The Return Of the Unknown

Back Into The World

I was sitting on the bed. What just happened? Dave had a girlfriend? Then why did he get angry when I kissed Andrew?
Arhh..I was so stupid. How can I even think that a vampire would like an average human?
I got angry at myself and started to flung whatever came in my hand, which was mostly a glass, a lamp and some other things I did not recognize. I looked at the room. It was the same room, which I have gotten up from, since that night I fainted.
How can I so stupid even to think that Dave even liked me? How they even like me? They only care about themselves. Only about their fucking blood-sucking selves. I decided I had enough of this. I have to get out of here, right now. This one day had been too much for me. I had to get out. Now.

I need to find a mirror first. I want to one of the door that leads to the closet. I opened the door. There was a mirror there, and some clothes.
I decided to wear some sophisticated clothes, since I will be going out. I rummaged through the clothes and found the best outside clothes. I put on these clothes I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was tear streaked. No crying for some miserable beast, or this fucked up life. I took some cloth and wiped my face off. There was some make-up, next to the mirror. I put some clear lip gloss on and want out of the closet.

I looked around the room, seeing smashed pieces everywhere. I giggled. I ain't going to clean this up. I want out of the room, keeping my head-held high. Showing my new found confidence. I looked around. There has to be some way out of here. I followed the tunnels aimlessly, wondering here and there. Coming back to the same place twice and trice. I stopped. This is going to take a whole day. Than I saw a dim yellow light coming from a corner. I want there and spotted the entrance. I heard some voices.
"Yeah, so they are coming back?"
"They have too, it's going to be morning"
"Well, we have to close the entrance, some human might notice this and try to get out"
"well, let them, they would be calling their death anyways"
Then they both laughed.
I looked out the entrance, into the bright sunlight. The two man/vampires, were standing next to some tree. I stepped out before they can see me.
It was great to see daylight again. I thought. Feeling the tingling of the warm sun in my arms. Now, time to look around.

Dave's POV

Why did Annabell have to see that? I didn't even kiss her first, she did. But why did I kiss her? The only reason I got angry at her when she was kissing Andrew because she was the first human friend I had, and for some reason I did not like when Andrew was touching her. But that does not mean I like her, I mean I don't ? Shit.

"Dave, there you are" a voice called out.
"I have been looking for you everywhere"
I looked up to see Clare, she looked worried.
"What?" I asked. Clare hardly looks worried.
"Listen, I know what happened between you and Ella, then Annabell, but its time to make a decision, who you really like."
"What are you talking about? I like Annabell" I said, although I am not sure, the kiss changed me.
"Are you sure?" Clare asked. Of course she is going to ask that, she can read my mind.
"I don't know" I replied. I looked at her, "but why are you so worried?" I asked.
She looked at me with some strange expression on her face.

"The vampires that look after the main entrance, saw a human - a young girl, with black hair, slim, slip out of the entrance, but before they can stop her she was gone"
I stared at her.
"You don't think that was-" I asked, my voice barley above a whisper.
She nodded slowly.
"Damn it, Ella...shit"
"She will be safe, as long as the Sarmitanse does not see her"
"How can they bloody not see her? They want her, and when they get her, I cannot imagine what would happen"
"Don't worry, we will find her"
"How many vampires are looking for her?"
"Right now, we sent about six, but me and Mathew are going right now"
I nodded. "I'm going to look for her too"
"What about Annabell?"
"I'm going to talk to her later"
"She won't be happy"
"I know, but there is nothing else I can do right now"
Clare nodded.
I ran as fast as I could and was out in the day light, which was now dimming as it was evening.
"Ella, where are you?" I asked into the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm...does Dave have feelings for Ella?
What is Annabell going to think?
Will he find Ella?
Let me know....