The Return Of the Unknown

The Unknown Kiss

I stare at Dave's behind. I have no idea what to say. I kept starring. He sighed. He got up from the bed and stood near it.
He still looked angry, but his eyes were light red now.
I looked at him, wondering what to say.
"Well, aren't you gonna say anything?"
"I-I-just - it wasn't what you thought it was"
"Oh yeah, and how can you say that, you were kissing him"
"But I was surprised. I didn't know he was going to do it"
" must be like, wow his kissing me me, I might as well kiss him back, even though I might not like him"
"Omg, I did not think that, and how do you know if I like him or not?" I asked him, and besides how could he say that?
"What did you think than?" he asked.
"I - I" My mind want a total blank again.
"See you can't even say, and I bet your a very bad kisser as well, because I'm thinking Andrew did not like it as well"
I stared at him. He did not just say that.
He was looking at me with some crooked smile in his face.
I'll show him how bad kisser I am. I walked up to him and kissed him on the lips.
He seemed surprised. I put my hands in his neck, and kissed him passionately.
I felt as he put his arms around my back and moved them down. He was kissing me back. I led him in my mouth, enjoying his cold tongue, surfing the inside of my mouth. It felt good. I led my hands up and down his back. Wow. I thought to myself, he must have some built, even for a vampire.

We kissed like for another couple of minutes, when a girl's voice sounded.
"What the fuck is going on here?"
Me and Dave turned to face the girl.
I looked at her, she was the most beautiful girl I ever seen.
"Shit" Dave murmured. I looked at him confused.
He was looking at the girl with some sorry expression in his face.
I turned towards the girl.
"Oh now I see what you been up to Dave," She gave me a disgusted look.
"You go of telling me that you need to do something and this is what you do, kiss a human behind my back" she spat, hissing when she said human.
Dave looked at me, realized his hand were still on me, took them of me, and walked to the girl.
"It's not what you think," he told her, "she came up to me" I stared at him, open-mouthes, still could not believe my senses that this is actually happening. I can't even say anything, since I was in shock.
"Yeah right, Clare wound not tell me anything and Jack only told me you are here, but wound not say anything else, and I came here to find you kissing her"
What the fuck is going on? And why is Dave acting like he got caught doing something bad?
"But seriously, I had nothing to with is, she came-" Dave got off my by the blond hair-girl.
"Well, in that case since you were doing nothing, and she came up to you, would you mind introducing us?"

"Yeah, Annabell, this is Ella, Ella this is Annabell, my girlfriend" Dave told me.
"It is so not nice to meet you" Said Annabell, and walked out of the door. Dave looked at me last time and ran to catch up with Annabell, his girlfriend.
"Hey, listen, what happened back their, was not my fault, she got some wrong idea-". I didn't want to hear anymore. I walked up to the door and slammed it shut.

I set on the bed. What the fuck just happened?
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ha did not expect that did you??
Poor Ella...Next Chapter gonna be awesome.
he he..tell me what you think..