Chemistry of a Car Crash

Hello Buzznet!

“Ow. Jesus Christ,” Maddie groaned, waking up on the floor next to Kara on her left and Molly on her right. Taylor passed out on the bed above them.

Somehow, they had all managed to stumble their way into Taylor and Jack’s room and have an after party, after the party. Alcohol could be smelled in the air as soon as you walked in the door.

“I need Rian,” Kara mumbled and lazily threw her hand over her eyes to block out the sun.

“Molls,” Maddie said poking her in the face. All she got was a grunt.

“Go get the boys.”
“We’re right here,” Rian said walking in to the room with McDonalds and Starbucks.

“Oh I love you,” Maddie said making her way up off the floor, helping, or at least attempting to help Kara and Molly up as well.

“So what’s it like to be twenty one?” Kara asked as Maddie reached into the bag and pulled out a hash brown.

“Like any other day, except today I’m hung over.”

Kara let out a light chuckle.

“Where are the rest of them?” Molly asked noticing an absent Zack, Jack, and Alex.

“Dealing with Matt who’s currently yelling at them on the phone,” Rian said picking up an Egg McMuffin.

“What’d they do now?” Maddie groaned.
“You girls were so wasted by then, but last night they stood on top of the limo while it drove down the street. Zack was holding on to Alex and he didn’t make it up through the sun roof, but Jack did and he was a T-Rex in New York,” He explained trying to hold in his laughter, “That boy has some issues.”

“That boy was just as drunk as me,” Taylor said making her way over to the McDonalds bag.

“Yeah?” She said looking up from her hash brown.
“It’s your sister,” Zack said handing her the phone and walking over to Molly.

Maddie took her phone and pressed it to her shoulder, stepping out side into the hall before taking the call, “What Andi?”

“Why are you on youtube?” Andrea demanded.
“There’s a video of you from last night on youtube.”
“How do you know it’s from last night?” Maddie questioned.
“You were drunk as hell, and I’m sure you wouldn’t get drunk under aged.”
“How much is it going to cost me?” Maddie said letting out a frustrated sighed.

“Let me stay with you in Maryland for a week.”
“Don’t show mom.”
“I’ll call you when I get back to Maryland.”
“You better,” She said kind of threatening.
“I will!”
“Oh and by the way,” Andrea said spinning around in her desk chair, “Jack is online on top of a limo screaming like a dinosaur.”

“I just found out about that before you called,” Maddie laughed, but then quickly stopped.

“Well go take some drugs,” Andrea sighed, “And happy birthday sis.”
“Thanks,” Maddie smiled.
“See ya later.”
“Bye.” She said and hit the end button, shoving it in to her back pocket.

“What are you doing out here?” Jack asked, rubbing his eyes as he stepped out into the hall.

“Why were you on a limo last night?” Maddie demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Fuck,” He groaned.
“You’ve gots some splainen to do!” Maddie grinned. Jack just shook his head and walked past her.

“Morning,” Alex said emerging from the hotel room seconds later.
“Good morning.”
“Why are you out in the hall?” He asked stopping in front of her.
“Just woke up here, ya know!”
“Right,” He said slowly eyeing her, “You want to go get breakfast.”

“All I want right now is sleep and a couple advils.”
“That can be arranged,” He smiled and slung his arm over her shoulder, leading her back into their room.

Maddie fell on to the bed face first into the pillows. To say she was exhausted would be an understatement.

“Here,” Alex said holding out two pills and a bottle of water for her.
“Thanks,” She said popping the pills in her mouth and chasing them down with some water.

“So I take it you don’t want to do anything today?” He said crawling into the bed next to her.

She shook her head, “Not really.”

“Okay,” He said putting his arm around her shoulder and kissing the top of her head.

“Wanna watch a movie?”
“Nothing scary,” Maddie said and handed him the remote.

The only movie worth watching that wasn’t scary was Mall Cop.
♠ ♠ ♠
so sorry for not updating recently.
i just got back on monty this week
and we're working so hard to get him back into lessons.
he's such a sweetheart.
so yeah, enjoy this for now. i felt like i needed to write longer chapters anyway :]