Chemistry of a Car Crash

Being Alone Is Starting To Take Its Toll

After running around baggage claim for what seemed like forever, the girls got their stuff and crashed at Maddie’s house.

Maddie peaked up from underneath her blanket on the couch to make sure everyone was asleep. Taylor was passed out on the floor with Molly by her side. Kara looked comfy on the couch next to the coffee table.

With a swift movement, Maddie stumbled up off the couch and quickly made her way into the kitchen. She pulled her laptop out of the bag sitting on the chair and booted it up. She opened internet explorer and clicked on Stickam.

She was just editing her information when an invite showed up on her screen.

“Why aren’t you asleep?” He asked furrowing his eye brows.

“I dunno,” She shrugged, “Can’t.”
“Me neither,” He sighed, getting a bit more comfortable on his hotel bed.

Maddie’s head shot up when she heard someone moving in the other room.

“Are you going all super secret spy or something?” Alex laughed.
“Of course!” Maddie rolled her eyes, “They’re all asleep in the other room and I don’t wanna wake them.”

“You’re not upstairs?”
“No, we all just sorta crashed down here, or at least they all crashed down here.”
“You know you need to sleep a some point,” He reminded.
“I know, I know,” She sighed, “It’s just not the same.”

“Well what’d you do for those two years I wasn’t around?”
“Slept with a hoodie that looked like yours,” She admitted quietly.
“Well that doesn’t sound stalkerish,” He chuckled.
“Shut the fuck up!” She pouted.
“Well fine, then I won’t tell you your surprise!” He retorted.

“That got your attention,” He snickered. She flipped him off.

“Where’s your suitcase?”
“Right here.”
“Go open the front pocket of it,” he said and she got up to go look in it.

“There’s nothing in there,” She said confused.
“Fuck! Look inside of it then?” He asked more then he said. She gave out a heavy sigh before unzipping her suitcase again.

As promised, there was her ‘surprise’. His favorite red American Apparel hoodie was neatly folded inside. When she picked it up an envelope fell out of it and on to the ground. She gave a strange look to the envelope and put it on the table before slipping the hoodie over her shoulders.

“You look cute in my clothes,” He smiled.
“Thanks Alex.”
“I love you,” he cooed.
“I love you too,” She blushed.

“Where’d you get that?”

Maddie spun around in her chair startled, “Oh hi Kara.”

“Miss him already?” She smiled and took a seat next to her.

Kara laughed lightly, “Hi Alex.”

“Hi Kara.”
“Your clothes do look good on her.”
“What can I say! They always have looked good on her!”
“I haven’t worn anything of yours since …” Maddie trailed off.
“Since high school,” he reminded.
“Right,” She repeated, “Since high school.”

“No Jack, you cannot come over here!” Alex shouted over his computer. Yet, Jack still got a hold of it.

“Where’s Taylor?” He whined.
“She’s asleep like we should be,” Maddie explained.
“Well go wake her up!”
“You go ahead and wake her up, but it won’t be pretty,” She warned.
“Fine,” He pouted, “Have your lover boy back.”
“Thank you!”

Alex picked up his phone and quickly typed something out before putting it back down, “Rian says Hi Kara.”

“That’s nice,” She said and rested her elbow on the table, putting he chin on her hand.

“Go get some sleep Mads.”
“But I don’t wanna!”
“Go,” He said again.
“Fine,” She pouted, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Night.”
“Night,” She sighed and clicked out of the browser before shutting down her laptop.

“You really love him don’t you?” Kara asked.
“I fell for the boy way too early and look where it got me,” She said putting the laptop back into its bag before placing the bag on the floor next to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is compeltely pointless,
but i think Alex and Lisa should get married.
as well as Kara and Rian.
that would be really cute :]