Chemistry of a Car Crash

Hate To See You Go

“I hate this part,” Taylor muttered to herself while dragging her suitcase on the floor in the hall way.

Maddie laughed and set her book down, getting off her bed to go help her friend.

“Thanks,” Taylor said almost out of breath.
“Do you have anything valuable in there?” Maddie asked.
“Alright then,” Maddie grinned and pushed the heavy suitcase down the stairs.

“HOLY SHIT!” Molly shrieked from the bottom of the stairs.
“Sorry!” Maddie called out and chased the flying luggage.

“Next time warn me before you throw all your clothes down here,” Molly said turning the suitcase on its side.

“So you ready for tour?” Molly asked, straightening herself out.
Taylor bounced up and down on the floor, “Mhmm!”
“We need some good pranks this time, we’re only got a few weeks,” Molly said heading over to the couch and sitting down on it with Maddie and Taylor soon following.

“I still don’t see why you won’t come with,” Taylor pouted, ”It’s not gonna be the same without you.”

“I know,” Maddie sighed, “I just can’t go this time.”

“Why not?” Taylor asked with a puzzled look, “It’s not like you have a job or school or anything!”

“Yeah, but I do have a mental health to worry about.”
“What the hell does that have to do with anything?!”
“I don’t need to see you and Jack naked again,” Maddie stated, shooting her a look.

“You really should come,” Molly tried one last time.
“I’ve made up my mind guys, I’m not going.”
“Whatever,” Both of the girls huffed.

“WE’RE HERE!!” Jack shouted, throwing the front door open. Zack and Rian both shook their heads and went to grab the girl’s stuff. Alex came in a few seconds later looking like a sad puppy.

“Uhm we’ll just go outside or something,” Taylor said quickly, “Come on Molls.”

“I hate this part,” Maddie mumbled, getting up off the couch and standing in front of Alex.

“This is your last chance to come with us,” He said with once last bit of hope.
“You know I want to, but I just can’t.”
“I still don’t see why not.”
“I’ll go next time, I promise.”
“Promise?” he asked wrapping his arms around her small waist.
“Promise,” She repeated and put her arms around his neck.

“Six weeks is going to be a long time,” He said disappointedly.
“Yeah it is,” She sighed.
“I love you Madeline.”
“I love you too Alexander.”

“Do I get a really long goodbye kiss now?” He asked eagerly.
“Mhmm,” She nodded.”
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guess what guys, i'm back!
and with a brand new laptop! :D