The Return Of the Unknown

Time To Cook

Dave's POV

As I held her hand for the second time today, I thought about the things that she still have to discovered about herself. Her hand feels so fragile, as if I give it a squeeze, it's going to break. I looked at her. Her cheeks were bright red.
I smiled. I really like it when her face goes red. It reminds me of me when I was a human once.
We got the to the kitchen, gutted that I have to go so fast.

I still held her hand, not want to let go of it. I looked at her once again. She was staring at me, with a far away look on her face again. I chuckled to myself, I wonder what she is thinking. I wished I had the same power as Clare, then I could know what she was thinking.
I decide to come back to life.
"Hello" I said, squeezing her hand a bit.
She looked straight at my eyes, and want red again.
"Well, here we are"
She looked around.
"err yeah, that was urmm quick" she replied.
"Yap, vampires are fast" I said, letting go of her hand.
"I know, from all the stories I read"
"That's good to know, anyways I'll see you later, have to go and do my job"
"Yeah, sure"
And with that I was away.

I found the entrance to the outside quickly. The others were waiting for me.
"So you've dropped her?" Clare asked.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Great, now we are ready to go" and we that we want out one by one.
It was dark out, but I had good eye vision so I could see clearly.
We ran to the mountain at the side of the now ruin town, since our food will be there. We have to have the blood of the animals, since we are with the humans 24 hours a day.

I spotted a bear, lumbering around some tree.
My catch. Yummy.
And I sprang myself at the bear.

Ella's POV

Well, after he let go of my hand, Dave said he had some 'job' to do. I wonder what that was.No point in wondering, I had work to do, in this case, I have cooking to do.
I want in the kitchen and look around. It was a huge kitchen, with everything, that you would find in a normal one, no not a normal one, all the things that you would find in the restaurant kitchen.

"Ahh, You must be Bell" a guy in is 40's told me, in a french accent.
Does every cook have to be from Europe?
"Actually, It's Ella" correcting him.
"Ah, yes, so what will you be cooking today?"
I had no idea, so I told him.
" I have no Idea"
"Ah, OK, well maybe you could help Jasmin there make the cake"
"Urm sure" I said, as I want over to Jasmin.
"Hey, so you want help with the Cake" I asked her, taking a long look at her.
She had red hair, which really brings out her blue eyes. She is good-looking too.
"Sure, it's half done but you could do the icing and stuff, while I check on the pizza"
"Urm, sure" I said and started to do the icing.

After I was done with the icing, I looked around wondering what else can I do.
"Can someone help me with the roast chicken" I turned toward the voice. It was a guy, looked to be about in his 20s. He had blond hair and blue eyes.
"Sure, I could help you, if you want" I said to him, as I want towards him.
He looked me up and down. I hate it when people eye me, its just...annoying.
But I didn't say anything.
"Yap, you can help, so urm, where do we start?" He asked me. I sighed.
And told him what to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Decided to write in Dave POV in case but still don't know to write it in Clare's or Jake's or Mathew's or other's POV.
*Sigh* Please comment.
Oh and yeah I need ideas about what types of food to cook, because I'm not really good in that. So yeah.