Status: This won't be updated as much because of school.

What's Your Story?


It took Conner two weeks to make all of the necessary arrangements for the trip. During that time Kylie edited Loraine’s story and two others that were written weeks before.

The trip was to take three months, going down the east coast. They would miss Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Kylie didn’t mind much about missing the holidays, they weren’t exactly her thing.

On the day Kylie agreed to go Conner updated the book’s website and after bugging Kylie she updated her Myspace. The updates were to set up appointments to hear stories. Kylie was hoping for a lot of surprise stories though, appointed ones weren’t that fun.

Then came the packing. Conner had made two lists, one for himself and one for Kylie, which had everything he guessed they would need. The only problem was that Conner didn’t specify half of the things on Kylie’s list. He was good with shirts, six teens, three long sleeved, a sweatshirt, and two dress shirts, and pants, four pairs of jeans, two pairs of dress pants, one pair of sweats, and pajamas. After that he went downhill.

“Conner,” Kylie said after reading over the list. They were in his apartment and she lounged on the couch.

“Yep?” He pulled his head out of the fridge.

“I’m sorry but this is a crap list.”

“What’re you talking about?”

“You didn’t put down underwear, bras, socks. For shoes it just says ‘sneakers and whatever else you wear’. Then extras. ‘Hair and bathroom crap’, that’s not very specific.”
“I did my best!” he replied indignantly.

“I know,” she sighed. “I’ll have to start shopping tomorrow if we’re leaving on Sunday. Do you want to come?”

“Probably. You know what else we need to figure out?”

“How much money to save for food?”

“Well yes, but besides that.”


“What music we’re bringing.”

“We’ll have our iPods.”

“but what about CDs?”

“Like I said, we have our iPods,” Kylie repeated slowly.

Conner frowned and crossed his arms. “But CDs are so much fun.”

“Conner, we need space in the van to rest and keep all of our stuff in, we don’t need to waste room with things we don’t need. Do you have all your CDs on your iPod?”

“Yeah,” he grumbled.

“Then you’re good. I’m going home. I’ll be here tomorrow morning at ten thirty, wear good walking shoes and comfy clothes. Night.”


Kylie got up and walked over to the door. She put on her coat and left the warm apartment. Outside she debated on whether to walk home which would take almost an hour or waste the money on the cab ride when she would be shopping the next day. It wasn’t freezing out and stores were beginning to get ready for Christmas so she decided on walking.

The wind blew against her back and her coat flew around he legs. She was beginning to regret her decision to walk but then she thought about how little she’d walked lately and all of the fatty foods she ate during editing. That kept her going.

Kylie was self-conscious about her body because of how she was treated in middle and high school. Because of that she walked whenever possible and tried to eat healthy food but because of the stress she’d been under lately she’d begun to eat more and walk less. She complained to Conner but all he did was shake his head and mutter under his breath.

Pushing away the thoughts of her body, Kylie looked around at the stores. Most had holiday decorations or Black Friday Sale signs in the windows. Maybe she could find some Black Friday stories, there had to be some good ones out there.

She was lost in wistful thoughts of great stories when she ran into someone. They caught Kylie by the elbow before she could fall backward into anyone else.

“I’m so sorry!” She squeaked out, staring at the man.

“No problem, unless you were aiming for me,” he joked.

Kylie continued to stare at him, he looked familiar but she couldn’t remember where he was from.

“Question,” she said suddenly. “Did I interview you once?”


“I write What’s Your Story? and you look really familiar. Did I interview you or a family member?”

“No…but I think you did talk with my friend Lor?”

“Lor,” Kylie said the name then it clicked. “Oh! Loraine!”

“Yeah, I was the server Mike. You’re Kylie right?”

“That’s me, hi.” They shook hands and stood on the sidewalk awkwardly.

“So how’s that book of yours doing?”

“It’s good, we ran out of stories here so my friend and I are going down the east coast for a few months.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Not really. I know we’re going to get into a few fights and I’ll have to stop myself from pushing him out of a moving car.”

“Then why are you going?”

“Conner really wants to go and he guilted me into it.”

“Hm…” Mike said thoughtfully, looking at the woman in front of him.


“You don’t seem like the kind of person to get guilted into something.”

“I’m usually not but he said that the stories would make the book better and that book is my baby, I’d do anything to make it the best.” Kylie’s phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out and got the reminder that Bones would be on in a half hour. “Shit,” she cursed, stuffing her phone away. “Sorry, I have to get home like this instant. It was nice talking to you!”

“Uh, you too. If you ever feel like it stop by the pizza place.”

“Will do, bye!”

Kylie turned around and was gone before Mike could wave. The man stared after Kylie as she wove her way through the crowded city streets.

Kylie ran as fast as she could, checking her phone constantly as the minuets ticked down. With barely three minutes to go, her apartment came into view. She ran, practically shoving others aside in her desperation to get inside.

When she reached her apartment she turned on the TV, leaving her front door open. The show had started but she’d only missed a minute or two, they hadn’t found the body yet. With a sigh of relief, Kylie sat on the couch and watched as the mutilated body was found. The theme song came on and a high voice called form the still open front door.

“I saw you almost kill people out there,” the woman giggled, stepping into the room.

“They were in my way,” Kylie replied, pulling her eyes away from the TV. “What’re you doing here, Amber?”

“I just thought I’d see how you are and how your plans for the trip are going,” she said innocently.

Amber shut the front door and walked over to sit next to Kylie. Amber had been Kylie’s neighbor for three years. The girl was a year younger than Kylie but look so much younger, the strip of neon pink in her hair and her wacky outfits didn’t help. Kylie didn’t hate the girl but was often annoyed by her.

“Why do you care?”

“Because we’re friends.”

Kylie sighed, the girl was so delusional. “The plans are fine, I guess. Conner and I are going shopping tomorrow to find…” Kylie trailed off when Amber’s eyes lit up and she began to smile. Before she could say anything the commercial ended and Kylie held up a hand to Amber.

Amber, thankfully for her, got the hint to not talk anymore. Kylie sat on the couch and stared at the TV, the show holding her full attention. Her phone, which sat on the cluttered coffee table, vibrated four times through the first part of the show to signal text messages but Kylie ignored it.

The commercial came on after about ten minutes and Kylie leaned back, relaxing finally. Amber waited a moment before her mouth to speak.

“So…” she paused until Kylie looked over. She didn’t look angry so Amber went on. “Shopping tomorrow?”

“Yes, for the trip. I’m dragging Conner around and forcing him to buy things, he’s so useless sometimes.”

“It sounds like fun.”

“Not really,” her voice was becoming distant as the commercial break came closer to finishing.

“Can I come?” Amber squeaked out right before the show started again.

Kylie glared but she couldn’t answer. Instead she turned back to the show and watched in steely silence. Amber got up and left before the next break and Kylie couldn’t pull herself away from the TV.

Shopping with Amber and Conner? she thought. That’s a nightmare waiting to happen.

It was so obvious that Amber had a crush on Conner. Whenever he visited Amber would invite herself over and hang around until he left. It annoyed Kylie. It’s not like she had a crush on Conner but she hated being used. The only reason Amber put up with Kylie’s sarcasm and bitchiness was because she didn’t want to loose the easiest contact with Conner.

Bones finished and Kylie pulled herself off of the couch and over to the door. She bolted the locks and rechecked everything. After everything was secured Kylie went to her bedroom to change into pajamas. It was only nine but she was so tired. Carrying an old Harry Potter comforter, which she’s had since she lived at home, to the living room she set up a bed on the couch. She preferred the couch that smelled like her grandparents’ house to her bed. That mixed with the blanket gave Kylie a sense of security that was always able to calm her.