head rested on his chest and his arms held on to her shoulders. She flipped through the channels trying to settle on something to watch. It was only nine thirty and both of them were still wide awake.

After going through the channels three times, Maddie settled on CMT’s Top Twenty Countdown.

“You are so country,” Alex chuckled.
“And you love me for it,” She said looking up at him.
“If I didn’t have you, I wouldn’t be singing Taylor Swift in the car.”
“You probably would since Jack is in love with her.”
“That’s a cover up. We all know he’s gay.”
“So is Trace Cyrus.”
“Trace Cyrus is Megan Fox.”
“Touché,” Maddie smiled.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers quickly.

“This is the best birthday I’ve had in a while.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Do you think my parents will like you?”
“Parents?” Alex said looking like a deer in headlights.

“We’re in New York,” She reminded.
“I thought your parents didn’t want you.”
“They did until I was eighteen and gave me enough money for a house before they kicked me out of theirs and moved up here.”

“They already know me though.”
“Not as my boyfriend,” She smirked.
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brownies. that's all i have to say :D
oh an i'm addicted to the song You Belogn With Me.
it makes me happy