Broken Love

The Morning After The Night Before

The next morning, Kira opened her eyes to find her pillow covered in blood. She gasped in shock and sat up, she let out a cry as a sharp stab of pain ran up her left arm. She saw the serveral deep cuts she had made herself along with the wounds caused by her father. Memories of the previous night filled her head and an overwhelming feeling of guilt washed over her, Kira was afraid of what she’d done but at the same time, she remembered how happy it had made her feel. She glanced at the clock on her wall, it was almost 10.30; her parents must have left for work alreaedy. She sighed, what was the point in even getting up? Unfortuntately, right at that moment, the phone rang. It’s shrilling tones echoing through the rooms of the empty house. Kira sighed, took the spare key to her door from under her bed and went to answer the phone.
“Hello?” Kira answered dully, who called at this time on a holiday? Most people she knew stayed in bed until after midday, especially on weekends.
“Hey Kira!” Kira sighed, Misha was Kira’s best friend and she was always depressingly happy in the morning.
“Hi Misha, what’s up?” Kira tried to fake enthusiasm for whatever she knew Misha was going to ask her to do.
“Have you done your christmas shopping yet? I haven’t and I can’t take my mum, she’ll see what I’m going to get her and I just couldn’t stand to wander around all day all on my own…” Kira sighed again, so it was going to be like that was it?
“What time are you coming to pick me up?” she asked Misha was already 17 and had somehow managed to sit and pass her driving test already, although she had a curfew she was always willing to drive anywhere.
“I’ll be there at midday, thanks Kira!” Misha cried excitedly and hung up. Kira couldn’t help smiling. No matter what happened to her, Misha always kept smiling through it. Spending the day with her would be fun. Kira sighed as the thought of money entered her head. With a grimace she dialled her mum’s mobile number and waited.
“Hello?” eurgh! Even her mum sounded happy today. What was with everyone?
“Hey mum, it’s Kira”
“Morning honey, is everything okay?” Her mum was always nice to her the day after Kira’s father had hit her again.
“Yeah it’s fine, Misha called, she wants to go christmas shopping, is that okay?” Kira hoped her mum would pick up the double meaning in her words.
“Of course honey, there’s some money in the drawer in the kitchen, will £40 be enough for you?”
“That’s great mum, thanks. But will dad mind? That’s his drinking money.”
“Didn’t we tell you? He’s away on a business trip, he left this morning, he won’t be back for a few days, we’ll replace it before he gets back.” This was the first Kira had heard of a business trip, not that it really mattered, her dad would probably hit her twice as hard when he got back to make up for the days he missed while he was ‘away’.
“Okay, well I’ll talk to you later then. Bye mum” Kira hung up and went back into her room.