Chemistry of a Car Crash

Don't Say You Love Me

“Why are you two not like half naked already?” Molly asked as Taylor and Jack climbed in the driver and passenger seats.

“I don’t know,” Maddie snapped, “Ask him.”

“What’d you do now Alex?” Molly sighed.
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not!” He said with wide eyes.

“Do you want Taylor?” Jack asked, looking in the rearview mirror. Maddie nodded.
“I’ll sit up in front,” Alex said and slid out of the van, allowing Taylor to climb in back with Maddie and Kara, Rian, Zack, and Molly to sit where he was.

The van started and they were on their way home.

“So what just happened?” Taylor asked in a hushed tone.
“He told me he loved me. Then the conversation turned and he was like ‘maybe we should take a break.’”
“WHAT!?” Taylor nearly screamed, causing Jack took look up at them and everyone else to turn their heads.

Maddie started to get a little uncomfortable and put her hands over one another.

“He broke up with you just right now?” Taylor said in disbelief.
“Let me finish,” Maddie said quietly.

“I begged and pleaded with him not to, but he’s just a stubborn asshole and won’t listen.”

Taylor nodded her head in agreement.

“So we decided on a compromise.”
“A compromise?” Taylor repeated.

A smile grew on Maddie’s face and she picked her hand up from her lap. A new accessory was proudly displayed on her ring finger.

“HOLY SHIT!” Taylor shrieked, once again, causing everyone’s heads to turn.

As soon as Alex heard Taylor scream a slight smile broke out on his face.

“Nice job man,” Jack said lightly nudging Alex’s shoulder with his fist.


“It’s so pretty!” Kara said sweetly while throwing her hair up in a messy ponytail.

“So,” Molly said falling down on to the pile of pillows in the living room, “Are you two like engaged now?”

“We’re technically not engaged Molls,” Maddie clarified.
“Yeah,” She scoffed, “And I don’t love Zack.”
“It’s not an engagement ring,” Maddie said giving her a look that could kill.

“Well I wanna hear all about it,” Taylor said dragging Maddie down with her.

“Alright, alright,” She said giving in, “So it started back in high school, when I began to think that boys were getting cute. And well, he stood out in the crowd. But he always had a different girl on his arm, which I hated so much. We went out for a week and it was just awkward. We graduated and he never spoke to me again.”

“Until…” Taylor butted in.
“Until that show I brought you to,” Maddie said and Taylor smiled, “And the other show I went to.”

“My baby girl’s in love,” She grinned.
“Love doesn’t even begin to describe it,” Maddie sighed.

“But anyways, it just kinda picked up from there. It was like a new start, something we could try again and see if it worked this time,” She laughed to herself, “Thank god it did, otherwise I don’t know where I’d be right now!”

“Married to me!”
“Shut up Tay.”

“I just wanna hear about the ring,” Kara said.
“Good, because I don’t really want to go into detail about this,” Maddie laughed nervously.
“That’s fine.”

“So what’d he say to you?” Molly asked seeming interested.

“But,” He sighed, “I know neither of us has really talked about it,” He said reaching in to his pocket. She caught a glimpse of the band and instantly had to try to fight back the tears.

“I want to show you that I’m in this for the long run,” He held her hands and got down on one knee. Tears started welting up behind her eyes as she used all her strength to fight them back.

“I’m promising you that I will buy you that white dress and we’ll have a big wedding some day, because I know that you are the girl I want to be in my life forever,” He said with his eyes looking up at her before taking in a deep breath, “So will you accept this ring as my promise to you?”

She nodded her head up and down as he slipped the band over her finger. He got up off the ground and she threw her arms around his neck, crying into his chest. He lifted up her chin and left a soft kiss on her lips.

“I love you,” He whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
rather long, don't ya think?
going to the beach today.
next update around tuesday-ish if i'm not busy.