Attention! Attention!

Six Pt. Two - My Affliction

Main Entry: af·flic·tion Pronunciation: uh-flick-shon
Function: noun
1 : the state of being afflicted
2 : the cause of persistent pain or distress
3 : great suffering

Brendon's P.O.v.
I starred at the glistening blade. The sliver seemed to comfort me, as weird as it sounds. I brought the blade to my lips and kissed it. It felt cool on my lips, I haven't felt something on my lips in a long time. I haven't felt Ryan's lips on mine in a long time. I miss them. No, I crave them. And sometimes, I feel like I need them.

I shoved my sleeve up and lowered the blade to my arm. I slide the blade across my arm twice. Blood started oozing out from the cuts. All I could do was look at the blood. It seemed like seeing the blood actually put me in a trance. Oh, wait, there went the churning feeling in my stomach. Who would have thought I'd get nauseous around blood?

I ignored the nauseous feeling and grabbed a bandage. I wrapped it tightly around my arm, so the blood couldn't soak through. Then I lowered my sleeve and walked out my apartment building.

"Where to go before?" I asked myself. Before the end.

"The park," I said and heading in the direction.

Thinking about the end didn't make me sad. I was happy. Why should I have to suffer when I could just leave? Why should I have to be an affliction to everyone around me? Why should my affliction be Ryan? So many question, so little answers.

When I got to the park I saw Ryan, William, and Gabriel talking. Ryan looked hurt. Or terribly scared. Either way I'm glade I got to see his face before the end. Ryan stood up and yelled something;

"I NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL LOVE BRENDON BOYD--" was all I heard before the pain kicked in.

The pain didn't feel as bad as I thought it would, probably due to the pills I took. But still, this pain was horrible. More horrible then when Jon came running to me and told me Ryan and Spencer kissed. More terrible than everything that I had ever gone through. I would not be surprised if this pain took the end instead of the pills.

Ryan started running in my direction and then he saw me. Apparently my face looked terrible because he stopped in his tracks. Only for a few seconds. But still, it was enough time for my heart to absolutely break into pieces. In the most literal form.

I felt my heart stop and smart back up three times as fast.
Too fast.
And then stop.
And then pain.
Ryan ran away.
My heart finally stopped.
My sight went black.
My fingers went cold.
And I fell to the ground.
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