Keep It Simple

Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last For A Night)

The sun beat down hard, shining beautifully and elating the world with its glory and making everything that much beautiful. The heat felt nice against the wind that flew through my hair. Wer were driving in our new red hard top corvette convertible that we saved up money to get. It was tricked out and really bad ass, to put it simple. We had our big shades on, filming ourselves being stupid as we drove fast down the backroads out of this midwestern town.

stay awake
get a grip and get out your state
from the weight of the world just take
a second to set things straight
i'll be fine
even though i'm not always right
i can count on the sun to shine
the dedication takes a lifetime
but dreams only last for a night

believe you me
if give them anything
id tell them anything
just show them everything
believe you me
id tell them everything
id tell them anything

cause you ain't the only one's who wanna live it up!
you ain't the only one's!

We sang along with Alex Gaskarth's voice, smiling huge.

The night slowly came and we checked in to a random hotel- five star because we could. As we took the key to our suite, we thanked the people and calmly walked to the elevators. But as soon as the doors closed, we started dancing around, excited to get to our suite and see how sweet it actually was. It cost enough! When we opened the doors, our mouthes dropped. It was like a dream in. We squealed and started jumping on the bed.

"We're free!" I screamed, falling in to the queen sized mess of comfiness.

I couldn't help but laugh as an overwhelming glee of happiness filled me. Mandy turned on some Cobra Starship and we danced around our room, losing ourself in the music, until a loud banging erupted and broke us of our trance. I turned down the stereo and we walked over to the door, slowly opened it with a racing heart. We weren't ready to be kicked out of a five star hotel.

My jaw dropped at who was standing infront of me. Mandy appeared beside me and her expression changed to the same as mine.

"Ummm....H-hi. I'm sorry to bother you guys, but... I'm really trying to get some rest for tomorrows big show. I've been on the road, and I'm not used to it, yet. So I was wondering if you were umm.. kind enough to like.. turn down the tunes? Good choice of music, by the way." The guy told us.

And this guy was no other than Derek Sanders.

The Derek Sanders.

Frontman of Mayday Parade.

"Umm yeah, sure. I'm so sorry. We completely understand." I finally managed to stutter out.

He laughed, "Not to sound cocky or anything, but are you fans?"

"Yeah, of course." Mandy said, flashing a flirtacious smile.

"Well, I'm Derek as you know, to formly introduce myself." He said.

"I'm Sophie, and this is Mandy." I said, gesturing towards her.

He smiled, "Nice meeting you guys." He said, wrapped us both in a hug. "Sorry, I'm a hug guy." He said, as he pulled away and smiled shyly.

It was too cute.

I giggled as did Mandy.

"We love hugs, so its no problem." We spoke in unison.

He laughed, "Well, I'm going to get some sleep. I'll catch you guys at the show. If not, you can come to the tour bus. The secret password is-" He told us, then leaned over to whisper in our ears. "Where the hell is the hot man candy?."

We laughed at the catch phrase they used for the password. I'm sure anyone could guess that or just accidently say it! I could totally see me walking up to some 6'2 fat black security guard and going "Hey! Where the hell is the hot man candy?". Who wouldn't say that? I mean, they were pretty cute guys.

He smiled. "Don't tell anyone else, guys. Bye!" He said, sticking his hands in his pocket and walking off down the hall.

We smiled at each other and shut the door before we let our selves squeal and jump around like crazed fan girls. Which is totally okay, Since.... We are!

Dear Diary,

It's day one of our adventure. The roadtrip to California was a blast. I mean, we had to leave a weak before the tour even started to get our asses here, but its beautiful here in Cali. It was a blast and years for now, we will have the videos of us going across the country. This is what you when you're looking to live it up. And best of all, the suite it freakin' amazing! And! Mayday Parade is also staying at the same hotel as us! And Derek Sanders talked to us and gave us the password to get on their tour bus and I guess hang out AND! He FREAKIN' GAVE US A HUG! Hell yeah! A cute famous guy whom I've heard voice stream out of my stereo for how many years now randomly sauntered up to our hotel suite! Who knew that would happen. My doubts are put aside. This is going to be an amazing summer!
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I hope you liked this little filler part!
The next will obviously be of, you guessed it, WARPED! lol.
I'm living my life of last year. Woo! lmfao.
So, I haven't gotten that many readers, subscribers and definitely not alot of commenters.
I have like 3 commenters and like 11 subscribers and 39 readers.
This is the poorest story I've EVER written! lol.
So if any of you didn't like what you read so far, tell me why and what I can change.
Those of you that have subscribed, comment me and give me some inspiration and criticism. And those that are reading and just saved the story on your files, delete it and SUBSCRIBE! It means alot, and you get notifications! And if you don't get notified people and its been a bit, check back because I've most likely updated.

Now, I LOVE YOU ALL! Please comment and BANNERS are welcomed! :D