The Return Of the Unknown

Eating Is Never Been Fun

I started at Thomas. Me? I was, rebirth, now I'm Ella. My senses could not believe and besides if I was Caroline than that was my past life, not this life. I sensed someone holding my waist tightly. I faced towards Dave, who gave me a genuine smile. Not a smirk but a real smile. I could not help but the smile back. I still had more questions. I looked back at Thomas.
"What about you? Where do you come into this? Why are saving, protecting us, protecting me?" I asked him, looking straight at him, into his eyes.
"Well, I knew you would ask me that question, and well the answer is, there is a man, and he was alive at when Caroline was alive and he knew her very well. Although he is old, he is pretty much the same age, as he was around her time, meaning you know when he turned" as he continued I just looked at him.

A man, from around Caroline's time was alive, that means he knew her, knew the old me.
"He is a vampire, and our master, he is the person that have created this, this tunnels, or hideout" Thomas took a deep breath and started again.
"We call him the creator because when we became vampires, he was the person that gave us a place to live, somewhere to call our own, and taught us everything that we know now, from fighting to cooking" as he was saying, there was a glint in Thomas's eyes, remembering all the time that he have spent with his master.

"He knew about you, he knew Caroline very well, he was - is the reason that we are doing this, keeping you safe from them"
So 'The Creator' was after this. I wanted to meet him, after all I was Caroline and I need to meet the man that have tried to save me.
"So can I meet, this..erm..creator then?" I asked.
Thomas nodded.

"Yes, It's time you meet him, but tomorrow and you will have to wear a dress for him, he doesn't like girls wearing 'boy's clothes', he is very old fashioned" Tomas continued, half chuckling to himself.

"Now, as I am getting tired of talking, I think it's time for you to get yourself something to eat, and then to sleep"
As a cue my tummy made a noise. Everyone in the room laughed, as the tension began to drift away.
I felt my self go hot, and stood up, hoping to get out of this room, which was cramped.

I made out of the door, when I heard footsteps, following me. Then the person with the footsteps started to walk beside me.
"I never actually finished what I was saying today." he mentioned.
I stopped in my tracks, and faced him.
"Well, if it's about Annabell, than save it" I snapped.
He chuckled, and started to walk towards me. Not again.
I walked back, and my back found the wall. Just as well.
"Not about her, about you"
Dave placed his hands on the either side of me, so I could not get out. As if. I was getting comfortable in this position.
What I am thinking? Getting Comfortable?
You know you like him
I do not, he dissed me in the morning, remember?
But you don't care about that, do you?

I decided that I should concentrate on what Dave was going to save, then have an argument with my conscience, which was not helping me at all.
I looked in his green bright eyes, they were so green, so natural, so -
"Annabell is nothing compared to you, and I love it when you blush, it makes you look, what's the makes you look like an apple."
I looked at his face, glancing from his eyes to look at his face. Did he just say I look like an apple?
"I love it when I hear your heart, mainly when it goes faster every time I touch you. You are smart, courageous, taking everything in, if it was some other girl, she would have gone and cried in some corner, and think that this is not real. You like taking risks, even if it just for your own benefit. I love it when I kiss you, your warm lips, your warm mouth. I just want to say that I love y-" I didn't let him finish. I kissed him, on the lips and he eagerly kissed me back. I felt his arms go down my back, gently stroking me. While my hands were exploring his hair. I just want to be like this forever, never want it to end.

We both stopped. Or I rather stopped. I looked at him, taking deep breaths. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear "By the way me and Annabell broke up, she was not my type, and I was going to break up with her before I even knew you, but I didn't have the guts, but when you came you gave me the straight to do it."

I stared at him. Then as quick as a flash, he gave me a peck on my lips, and told me he have to arrange something and want, or rather ran, or flew. Well, I don't know, as I said, it happened quick as a flash, and flashes are fast.
I sighed and smiled to myself, and thought about the kiss. My tummy made the gurgling sound, and snapping out of my day dreams, I made my way towards the canteen.

By the time I actually found it, it took 3 different tunnels and 2 block ends to find it, but hey I did find it in the end right?
So here I am at the canteen, and it was full of people. One good thing about this: No one looked at me when I walked in.

I want towards the line, which thank god was not big, since I was so hungry. I thought about the things that happened today. It was a long day today and most different from my entire boring, stupid life, but I don't think it's going to be boring now, not with me making out with a vampire, and me being from the past, and some undead skeleton after me. Oh skeleton's are undead.

Yey, the line is finished, I'm next. I look to see what was available. Some chicken stew, a bit of garlic bread, some peas, and noddles. What is this? I have to eat leftovers, because what I am like few minutes late - I looked at the clock on the top of the counter, it was 5.50am, the canteen starts to serve at 5am, that means I'm 50 minutes late. But still. Not fair. I picked of the cup of chicken stew, some noodles. I looked around hoping to see some hidden food, and I saw a chocolate pudding in the middle of two cups with some greeny stuff. Oh well, the pudding looks good.
As I was picking up the chocolate pudding - yum yum - someone came to stand beside me. I looked and saw, David.

"Hi" I replied, placing the chocolate pudding on my tray. I am going to eat this all up. Muwhahaha.
David didn't pick any of the food, so he must have ate already. Now I don't have to ask him if he wants to have the chocolate pudding. Yey.
"Not much today, huh?" he asked, as I was choosing what drink to drink. Drink to drink. Get it?? No?? Oh well.
Hmm. I think I get coke today.
"Yeah, what's with the chicken stew and the peas?" I asked.
He shrugged. "Where were you today?" he continued.
Where was I? Need to make up something. Where was I?
"'t feeling well" I replied him, looking for an empty table to sit in. Jeez, I want to eat.
" you ok now?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied. Yes, I found an empty table. Now I can eat.
"So your back to your duties tomorrow then?"
"I guess so" I sat down on one side of the table where it was clean.
I picked up my spoon from the tray and started to slurp the chicken stew. Good thing it was still warm. Almost.
"Well, good, I'll guess I see you later, I'm kinda sleepy, good night"
I slurped some of my chicken stew again, and then replied.
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, and since I didn't do the duties today, I'm going to make up for it, so I am going to help you twice as much" I spoke, smiling at him. I felt bad, of him having to do the duties alone, with the other chefs.
A smile that almost reached his eyes appeared on his face.
"That's great, and I will see you tomorrow" he said, and turned to leave.
I just remembered something.
"And sorry about the swimming, I'll make it up to you"
He turned around to face me again.
"Hey, no worries, and yeah you owe me now" he snickered and left.
I smiled and shook my head.
Without any more disruptions, I quickly finished my chicken stew and noodle, leaving the chocolate pudding till last. Yummy.
Drank my coke, and made my way towards my so called room.
I need to get some shut eye.