Chemistry of a Car Crash

Burnin Down The House

“Madeline Annalise Asher!” Taylor said loudly.
“We’ll talk when I get home. See you in like ten minutes.”
“Oh Tay?”
“Don’t scream when you walk in the door, chances are Jack will be walking around in his underwear.”

“No promises,” Taylor smiled devilishly.
“Bye,” Taylor said and hung up the phone.

Maddie took a deep breath before getting out of bed and walking to her closet, picking out something to wear. She quietly made her way downstairs, hoping to cause no distractions.

“Jack you can’t do that!” Alex said as Maddie peaked around the corner.
“Why not?!” Jack pouted.
“Because those are Maddie’s.” He said pointing to the plate on the table.
“I thought you were making me breakfast!” jack whined.
“Dude, no. That’s why we put Rian in our band,” Alex joked, “If you want food go wake him up, or go find Maddie for me.”
“Alright,” Jack sighed defeated and went out to search for her. That didn’t take him long because he literally ran right into her, knocking her to the ground.

“Oh shit! Sorry Maddie!” He said hovering over her.
“It’s okay,” Maddie said rubbing the back of her head and squinting her eyes, “I think.”
“What the hell?” Alex said standing in the doorway in gym shorts and an apron, holding a pancake flipper in his hand.

“Jack knocked me to the ground,” Maddie explained as Jack helped her up.
“You told me to find her,” Jack said innocently, shrugging his shoulders.
“Good job,” Alex said walking back into the kitchen and grabbing a waffle for Jack.

“So you really made food?” Maddie asked, kind of surprised.
“What makes you think I can’t cook?” He said pulling out the chair for her.
“Well let’s see, the one time you tried to make toast, you burned it,” She smiled as he pushed her chair in, “Oh and then the time after that you believed that you were a master chef and decided to make your version of spaghetti and almost lit the house on fire because you let Jack watch the pasta.”

“I’ve learned from that,” He laughed, “And I always have 911 on speed dial.”
“Good boy,” Maddie said stabbing a piece of her waffle with her fork.

“Damn, this is good!”
“Told you,” He winked and started eating as well.

“I’ll take it,” Alex said getting up to take Maddie’s plate when they were both finished.
“I haven’t had that in so long,” Maddie grinned, “Thank you.”
“Anything for you babe,” He said and kissed her cheek.

“You should probably go put some real clothes on,” Maddie giggled.
“Taylor’s coming home.”
“Taylor lives here?” Alex asked confused.
“Yeah,” She sighed, “The guest bedroom is actually hers.”
“No wonder Jack was afraid of it this morning!”
“Why?” Maddie laughed.
“He said there was a box of tampons sitting on the bed,” Alex shrugged.
“Oh! Right!” Maddie laughed harder, “I forgot I put those there!”

“Taylor’s here!” Maddie said running for the front door. Taylor caught her, hugging her with her purse twisted around her arm.

“So first you kick me out, then you invite boys over?” Taylor said giving Maddie a disapproving look.
“Isn’t that what you used to do to me?” Maddie smirked.
“Whatever,” Taylor said rolling her eyes, “Speaking of boys, where are they?”

“Hopefully in the zoo,” Maddie giggled, “In cages with maximum security and huge signs.”
♠ ♠ ♠
rawr. im bored.
second update today.
alex gaskarth is amazing.
rian dawson smells good.
jack barakat has a blue iphone.
zack merrick is drop.dead.gorgeous.