Chemistry of a Car Crash

Practice Makes Perfect

“HOLA!” Jack screamed, bursting through the door with Taylor on his back.

“We’re gonna par-tay!” Andrea and Tara sang, following behind.

“Maddie!” Taylor squealed, jumping on to the couch next to her, “You’re gonna come party with us, right?”

“I don’t know Tay.”
“But come on! We just played a hometown show and you kicked ass,” She said emphasizing the ‘you’ part.

“I know, I know,” She sighed, “It’s just singing takes a lot out of me.”
“It was the nerves, wasn’t it?”
“Y-Yeah,” She nodded.
“Well come on! You did great! Now it’s time to celebrate!” She said pulling on her arm and picking her up off the couch.

“To the van!” Tara directed and her and Andrea took off running for it with Jack close behind.

“Losers,” Maddie muttered and both her and Taylor laughed.


“So I’d like to make a toast,” Alex said holding up his beer bottle in the air. Everyone hushed up.

“To Maddie, because she blew my mind tonight and was fucking awesome!”
“And she doesn’t blow your mind every time you’re alone in the house?” Jack snickered.
“You do that Jacky poo,” Alex grinned.
“I knew you loved me more!” He clapped.
“Right,” Alex said and turned his attention back to his toast, “So here’s to you Maddie!”

Everyone in the room lifted their beers and took a sip.
This was going to be a long night.

“Those better be the virgin margaritas,” Maddie said eyeing Andrea and Tara cautiously as they poured some more drinks into their cups, “I don’t want my baby sisters getting wasted.”

“Oh shut the fuck up,” Andrea scoffed, “It’s not like you didn’t get drunk when you were sixteen.”
“What mommy and daddy don’t know won’t kill them,” She smirked and walked away.

Currently All Time Low and their girlfriend’s were in the living room dancing. Boys Like Girls was going to be there any minute and Alex said he had a surprise for Maddie later on.

“Martin!” Maddie shouted, giving him a hug.
“Hey! I heard how good you were on stage tonight!”
“Thanks,” She blushed.

“You’re surprise has arrived sweetheart,” Alex whispered in her ear before leading her into the living room again.

“Holy shit!”
“Hey Maddie!”
“Alex, I love you!” She smiled, spinning around and placing a kiss on his lips.

“Well let me start off by saying that we are Cute Is What We Aim For and Alex is one hell of a dude for doing this for his girl. Although, we’d never turn down a party for Maddie. She’s one of our best friends!” Shaant said picking up his acoustic guitar ,”This one’s called Practice Makes Perfect.”

“MADS!” Andrea shouted, “I’m soooo happy you’re my sister!”
“Cute and Boys like girls are in your house. You’re a lucky bitch.”
“You and Tara can crash in the basement later, be good with the boys.”
“Oh we will,” Andrea smirked before walking off again.

Alex snaked his arms around her waist as she swayed to the beat of the music.

This was going to be one hell of a night.
♠ ♠ ♠
and yeah, click this.