The Return Of the Unknown

To Tell You The Truth

"Well, let's go" Clare gripped my hand, and I followed her out of the canteen.
I giggled to myself. The look on Amy's and Andrew's face was so funny.
We, again want to some random tunnels. Each had a light, hanging at the top. I looked around the while I was walking. The tunnel was big enough not to hit someone's head, and wide enough for five people to fit in a straight line. Than I noticed a blue door, the only thing that actually had a color to it.
"Well, here we are" Clare opened the door and pushed me in, gently.
I looked around the room. The walls were light blue, with a white light shining from the top of the ceiling. There was a huge wooden table in the middle of the room, and a chair which someone was sitting on it. There was even a black sofa at the side of the room, which was not empty.
I looked at the man sitting on the chair. He was the same man who made the announcement about the rules. He had black hair, brown eyes and looked like Clare.

"Ah, well here you are, I'm Thomas, by the way, Clare's father and the person who made this all possible" he told me, spreading his arms around above him.
"Now, I know that you have lot's of questions about this and us, just like everyone else in this place. I must say humans are very curious spices, well I was once too"
"So arnt y-you humans?" I stammered. My blood suddenly ran cold.
"Well, could we trust you with our little secret, and that you wouldn't rat us out, mind you none of you humans are going to come to any harm"
"Y-yh, I won't t-tell anyone, I swear" As I said this I was regaining my confidence. Of course I wouldn't tell their secret. They are not harming anyone, as far as I know.

Thomas looked at Clare, who was standing behind me. I felt her nod her head.
"Well, OK. I suggest you sit down though, this is going to be hard to take in"
I looked around the room. The only space available was next to Dave in the sofa, who I just noticed was here. My eyes caught his eyes, and he patted the empty space next him and nodded. I gulped.
I want to sit down next to him. On the other side of me, sat Jake. He gave me a charming smile. I just felt my heart beat faster.

"Well, let's get this over with" said Thomas, getting a serious look in his eyes.
Clare want and sat down on a bean bag, which I didn't notice was there before.
"Now, let's start" Thomas carried on. I looked straight at him, noticing Dave had crept closer to me. Damn, do this people want me to have an heart attack? I thought to myself. I saw a smile came up on Clare's face.
"So now, have you ever heard of creatures that don't sleep at night, only drink blood, of course, it doesn't have to be human that they drink the blood of, and can live for eternity"
Okay, although this is getting really creepy, on the top of that, Dave is holding my hand.
"We are cold, and we normally don't go out when its really sunny, and we don't have an heartbeat" I knew where this was heading.
"Do you know what we are now?" I heard a whisper in my ear. I looked up and saw Dave, looking at me with some gleam in his eye.
I gulped again.
"Yes" I said, surprised at myself, for being so calm. "Your vampires"
"Well, that's over with, and mind you don't tell anyone, not even you mother" replied Thomas.
I nodded.

"Now, as an act precaution, you will be sleeping with us, well not me exactly, but with Clare, Dave, Jake, Mathew and James" Thomas told me.
"James?" I asked, confused. I haven't met him yet.
"Yes, Jake's brother"
I looked at Jake. He smiled at me. Please don't faint, I told myself.
"Now, about your job, you won't be able to do the same job as us, since you won't be able to" Thomas laughed as he said this.
"You will..let's see..can you cook?"
"You want me to cook?" I replied.
"Well, it's the easiest job here"
"Urmm...sure, I guess I can do that," I thought about my mum, she won't be able to stay with THAT family.
"Don't worry, we will shift her, to her friends room" said Clare, after being quite for some time, that I even forgot she was there.
"Well, if you have any more question, except for why the skeleton was after you than you can ask"
"Well, not really, but I did wanted to know about them"
"You will, at the right time, you cooking duties starts in 10 minutes, and us lot have to go to errr.. get food for us and you lot"

"err, OK" I had other questions to ask, but my mind want total blank, and I noticed Dave holding my hand.
"Let me drop you to the kitchen, shall I?" he asked me. I nodded, while blushing.
Hope he haven't noticed that.
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Just wanted to ask if you guys would like the story to be told in somone other than Ella's view. I will be telling her view, but if you want me to write in someone's else view, that would be great.