The Return Of the Unknown

Eating is Not a Habit

I woke up to find four people staring at me as I was an alien from the some other planet. The one on my right had black hair, almost touching his shoulder (yh it's a he). Deep blue eyes, and quite good-looking, and he had pale skin. The one next to him was a girl. Must be about in her 20s, I thought. She had blond hair, which was very long, and peering green eyes as if she can look right into you. She was good-looking as well. might I add stunning. The person next to her was a man, middle 30s but still like the rest of them good-looking. He had the same features as the blue-eyed guy, but with blond hair. The guy standing next to him had green eyes with brown hair that fells in his face, quite cute I must say.

So they were all staring at me, with some look in their face. I wonder why?
One of them noticed I had woken up and open to mouth to speak.
"She's awake" now the others were noticing too, but their gaze never left my face.
"Hello, My name is Clare" the woman with the peering green eyes told me. "This is Jake" pointing to the black haired guy, who was standing at my right. "Mathew" pointing to the middle 30 guy. "And last but not the least, Dave" pointing to brown haired guy. I swear he just smiled.
"Also he was the one that rescued you from Garret"
Oh so he was the one. Ah well.
"Urm..were my cousin?" I asked. Although I don't care where she is, I had to say something and that was the first thing that came up in my mind.
"well, she want to eat something, since she got up half an hour ago" replied Clare. So she must be the talkative person of the group or something.
"How long have I this?"
"About 2 hours"
"Oh OK well - " I was just about to ask about this place when my tummy rumbled.
Dave chuckled.
"Well, looks like someone is hungry. Shall I get the food from you here, or you want to come to the canteen" asked Mathew.
I decided that since I want to know more about this place I might have well look around and the first place to start is the canteen because I am hungry.
"I'll come with you" I said.
"Okey then lets go. Will you be able to walk or do we want one of us to carry you?"
Carry me? No Way!!
"I think I'll just walk"
"Sure thing"

So I got up from the bad then looked around the room. It was huge. It was cream colored, with some red bits in it. The bad that I have been sleeping in was massive. There were no windows. But there were two doors.
"Yh, one of the doors lead outside this room and the other one is a closet" Clare said.
Ah well that answers that. But what about the windows? I thought.
"We are underground, so there's no windows" I get it. Wait, I didn't answer the questions out loud did I?
Than how did Clare...
"You will find out soon enough now lets go, I'm starving"
I made my way to the door, noticing the others have already left.

We want down the through series of tunnels. Zig-zagging here and there. We finely arrived at the place. I stood at the doorway. Shocked. There were so many people. Chattering and being happy. Eating and enjoying. Than I noticed someone who I thought I never see.
"Mum" I cried and want towards her.
"Ella, thank God you're OK. They told me they got you but they wouldn't let me come and see you" cried my mother. I looked at her face. She was crying, there were tears in her eyes.
"Aww, come on Mum. Don't Cry"
" I thought I lost you, when everything want dark, those people came to get me, like everyone else. I tried looking for you, but they said that they have already found you and your cousin and that you are going to be safe but they didn't let me meet you. Oh I was soo worried"
I never saw my mother cried or sound so worried. It was hard to take in.
"But mum. I'm here. I'm safe. And I'm hungry"
My mother laughed and told me to wait while she got me something to eat from the queue.
I looked around the place. It was full of people. Some of them I know. Wow everyone in the whole town was here, I thought to myself. I wonder how they have managed to put everyone in one place. And who are they?
That were lot's of questions and I want to know the answer too.

Just then mother came carrying what looked like chicken soup. mmmm.
As soon as she put the bowl down, I started to gobble it all up. Mmmm that was soo delicious. I wonder if they have more. I looked around. No I don't think so. Not with all those people to feed.
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That was Chapter 5. Please Can I Have Your Comments. You Can Make My Day Since Im not having a very good one at that. Thnx