The Return Of the Unknown

Laughing is The Best Medicine

After I told him what to do, which was mostly all of it. I did half of the things myself. Why was he cooking anyways?
I started to walk in to the canteen.
"Hey, wait up" he called out from behind.
I sighed.
"We have been working together like for three hours and I still don't know your name" he smiled as he said this.
"Yeah, Its Ella, what's your's?" Like I care, I'm just asking to be nice you know.
"Cool name, I'm David"
"Urmm, that's a good name"
A big smile came up on his face.
"Really, cool. So I was wondering..would you have lunch with me?"
Hmm..I don't really have anyone to eat lunch with.
"Sure, why not?" I replied.
"Awesome, so let's go"

We entered the canteen, which was next to the kitchen. Surprise Surprise.
We want to stand by the queue, as the canteen was now filling up with hungry people.
"So what you gonna have today?"
I looked at the food.
There was the roast chicken that Me and David made, beef soup, vegetable stew, garlic bread, and some other things that I could not recognize.
I decided to take bit of roast chicken, to taste it, and some vegetable stew (yummy *rolls eyes*).
David took the same as me, he caught me looking.
"Urm, I don't really eat beef, or the others stuff"
We looked for a place to eat. There was table free at the end of the canteen. We want there and sat down. Well David sat down, so I sat next to him.
"So Ella, your a really good cook" David said, taking a bite of the roast chicken.
I smiled at him for the first time.
"Thanks" I replied.
He looked at me shocked.
"What?? Do I have something on my face?" I looked at him.
"'s just that..well you smiled and you really look nice when you smile, but you look nice when you don't smile too, what I meant is you look really nice when you smile"
I raised my eyebrow. And saw him go red.
I laughed. My actual laugh since the night.

"Well, at least I made you laugh, right?"
"Y-yeah. Hehehe. Th-Thanks" I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice Andrew standing next to me. I only noticed when I saw David starring at someone, behind me.
I turned around to face Andrew.
I looked at his face. It was unreadable. I started to laugh again. That's the habit with me, once I start laughing for whatever reason, I just can't stop.
"So, can I sit here?"
I looked at David, and saw him starring daggers to Andrew. I looked at Andrew, he was doing the same thing.
I was taking in deep breath by then, as my mother have showed to me.
But looking at their face's, I started to laugh again.
I put my hand over my mouth and tired to stop laughing, but I couldn't. Both the boys were starting at me, as I was a freak, their eyebrow raised.
Than they started to laugh. We must have looked bunch of freaks, the way we were laughing. Everyone was actually staring at us. I guess my stress from all the running from yesterday really got out.

Than something happened. Something that I couldn't believe happened. Everyone in the canteen started to laugh. I mean everyone. It was so hilarious. It was so funny.
After laughing for what seems like forever, everyone quited it down.
"Wow, well that was something" said Andrew, who was sitting next to me.
"Yeah, really s-something" taking deep breaths, to calm my nerves. After that we finished our food and got up from the table. Well, lunch was done. Time to make dinner.
"Hey, you know Maurice?" asked David.
"No...." I replied.
"Who's Maurice?" I asked.
"The chef who speaks in French accent"
"Yeah, what about him?"
"Well, he kinda said that we don't have to make dinner, being our first day and all, so I guess we got the afternoon off"
"oh, well that's good.."
"uh-hu..hey I know this amazing place here"
"Really?" I asked. This place have an amazing place? That's hard to believe.
"yeah, I'll show you"
"Hey, urmm, I kinda have the afternoon off as well, so do you mind if I join you guys" asked Andrew. I forget he was with us.
"Sure" I said, looking at him. Well, it was rude for me to say no, wasn't it?
A huge smile appeared at his face. "Thanks"
I just shrugged. I turned to see David, looking at Andrew, with a killer look.
I shook my head. Boys.
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Well..chapter 11 people.
Any Food Ideas??
Point Of Views??