The Return Of the Unknown

What Next?

Mystery Person POV

I saw Ella, wondering around aimlessly. She looked so frighted, so scared, so fragile. I wanted to put my arms round her, make her feel safe, make her forget about Dave, bloody bastard Dave.
But I could not. I cannot go near her or she will know who I am, and maybe hate me. All I can think of right now is to make her safe. To keep an eye on her. I saw her go into some dark corner, and someone appeared behind her. I stood up. But I can't do anything. I cursed myself. A few minutes later one of the Sarmitanse picked her up and walked into the darkness.
I knew where he was heading. But I can't go near it. Not right now.
I need to inform the vampires, but I could not do it like this. I have to put up my mask. I had to hide my identity.

Dave's POV

I came back from my search for Ella, it's going to be morning soon and I still have not found her. Why did she have to run off like that? Doesn't she know how much danger she was in?
I sat near the entrance and looked out.
"Dave, thank god your back" Clare said from behind.
"I could not find her" I told her, shaking my head.
" I know where she is, I found this paper next to our room" I stood up and looked at her.
She handed me a piece of sheet.
I looked at it and read aloud.

To Vampires
I know you have been looking for Ella and I know where she is.
The Sarmitnase have got her. She is in their castle.
Release her before she becomes one of them or the truth comes about.
Your Well Wisher

I read the letter over and over again. Without another word to Clare, I sprang from the entrance and out into the ruin world. I know where to find her.

Ella's POV

I woke up to see daylight coming from the windows. I looked around, and not seeing any skeleton I climbed out of the bed. I looked at myself, and found out that I was wearing the some kind of night gown. I didn't want to think about who undressed me.
I decided to look for a bathroom. Bathroom? Do skeletons do even take a bath?
Wait, windows lead outside. I glanced at the windows. I could not go out in this, I thought looking at my nightgown. I looked around the same room that I was brought to. I saw my clothes near a table. I want there. I took my night gown out and wore my clothes, the once I got from the Vampires underground. Much comfortable. I walked over to the windows and want to the nearest one. It had glass. Good thing no metal bars. I checked the lock, it was locked. I want over the next one, locked. Next. Locked. Next. Locked. I want over to about five windows all the find them locked. I nearly have given hope, when I came to the last window. To my surprise it was open.


I opened the window full length, and thinking to myself its good I'm slim. I slipped out of the window with difficulty. I caught the window ledge and looked down. Shit. The ground was way to far down to fell down. But maybe I could mange. I looked up, closed my eyes, and let go. I expected to lend into the hard concrete ground below, although it was covered in grass, the fell have to be hard, but I found myself in someone's arms. I open my one eye to stare at - Dave.
I fully opened my eyes to look at him. He looks more gorgeous in daylight. Then I remembered last night or afternoon or whatever. We were standing on the ground, or rather he was, me in his arms. I looked at the surroundings. There were trees everywhere, their were even brides singing. Weird. Skeletons among this? Wow.
I looked at Dave again, who was smirking at me.

"Put me down" I said to him rather calmly.
"Why?" he said, grinning like a idiot.
I swear I felt knocking all his white teeth out, right there and then.
Controlling myself, I said again "I said put me down"
And then he dropped me.
"Ow my back, what the fuck Dave? I told you to put me down, not to drop me down"
He bent down towards me and said "oops" and walked off.

Arhh. The nerve of him.
"Why are you out in the sunlight, I thought your not supposed to be out when its sunny" I asked, curiously
"Well, we can go out in the sunlight but for not a long amount of time, after that our skin itches" he replied, his back to me and still walking.
I relized I was still on the floor where he had dropped me.
I got up and followed him. I didn't have anything else to do but that.
Suddenly, I found myself with my back against a tree. I looked up to see Dave's face. It was serious.
Now what? I thought.
"What were you thinking? Are you mad? Why the hell did you have to go and run off like that? Did you know how much we were worried about you?" Dave told me angrily.
I looked at him, my guilt from last night coming back to me.
But when he said WE were worried about me, I snapped.
"We?WE?" I asked him, looking straight into his eyes. "I could see the others getting worried, Dave but I have no idea why the heck you were worried, I mean don't you have a fucking girlfriend you should be worried about instead of me, I was the one who came up to you right? I kissed you first right?" By the time I said that, my eyes were getting watery. I MUST NOT cry, I told myself, not in front of this - this beast. I know what I was doing was making him angry, he could bite or worse turn me into one of them. But I didn't care. I had enough of him and his two-timing butt. "And you said you were worried?" I looked at him, with I-don't believe-you look.
Dave stared at me for a few seconds. He then moved his face closer and closer. OMG!! He's going to bite. I knew it. He's going fucking kill me right here right n-.
My mind want blank. Dave's lips were on mine. WTF!! Not again. I tired pushing him, but he was to strong. Damn. But I think I liked the way his lips moves against mine.
Then I realized. I am kissing him back. But I never came up to him this time. He did.
As he was kissing me. My mind was shouting at me.

He's got a freaking girlfriend.

I know

Then why are you kissing him back?
Because she likes it
Okay. So now my Id(devil) and my super ego(angel) were fighting.
But I didn't listen to them.
I closed my eyes, realizing they were open and let him kiss me. Just for sake of it. Or do I really like him.
Yes, you do My Id replied.

We kissed for few minutes more, then I let go.
Sure vampired do not breath, but humans on the other hand do, and I ain't a vampire.
I looked at him. He came close to me and whispered in my ear.
"Now, you didn't come to me did you?" he said, sending shivers down my body.
"What about Annabell?" I asked.
"What can't I have two girls?" He replied. I started at him. He did not just say that?
"What? You can either choose me or Annabell" I stated.
"urm, that's harsh, I mean Annabell is just so beautiful and stunning" he looked at me, watching my expression. I kept my face straight, trying not to show the shock or the anger or the jealousy that were coming up my face.
"And she is just so good at everything she does" ha continued.
"So maybe you should just go and stay with her and not waste my fucking time" God, What is with this boy? First he kisses me than tells me Annabell is - arhh.
Just then Clare came out no where.
"Thank God you are alright" she said.
Then she looked at my angry face, and Dave's amused face, then muttered "teenagers"
I gave a piercing glare at Dave and took Clare's arm.
"Well, let's go, I am not going to be staying here with someone who have issues" I said, glaring at Dave, who was smirking at me.
She picked me up bridal style and in about half and hour we were at the entrance to the underground. I was silent the whole way back.
She looked at me and said "Get some food in you, take a shower, changes clothes and dad, I mean Thomas wants to meet you" she said as she walked off, or ran off. Someone landed behind me. I turned around to stare at Dave. I held my head high and walked off. Thinking about what Thomas is going to talk to me about but also about food.
I haven't eat since last afternoon.
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Hiya. Okay this one was a long and boring chapter. I know.