They'll Never Know

If He Knew What You Do

"Have a good weekend, class," my sixth period History teacher told us. I finished applying powder to my face and threw my compact in my bag. Madeline and I walked out after wards, arms linked together as we made our way towards the football field.

Most girls would be nervous right about now. Well, all the girlfriends I mean. Even Madeline was nervous. Her boyfriend and current obsession Corey may or may not make the football team right now. I know I had nothing to worry about. There's no way Jack wouldn't make it. He's the best quarterback they've ever had. There's no reason why he wouldn't make it.

"You're so lucky. You don't have anything to worry about. We all know Jack's gonna make the team," Madeline told me as we picked a spot in the bleachers.

"Well Corey's not that bad of a player either. He's made the team every other year. Why wouldn't he this year?" I said, trying to make Madeline feel better.

"I know but still. He's going up against your boyfriend. He better pray that it works out for him."

I know that it's wrong to gloat but it is pretty cool to have your boyfriend be the star of the best football team in the state. He deserves it though. He practices non stop. And anytime he's not playing, he's watching it. In fact, he rarely has time for me anymore. But I guess when it comes down to it, he loves the game. He should be spending all his time on it. I just wish I could get some time with him.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? A newbie?" Madeline said. I stumbled out of my daze and looked over to see him.

"Bill! Oh my God, how have you been?!" Jack yelled at the new guy, giving him the man hug.

"Really good, man. How about you?" he asked back.

"Pretty great. Hoping to make quarterback again this year," he said.

"Well then, hopefully I'll be able to block for you. That's why I'm here. I hear football tryouts, I start running," he said.

"No way, man! You moved back? That's awesome! And hell yeah, dude. We'll own this team," Jack said, pounding his fist.


He didn't look like much of a football player. Tall. Lanky. Skinnier than I was. And he had a different look. Different than the guys around here, that was for sure. He seemed funny. He was making Jack laugh the entire time. And pretty smart. He already had his school books organized in his backpack that laid off to the side, even though it was his first day. And just so. Just...

"So cute," I said.

"I know. And he's all yours," Madeline said. I looked up at her, then realized she thought that I had been staring at Jack. Jack. My boyfriend. I looked back down to see Jack blow me a kiss. I smiled back at him. Then looked again at Bill. He gave me a small smile, then a wink. Wait, was that a wink? Maybe some dirt just got in his eye. No, that was definitely a wink. Wait, why am I thinking this? I'm dating Jack Granger, the hottest guy at Lincoln High School.

"Oh my God," I heard Madeline say. I looked down to see Bill strip off his shirt and get into a blocking position on the field.

Okay, maybe Jack's got some competition now. I stared intensely at the muscles that were once covered by the shirt Bill was wearing. That damn shirt.

"Newbie's got some muscle," Madeline said under her breath.

"Yeah," I said, almost out of breath. He was hot. Like, hot.

"Oh damn. Do you have a crush on him?" Madeline said.


"What? No! You're the one that said he was hot," I threw out.

"Who's hot?" Corey asked, walking up to us. I looked out to see that Corey had already finished his try out.

"Your mom," I said.

"Billy down there. Well, Amanda thinks so," Madeline said.

"What?" Corey said laughing.

"I didn't say anything!" I yelled.

"It's alright, hun. He is cute," Madeline said.

"Hey," I heard Corey say.

"Buuuuut you're cuter." Madeline leaned up and kissed his jaw. Before I knew it, a pair of tough arms snaked around my waist and pulled me in. Then I felt a pair of lips hit my neck. I smiled and looked up.

"Babe, I want you to meet someone," he said. I looked behind him to see Bill standing there, still half naked I might mention.

"Amanda, this is William. William Beckett. Bill, this is Amanda," he said. William put his hand out and shook my hand. He smiled, as did I.

"Hey, love. How are you?" he asked. I blushed a bright shade of red.

"Fine," I said shyly.

"Ah, she's nervous. Don't be, babe," Madeline said towards me.

"Why would she be nervous in front of Bill?" Jack asked.

"I wouldn't be. Let's just forget it," I said, grabbing my bag.

"Babe, calm down. What happened?" Jack asked.

"Nothing. I have to get home. Nice meeting you, William," I said smiling. He smiled back as I walked angrily to my car.

Dear Diary,
I can NOT believe Maddie did that to me. How embarrassing. And right in front of Jack! So I happen to think Jack's friend is cute. So what? Big deal. Jack says all the time that he thinks me friends are cute. What does it matter? So I like to stare at Bill's nice muscles. I also stare at Orlando Bloom's muscles that just happen to be taped to my bedroom wall. Does that make me a bad girlfriend? No. Not at all.

It was then that I realized that no one had actually called me a bad girlfriend. I had just assumed that I was because I had agiant small crush on Bill.

What's wrong with me? I know I'm a good girlfriend. And just coz I think someone else is cute doesn't change me.
