Broken Love


Lightly tracing her fingers over her left arm, Kira sighed as she thought about how she had got here. In little more than a year she had changed so much. Her hair was no longer the black it used to be, rather it was brown and bouncy. Her eyes were the deep brown they had always been and she no longer had black totally surrouding her eyes or long sleeves to cover her arms, bruised and scarred from years of abuse. She was no longer ashamed of who she was and what had happened to her to make her that way. For the first time in nearly 10 years she felt truly happy. It was hard to believe that one, simple, semingly inginisifcant night could have brought her here. She smiled to herself as she watched the sky darken slowly outside the plane, memories clear in her head as though they were days instead of months away. With a small smile on her face, she remembered