The Return Of the Unknown

Kiss Gone Wrong

David showed us the way, to the 'amazing place'. Yeah right.
We followed a series of tunnels. I think I'm getting dizzy.
Finally David stopped in front of a huge door. I could here some voices and splashes of water from inside.
I looked at David confused. Then I looked at Andrew, who had the confused expression on his face too. David, however, was grinning widely.

He opened the door. I stepped in and stared open-mouthed, to the beautiful scenery in front of me.
It was an waterfall, but I noticed, we were not underground. The big doors lead outside.
"Wow" I said as I looked around. People were splashing in the water.
One of them called out.
"Hey, let's go eat man, I'm starving" It was one of the boys. He had brown hair, with brown eyes. He looked about 13.
All the other boys came out of the waterfall pool, and started to dry themselves off. I noticed all of them were boys, aged between 12 to 15.

They smirked when they looked at me. Then they were out. Me, Andrew and David were the only once here.
"Hey, I don't have my bathing suit" I said.
"urmm..hey, my sister have an extra one, one of the other girls that looks after this place gave it to her, but it was too big for her and I guess it could fit you" David said. "And my room is just down the tunnel"
"That's great" I said. I so wanted to go in the waterfall.
"Great, be right back in 10 minutes" Said David, as he ran out of the door.
I want to the edge of the pool, and took my shoes out, and dipped my feet in the water.
I gasped. The water was warm.
"Nice water, isn't?" Andrew said, standing bare foot in the water next to me. Our hands were touching each other.
I looked at him. "Yeah, it is"

Suddenly, he tuned his whole body around to face me, and started to walk towards me. I turned my body towards him and started to walk back.
"Andrew, what are you d-" before I got get my word out, he put his finger on my lips. They were warm and soft.
"Shh..Don't say anything" he replied. I was still walking backwards, and then I hit a wall. He kept coming closer and closer. Until our lips were barely torching.
Then he kissed me.
He's lips were on mine, and I'm letting him do it.
As a reflex, my hand shot up from my side and wrapped around his neck.
I kissed him back.
I couldn't believe I was doing this. I don't have any feelings for Andrew, do I?
Our lips were pressed against each other. He wanted to gain entrance to my mouthe. I was just about to open my mouth, when someone coughed.

I broke up from our kiss, and looked to see the person.
His eyes were pure red. He had an angry look on his face. Without a second note, he want out of the door.
"Shit" I murmured.
I looked up to see Andrew, he had a pained expression on his face.
"I - I'm sorry" As soon as I said this, I put on my shoes and was out of the door before Andrews could say anything.

I looked around the tunnel. Dave was no where near in sight. But then I didn't think he was.
I want towards the right, where I came from.
I met David on the way, he was carrying a swimming suit. ( Click Here )
"Hey" He said. Then his face changed.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'll see you later" I manged to say, before I ran off, without hearing another word on what he had to say.

As I was running, I bumped into someone. I looked up to see who is was. Jake.
"Hi" He said.
"Hi..urm..have you seen Dave?" I manged to burst out.
"Yeah, he want towards my - I mean our room"
"oh, can you show me where it is?" I had no idea were the room is, as no one really showed it to me.
"Sure" he replied, with a another smile on his face. My heart was breathing faster then normal.
"Your Welcome"
We walked for like 5 minutes and came upon a bright gold door. He opened it and stepped inside. I followed him in. I stood as I saw Dave sitting on the bad, glaring our way.
"well..I guess I should leave you two alone" said Jake. Without another word, he was out and the door closed. I looked at the door and turned around to face Dave.
He was still glaring, but after a while turned his face away.
"What do you want?" I gulped. His sounded so angry.
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well...i was kinds getting bored with no much happening, so i just put a kiss in here.
Hope you like it.
It gets better in the next chapter, but right now i have to go...cheerios