Chemistry of a Car Crash

Twenty Questions

“Why won’t you come on tour with us?” He pouted, taking the two bowls and bringing them over to the table.

“We’ve gone over this Alex,” She sighed, “I just don’t want to go this time.”

“You don’t want to come party on a bus with me for six weeks?” He asked sounding offended. Can you say Drama Queen?

“No, I don’t,” She said and looked down at her food that suddenly didn’t look that good anymore.

“Is there something I did wrong?”
“No!” She snapped, “You didn’t do anything!”
“You sure?”
“Yes Alex,” She said with a crooked smile, “I’m sure.”

“I have another question for you,” He began but shoved a spoonful of mac and cheese in his mouth before he could say anymore.

“What is this twenty questions?” She laughed.
“Maybe,” He shrugged, “But I really do have a question for you.”

“My mom has this formal thing for her work and she asked if we wanted to go.”
“Of course!”
“I can finally wear that dress I’ve been dying to wear,” She grinned.
“Awesome, well I’ll call her then,” he said taking their bowls and putting them in the sink.

Maddie ran upstairs and threw open her closet doors.

“TAYLOR!” She screamed.
“What?” Taylor said standing in the doorway.
“I need your help,” Maddie said reaching in to her closet for her dress, “Tell me if I look good in this or not,” She ordered, slipping the dress on.

Taylor’s jaw dropped.

“Okay that’s not the reaction I was going for,” Maddie chuckled nervously.

“Where has that been hiding your whole life!?” Taylor blurted out.
“It was an impulse buy!” Maddie defended.
“It looks amazing on you Mads!”
“It’s not too sexy?” She asked checking in the mirror.
“No! It looks beautiful!”
“I’m glad I bought it then,” She smiled.

“Where are you going in that?” Taylor asked.
“To Alex’s mom’s dinner.”
“Oh well have fun,” She said and walked away.

“Damn,” Alex gawked, stopping dead in his tracks, “I have a hot girlfriend.”

“You are such a loser,” She said shaking her head and heading for the bathroom to do her makeup.


“Alex!” Mrs. Gaskarth greeted as soon as they had made their way in to the banquet hall.
“Hi mom!” He said with an over enthusiastic wave.
“Oh hello Maddie!” She said giving her a hug.
“It’s nice to see you again Mrs. Gaskarth.”

“I’m so glad you two could make it,” Mrs. Gaskarth said holding her champagne glass in her hand, “I almost thought I’d have to call those friends of yours.”

“Who?” Alex questioned.
“That one band you toured with once and they stayed at our house for a week after it ended.”
“Boys like Girls?”
“That must be them,” Mrs. Gaskarth said lightly touching his hand, “Well I’ve got some more people to meet. You’re welcome to anything here!”

“Thanks!” Maddie called out as she walked away.

Alex slung an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

“You still look fucking sexy in that dress,” he whispered making her change shades on her face.

“And I still have a very hot girlfriend,” He grinned before pecking her cheek.

“Is that Martin?” Maddie asked, squinting her eyes in his direction, “Oh my god it is!”
“I bet you anything his father made him come here tonight,” Alex chuckled.
“Probably,” Maddie laughed and headed in his direction.
♠ ♠ ♠
so the new rules on here are that we can't have links in chapters, which i find to be comeplete bull shit, but hey, that's just me.
so i'm going to be posting the outfits i use down here if that's alright with you :]

Maddie's dress

oh and do me a favor and check this out.
Finding Me Out


so my laptop is in and getting fixed. i'm on the desktop, but i don't like to write on it.
i updated because i couldn't leave you hanging any longer. i felt bad. but there probably won't be another update until i get my laptop back. it's just easier for me to write.

and thank andrea for making me wanna write.
here's your super awesome and long update!

i'll just shut up now.