The Return Of the Unknown

Running For My Life

Talk about your dream coming to life.

Well, this is what is happening to me. I was running like I never ran before. Amy was next to me. I could hear her panting as she tired to keep up with me. Before I used to ask myself questions about why did I took part in running competitions. Now I'm glad I did.

I can see only one thing is front of me. Darkness. Engulfing me everywhere. The clickity-clack of the human-things were coming behind. Did they just get near? I tried to run fast.

Then I saw my chance to hide from the dark creatures following. I quickly took Amy's hand and lead her through the car park. Car Park? In the middle of deserted buildings. There are cars too, no not car but vans. Than I heard screaming. It wasn't me or Amy then who?

Just then I saw people. Normal people. They look so scared, frightened. I looked at their faces. Fear written on it. That's how my face must look I thought to myself. They were hiding behind all the vans, even from where I was standing I could see them shivering, and I know its not from the cold. So I hid behind the vans, waiting for something to happen, hopefully not to me.

Flash.Flash. What was that? I looked behind me and sure enough the vans headlight were flashing. On. Off. On. Off. I looked around. Every headlight was flashing. I didn't have the time to look who was sitting the drivers seat but one thing is for certain. They want us to get caught.

The people started to scream. Making us more visible to the things that were following us. Then they started to run towards the end of the car park. While all this time I was going back to forth the vans looking for an escape route.

"Come on, Ella!!" Amy shouted up at, and started to run towards the people. By the time we want towards the end of the car park, everyone was gone. OMG!! What is going to happen now? I can't get caught. I started to panic. This was too much. Too much.

Just then Amy spotted a basin of some kind at the side on the wall.
"Let's get in there, they might not spot us" as soon as she said it, she want in and completely disappeared. It was too dark to see what was in there. My guesses were on the negative side as well: snakes, spiders, or even mud. But this is my life. I have to take a chance and besides Amy didn't scream or anything. I thought.

Just one step.

Clickity-clack. Clakity-clack. Shit. They are here. Clickity-Clack.

Why did it stop?

I looked up to see what is going on. And turned my face to see - a skeleton.
Standing right in front of me. I looked through its black sockets. The skull gleaming white.
"Looks like we got you in the end" he said in rasper voice. Then I screamed.
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Okk...that was chapter 3 done. I haven't got any comments now but still thought I updated but please I would be OVER the moon if I could get comments..