Chemistry of a Car Crash

Meet The Parents

“Where are you going?” Taylor asked walking in to Maddie’s hotel room.
“Out,” Maddie said putting the finishing touches on her makeup.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Alex asked for the fifth time.

“They never said I couldn’t visit,” Maddie said turning around from the mirror.
“Alright then, let’s go.”


“Hi Mom,” Maddie greeted with a over enthusiastic wave.
“You haven’t changed,” She laughed and let them inside.
“It’s nice to see you again Alex,” She said and shut the door.
“Nice to see you again Mrs. Asher.”

“George! Your daughter is here!” Her mom shouted into the other room, “Why don’t you two have a seat and I’ll be right back.”

Maddie nodded and walked over to the couch with Alex.

“So far so good,” He whispered in her ear and took her hand.

“Where’s Andrea?” Maddie asked when her mom came into the room and sat on the opposite couch, leaving a spot for her dad.

“Upstairs in her room playing that awful music again.”
“It’s not awful music mom!” Maddie complained.
“You are your sister are so much alike.”
“Except she’s sixteen and I’m twenty.”

“Dad said to---“ Andrea stood on the steps speechless, “Holy shit!”

“ANDREA!” Her mother scolded.

“Y-You’re A-Alex Gaskarth!” She stuttered as she pointed to the kid on the couch next to Maddie.

“Hello,” He smiled. Poor girl almost fainted.

“Well come join us sweetie,” Her mom said motioning for her to come over. Slowly Andrea made her way over, keeping her eyes locked on Alex the whole time.

“So what brings you here?” Mrs. Asher asked.
“We were just up here for my birthday,” Maddie smiled weakly. It was hard not to laugh at Andrea. After all she was acting like a total fan girl right now and that just made Maddie crack up.

“Alex!” Maddie’s dad said as he walked over to his wife.
“Hello Mr. Asher.”
“What brings you two to this neck of the woods?”
“My birthday!” Maddie grinned.

“How did you kidnap him?” Andrea asked out of the blue. Mrs. Asher slapped her on the arm letting a hiss escape past Andrea’s lips.

“It’s alright mom,” Maddie laughed, “I knocked him out, Taylor helped me carry him to the car, and we drove all the way up here so I could bring him to you.”

“I was kidnapped?” Alex asked turning to Maddie with a puzzled look on his face.

“Yeah you were,” She said with total seriousness.

“I love you Mads!” Andrea squealed.

Maddie just shook her head and focused back on her parents, “We actually have some news for you.”

“You aren’t pregnant are you!?”

Wonderful first words to come out of your mouth father.

“No,” Maddie said slowly, “But I do have a boyfriend.”

“Who!?” Andrea shouted, now seeming interested. A smile grew on Mrs. Asher’s lips. She knew exactly who it was.

“He’s in a band.”

“ANDREW GOLDSTIEN!?” Andrea shouted.
“I wish,” Maddie sighed.

“Ooh! Is it William Beckett!?” Maddie shook her head.
“Travis Clark?”
“Martin Johnson?” Andrea said with a final attempt.

Maddie squeezed Alex’s hand quickly, “His name’s Alex Gaskarth.”

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!” Andrea screamed.

“You’re lying!” Andrea accused.
“Why would I bring him here then?”
“Because you know how much I love All Time Low and you wanted to give me back stage passes and were going to let me hang out with all of them,” Andrea said confidently.

“Oh trust me honey, you wouldn’t last a minute with them,” Maddie laughed.
“Would too!”
“Would not!”
“Would too!”
“Would not!”
“Would too!”

“Girls! Stop!” Mr. Asher interrupted.

Evil glares were then exchanged.

“I’m very happy for you,” Mrs. Asher smiled.
“You’re a good kid Alex,” Mr. Asher added.

“So do your fans know?” Andrea asked Alex.
“Can I still go hang out with you?” Andrea begged Maddie.

“Unless you have a fake ID, no.”
“I lost mine too! Not fair!” Andrea whined.

“We’ll leave you guys to be,” Mrs. Asher said patting Mr. Asher’s leg and they both left.
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yeah this one's kinda long.
you guys deserved it :]