The Return Of the Unknown

Rich Brats

So I sat there wondering who on earth I will be sharing my room with.
"Abigail Loc, Shandra Loc, Kelly Manes, Matt McClain, Simon..." Mathew was calling some names out from the list he was holding."Ella Mcbain, Susan Mcbain, Amy Mcbain, Jane Mcbian, Jacob Mcbain, Garry Mcbain in room number 102"
Did he just call out my name? OMG!! We are going to be staying with my cousin's family?
Is he mad? I was just about to go to Mathew and complain about the staying arrangement when someone grabbed my arm.
I turned around to see who it was.
"Oh let's go dear, we are staying with...urm your cousins" my mum looked as she was shocked too. "No need to go the that guy, well just stay with them dear"
"But mum, I can't stand them" I was getting frustrated by the second.
"Aw, so I'll guess you will be with us, how nice" Jane Mcbain, Amy's mother came out of nowhere. Can you be more sarcastic?
"Yes, I guess so" My mother replied with some pained expression in her eye. Every time she looks at their family, my mother always seems to remember my father.

So off we want to room number 102. It better be big because there was no way I am sleeping next to them.
It was big.
"Aw, this is the same size as our living room" said Jane.
Looks like it's not big for some people.
There were one double sized bad and four mats.
Hmm, looks like someone people would be sleeping in the floor and let me tell you it won't be me.
Quick as a flash, I want to the bad, took the green covers off, and want to sleep on comfy bad. Oh pretend to sleep.
"Wha-"My other cousin Garry, who I don't particularly like started to say something.
"Well, it looks like Ella's got the bad, so I guess I will be sleeping with her" My mother said. I knew from her voice that she sounded happy.
I'm guessing at what others face would look like. Shocked. Open-mouthed. If I was not pretending to be asleep, I would have LOVE to see their faces.
Laughing to my self I fell asleep.

~~~Next Day~~~

I woke up to see my mother awake beside me. Wow I had a good sleep, I realized.
The others were laying on the the mat on the floor. Hehehe. Just looking at them makes me want to laugh. Rich Brats.

I looked at my mum. Seems she just got up as well. I decided to take a shower, and for that I have to look for one.
I want out of the room, to see people milling about and chatting.
"Urmm..where is the bathroom?" I asked the nearest woman.
"Just down there" She replied, pointing at the a door which looks to be wide open.

"Thanks" I want towards the door. Suddenly, I was on the ground. "What the F-"
"Shit, sorry didn't see you" came a familiar guy's voice. He helped me up and I looked up to see Andrew.
"Hi. So your here too" He said to me.
I started at him. "Yeah" I replied. Unfortunately.

"So, urm I guess I see you later, yh?" Is he kidding me?
"Urm, yh sure"
"Cool" and with that he walked away. And wondering what the hell happened I want to the bathroom, which was milling around with womens.
This is going to be a long day. I thought to myself.
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