The Return Of the Unknown

Don't Let Them Catch Me

I was running, running for my dear life. I looked back, breathing cursing through my lungs. They were still there, blurry with the black shadows all around. My legs are about to give up. I don't even know where I am running from, to where I am actually running too. But I must keep running. One thought was going through my mind:

Don't Let Them Catch Me

Why are they even following me? What have I done? Who are they? Millions of thoughts buzzed through my mind. No, I must not think. Run, just run, run like there is no -

"Ella, Get up NOW or you will be late for school!" shouted my dearest mother from the kitchen, tearing through my dreams, no not my dreams, my nightmare. I opened my eyes slowly, to see bright sunlight coming from the window. I then realized I was covered in sweat. Damn not again I thought to my self. I bet people my age don't even have nightmares, talk about dripping in sweat. ewww.

I have been having that very dream everyday, every single miserable night since...I don't even remember.
"Ella, up now"my mother shouted again. I decided I should get out of my bed now, before I get another headache. My mother is not always angry, just her work makes her like this. You see when my father left us, me and my mother when I was 3, mother took care of me and the everything else. I haven't seen my father since he left, but then I don't want too. Me and mother are happy the way we are, in our own Little world.

I dragged myself out of my bad and want to the bathroom, which was next to my mum's room. it was a tiny bathroom, with a sink, toilet and a shower, plus a window overlooking the garden.

I know were are not rich, but we have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over our head, so I figured we were lucky, because we got what we need to live, and aren't staying in the street.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, which was chipped at the corner. I have shoulder-size black hair, with a side fringe coming from the top. I got the money from my birthday money, in case you were wondering. I have pale skin, since I don't usually got out in the sun. Green eye, with the splash of silver. I don't consider myself to be good-looking but then I don't look bad either.

Sighing to my self, I quickly brushed my teeth and took a shower, warped myself in my red towel and made way to my room, again tiny but lucky to have my own room at least. I put on my green jeans and black polka dotted shirt.

Then I want downstairs.

Mother was in the kitchen, eating toast so I sat down and took a bite out of my toast which was in the plate on the table. We really don't cook stuff like pancakes or eggs and stuff on the weekdays, only on the weekends.

"So what time you going to be back?" my mother asked. Random question.
"urm, by 4 pm, I have to stay behind at school to use the computer", I replied. Yap, that's right I don't own a computer either.
"well, that's good, because that's when Amy is leaving school too, so you can go with her to her house"
"WHAT??" I shouted. Amy is my cousin, my dad's sister's daughter and yes we still talk to them. "Why?, I mean can't she go to her house alone?'
"Well, yes she can but her mother needs to give me something so you have to go and get it"
"Can't you go and get it?" I asked her. I don't want to go to her posh house with all the servants and mother needs whatever she needs so why can't she go and get it herself.

My mother gave me a sharp glance. If looks could kill, I thought to myself, leaving the dishes in the sink, knowing I have to to do them when I get back home from my dear cousins house. NOT.
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Hey. This is like my first story so I would really like you comments and would like to know if you want be to carry on, because if you guys don't tell me then I won't be able to know if my story is any good. Thnxxxx
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