Chemistry of a Car Crash

My Friends Are A Different Breed

“So when’s the wedding?” Jack teased.
“There is no wedding yet,” Alex said pressing the keys on his phone.
“I saw that ring!”
“It’s not an engagement ring.”
“Well when you give a girl a ring, it’s usually because you’re getting married.”
“It’s a promise I made to her.”
“If it’s to not have sex till marriage, you already broke that.”
“You are such a dick,” Alex sneered, narrowing his eyes at Jack.
“Well who doesn’t want this?” He said gesturing towards his body.

Jack’s face fell.

“That hurt me right here man,” He said clutching his heart with his hands.

“Why we’re friends, I will never know,” He said focusing his attention back on his phone.

“Who ya textin?” Jack sang over his shoulder.
“Who’s Andrea?”
“Maddie’s sister.”
“The one that was like this big?” Jack asked holding his hand a few feet off the ground.

“That would be her,” Alex smiled.
“DRE!” Jack squealed, “We were like best friends back in the day!”
“I know,” Alex chuckled, “And I told her she could stay at my house for the week since Maddie promised her she could come here.”

“Does she know who you are?”

Alex cringed, “Yeah.”

“Did she scream?” He asked raising his eyebrows.
“A little yeah.”
“Did she beg for more?”
“Shut the fuck up! I have a future fiancé!” Alex reminded.

“But you’re talking to her sister!” He whined.
“And you have a girlfriend.”

Jack just flipped him off and fell on to the couch next to him.

“So when’s she coming up here?” jack asked reaching for the remote and flipping through the channels.

“Well,” He paused, “We have a few shows around here in two weeks, so I figured she could come up here then and we can get Maddie to sing with me.”

“Maddie doesn’t sing.”
“Oh yes she does!” Alex grinned, “She sounds like Juliet mixed with Hayley Williams and a little bit of that country voice in her.”

“And what’s you’re great plan to get her on stage?” Jack inquired.
“I haven’t gotten that far yet.”
♠ ♠ ♠
so miss andrea will make another appearence shortly. :D
but right now, updates will be slow, i need to study for my drivers ed test.
and i want a bagel :]