The Return Of the Unknown

The Castle Of Skeletons

Ella's POV

I didn't know where to go. I was just wondering around in the shadows. I did saw couple on skeletons but right now my luck was with me.
What was I thinking? Did I want to die? I didn't even think about my mother. She didn't have anyone in the world except for me. My guilt was getting caught up with me. Just because one person did that to me, doesn't mean I have to blame all of them. Man, I am just so----
Tears were stinging in my face.

I found a place behind some broken down building and found a dark spot. It's getting late now. The sunlight was dimming, and I didn't know my way back. My tummy rumbled. I looked around hoping no one have heard it. All I could see was darkness and dim light.
I sniffled a cry. I have to be Strong. I can't cry. I have to think, find a way back.
"Ella, where are you?" I heard the air whisper around me. I gasped. Was that my imagination? or...
Suddenly, a shape was walking in front of me. I made myself small as possible, wanting the shape to go away.
"I know you are there..come out come out where ever you are" someone said in a sing-song voice.
Please don't see me.Please don't see me.Please don't see me.Please don't - Someone touched my shoulder. I was afraid to turn around.
" I will get you" whispered a voice in my ear.

I turned around to see Garret. Or some skeleton that looked like him. I find myself again staring into the black sockets. He looked at me, well his face was facing me.
"I got you, Garret was so stupid, coming to get you alone, while the vampires were searching for you" said the skeleton. Well, for one thing he was not Garret. I looked around. The other thing is that this time there are no vampires to save me.
My blood ran cold.
"Wha-what did you w-want?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious? Didn't the vampires tell you?" he laughed.
"T-tell me w-what?" I asked again.
"Well, I guess the master would want to tell you that himself" he replied.
He gave me a scattering smile, as he breathed into me and I was darkness engulf me everywhere.


I woke up to see that I was in a dark room.
Someone said "She is awake master"
The lights on top of me comes on, so does every light in the room. I blinked. It was so bright.
I heard some clickty-clacky footsteps coming towards me. Looks like I was going to see the master at last. I thought. But I rather be elsewhere then here.
A skull-face looked at me. He was wearing a a gold hooded robe, and was smiling at me.
"At last, darling, I have seen you after a very long time" he said.
Darling? Long time? See me? I have never saw him in my life before. Must have seen him when he was alive. I thought looking at him. Taking my hand, he pulled me out of the bed.
One of the skeleton, came to me with a dress, I looked at it. It was a peach colored dress, they even gave me a necklace, earrings, and a bracelet to wear with it, not forgetting some shoes too.Image
"I want the the others to see you in this dress" the master said. With that I was dragged inside some other room, which just happened to be a closet. One the skeletons, which kinda looked like she was a woman before, put everything that she got on me, and did my hair, which was to leave it open. She again quickly took me out in to the room, making me stand in front of the master.
"Come, we must saw you to the others" he said, taking my hand.
Others? What others? I looked at him confused. There were more of him?
I was standing in a room. The room was covered in gold. The bed was gold, the wallpaper was gold, but the curtains were blue-green.
He took me outside the room, and through a corridor, which was dim lighted.
And into a another room, or more like a hall. He took me to what looked like a balcony.
I looked down and gasped.
There were so many of them, and wearing clothes. Yes, skeletons in clothes.
I felt like laughing, but manged to held it back, looking at the situation that I am in.
"Ladies and Gentleman" shouted the 'Master' to every skeleton.
"Welcome, Caroline, who have returned to me after a long time"
What? Who's Caroline? Returned?
The whole crowd below cheered.
"After a long time, my beloved have come back to me, to her prince, the one that she loves"
I started at him. What did he just say?
Then he started to come towards me. I knew where this was going, I thought please not again, I have had it with the-
Before I could finish what I was thinking, his mouth was on my lips. I couldn't say his lips because he didn't have any.
I tired to pull away but he's grip on my arms was strong. He pulled away after a few seconds.
I stared at him. He smiled at him.
"Now my dear, it's time to sleep" he said to me. As he breathed on me I thought, Why did he make me wear this dress, when he was going to send me to sleep anyways?
And I fainted for the third time in two days.
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I put way to many pics in here. Hope you like them though.