The Average Ryden/Rydon

I totally traumatized him, didn't I?

HOLY SHIT!! What do I say? What do I fucking say now?!

"Um.. I had a dream about you?"

He had a blank look on his face, then he asked, "Why? What was it about?"

"It was about you...onapole..grabbingmydick.."

"Brenny, you're making no sense."

Thank God I am not!!

"I know, I know.." I started, then pointing in a random I screamed, "There's the butterfly Ryan!"

And he was gone.

Ha, that takes care of that problem.. Which left me with another chance to sleep in peace with my dream of Ryan..


Oh fuck naw..


I tried to drown out the sound of Pete shrieking. No use. He just barged in here, face red with anger.

"Ugh, Brendon! You totally fucked it up this time!!! Where the hell is my pink Calvin Klein robe?! WHERE! And..why the fuck do you expect ME to use some..some hideous, atrocious white robe after I get out of my beauty bath!! WHY?! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I AM BELOW YOU! OMFG!!! YOU ARE SOO DEAD FOR THIS!"

I hid my face into my pillow to hide my laughter. Wow, this was a dream come true..

"BRENDON!!!" Pete shrieked even louder this time before wacking me with a purse. "YOU ARE EFFIN DEAD!!"

Then we heard a sound from the bathroom... OMFG, Ryan taking a shower!!

We both looked at each other, then ran off to the bathroom. I slowly opened the door, what I saw was just priceless..

Ryan.. Wearing Pete's pink robe!! HA!

The look Pete's face was just too much.. holy shit, I cannot contain my laughter anymore! This is just too funny!

"OMFG, like, why are you totally wearing my pink bath robe!" Pete screamed.

"I-I couldn't find my white one.." he muttered; scared of Pete obviously.

"THAT IS IT!!!" Pete exploded in the loudest scream I have ever heard in my life.


He got on top of him and ripped the robe off; screaming, "Stop struggling!!"

I grabbed out my camera, and right when Jon and Spencer walked in I took a pic of Ryan naked. He looked so frightened and confused. Tears were about to pour from his eyes any moment now as Pete got down to his level and asked, "Are you, like, totally okay honey?"

Ryan just stared at him, then pushed him away and ran.

"I totally traumatized him, didn't I?" Pete asked as he filed his nails and began to work on his new 'hot pink' manicure.
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Wowzerz, people actually like this!! Yay! At first I thought no one would..