Chemistry of a Car Crash

Running From Lions

“Where are we going?” Maddie asked as Taylor and Andrea squished beside her in Molly’s car.
“You’ll see,” Tara grinned and Molly pulled away down the street.
“You know I don’t like when you kidnap me,” Maddie reminded.
“It’s technically not kidnapping,” Andrea smiled, “You were gonna end up going anyway.”

“So then the need to kidnap me was because why?”
“Dunno,” Andrea shrugged, “Because it was more fun.”

“Tara,” Maddie spoke up and she turned around in the passenger’s seat, “Remind me to take my sister to the nearest mental institution whenever we get back.”


“Hey Maddie?” Andrea sang, propping her elbows up on the back of the couch.
“Can we do your makeup?” She asked with the cutest eyes she could make.
“Oh but come on!” She whined.
“No,” Maddie said getting up off the couch.

“I knew she wouldn’t make this easy,” Andrea muttered, “Tara grab the brush!”

Before Maddie knew it, Andrea and Tara were chasing her around the dressing room claiming they wanted to do her make up. Maddie ran through the door and out to the backstage area.

“You go that way, I’ll go this way,” Tara shouted and took off in one direction while Andrea went the other.

Maddie ran as fast as she could, trying not to get in the way, but still trying to run from her sister’s make up skills. Last time she gave in to her sister’s wishes she ended up looking like a scary version of Barbie.

Then the bright lights hit her.

She had just run on stage.

During All Time Low’s set.

“Told you I would get you on stage,” Alex smirked as he stood beside her.
“You little…”
“How many of you would like to hear Maddie’s amazing voice?” He asked and the room broke out in screams.

“I’m not singing,” She said shyly and tried to back away, but Jack kept her from doing so.
“Well,” Alex grinned, “You can either sing. Or you can take it down with us.”

“Ya’ll have scrawny asses,” She laughed, “And I know Zack wouldn’t hurt me. So I say my chances are pretty good here.”

“And the thousand kids in the room right now.”

She gulped, “Fuck.”

“Right. So sing with me, please?” He said taking her hand in his while the guitar hung over her shoulder.

Her eyes wandered to the crowd. They began the chant the word sing.

But really, what other choice did she have? Andrea and Tara were still probably waiting with the blush brushes on the sides of the stage.

“Alright,” She sighed, “Let’s do this shit.”

Her voice harmonized perfectly with his as they sang Running From Lions.

“Give it up for my wonderfully amazing girlfriend Madeline!”

The crowd screamed.

He took a step towards her and pushed his guitar to her back, wrapping his arms around her torso and giving her a huge hug.

“You kicked ass,” he whispered into her ear, making her blush a little but no one could tell because of the heat in the room. He pecked her cheek and she dashed off stage.

“That was fucking amazing,” Tara stated handing Maddie a bottle of water.
“Thanks,” She said sheepishly, heading back to the dressing room.
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my sister get's a mention because she gave me the idea for the makeup scene.
going to the beach with meggy moo and my sister.
enjoy loves.

oh yeah, and check this out.
Come Back Down