Status: Completed.

See you on the ice Mr. Crosby

Part 13: The beginning

Important Author's Note:
Alright guys, this is it. The final installment of Sidney Crosby, See you on the ice. You can consider this your vulgarity warning. Also, I just wanted to thank everyone who's stuck with this before I started the actual chapter. Thanks guys so much, it really means a lot.
-Love, Layna.


I was currently about to start my third season with the Caps, and Sidney his fourth with the Pens. It’s hard to believe that it’d been a full two seasons since I first met Sidney, but we were still going strong. In fact, we were stronger than ever. Sure, we had our rough spots when we played each other, but we’ve come to work around that, leaving our emotions on the ice.

Last season was one of our best together. After the Caps were removed from Round 1 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, I flew straight to Pittsburgh to be with Sidney. I was there with him every game; home and away. Things became slightly complex though when they lost the Cup to Detroit in Game 6, on Pittsburgh ice. Sidney was in a bit of a funk, and after a couple days of trying to cheer him up I gave up and let him have his space. We still ate together and slept in the same bed, but other than that there was hardly any conversation between the two of us. Then one day, the wall that he had created broke.

I was cooking breakfast, my back to the doorway of the kitchen in his new apartment. While I was in the middle of flipping the last pancake, I felt a pair of familiar arms that I had missed so much wrap around my waist and a soft pair of lips graze my neck.

“I’m sorry I’ve been such an ass lately.” I switched off the stove and turned around to look into Sidney’s eyes that, for the first time in weeks, finally looked happy.
“You weren’t being an ass, you were feeling disappointed. And that’s ok. Of course I would be lying if I told you I didn’t miss you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” he whispered, his lips now softly pressed to mine.

The second I responded, Sidney started to bring up the intensity of our kiss. It was only when he backed me up so the heat from the still warm stove reached my back that I pulled away from the kiss. He gave me his pouty puppy dog look, but I stood firm.
“Breakfast first, and then we can catch up.” I smirked as his eyes flashed with happiness, and I have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that boy go through a stack of pancakes quite as fast. Once I had cleared the table, I made a move to begin washing the dishes when I felt Sidney’s hand around my wrist.
“Oh no you don’t,” he smirked. “You only said we had to eat breakfast, not clean it up.”
I laughed lightly at his eagerness and easily caved. Hey, I had missed him too.

The rest of the off-season was completely fantastic. After Sidney had recovered from his little “episode,” we went up to Nova Scotia to visit his parents for a week. We then took a very relaxing three week vacation to various places. We went to Prague, Rome, Moscow (where we met up with Alex and Geno for a few days) and finished off with a full week in the Caribbean. Once our vacation was over we headed back to DC where we just relaxed until we had to go our separate ways for training camps.

From there, last season went fairly smoothly, for me at least. The Caps were soaring once again with Bruce starting behind the bench and the whole team seemed to have a new sense of life to it. Unfortunately for Sid, things weren’t going quite as well. The Penguins had started out strong, but come mid-season they began to falter. For the rest of the Caps faithful this was great. We took the regular season series 3-0-1 with only one shootout loss coming after the Penguins had fired Therrien.

Before Sidney or I knew it, we were both in the playoffs. My Caps were playing the Rangers and after a huge comeback, the Pens were going up against the Flyers. To say that the first round of the 2009 playoffs was boring would be the biggest understatement. Not only were there continuously snide and incriminatingly sexual comments from Sean Avery that I had to deal with, but I also had to calm Sid down after I told him about said comments. It was basically a preview of hell and I couldn’t wait for the series to be over.

Even though his series ended before my Game 7, Sidney wasn’t able to come down due to some team stuff going on up in Pittsburgh. I didn’t mind too much, but the main fear in the back of my mind the entire game was that we could end up playing each other. Can you say worst situation ever? We already got irritable and slightly irrational with each other when we played during the regular season. A potentially seven-game series would seriously give me a one-way ticket to hell.

The same day that the Caps’ Game 7 was taking place, Carolina and New Jersey were battling it out for a Round 2 spot. Since that game started a half hour after ours, once the interviews were over and done with, everyone crowded around the TV in the locker room. As the last second ticked off the clock with Carolina having the bigger score, only one word seemed to register in my brain. Fuck. I lethargically hauled myself off the bench and out to my car. The entire ride home I thought about the match-up and what it could potentially do to mine and Sidney’s relationship; I only came up with negatives.

I was so deep in thought that I didn’t notice the black Range Rover in my driveway. I wasn’t in my house for more than five minutes before I was pulled into a loving hug. Too tired to restrain, I allowed myself to melt into Sidney’s body as he just held me and stroked my hair. After a few minutes he pulled away and I snapped back into reality.

“Sidney, what are you doing here? I thought you had team stuff to take care of.”
“I did, but then I realized that you were more important than the team,” he smiled and kissed my head. “And when I heard the Carolina-Jersey score, I was really glad I came.”
“Sid what are we going to do?”
“Take it one game at a time. Try not to think about it and remember that I still love you no matter what.” I looked up into his eyes and they were the most passionate I had seen them in a long time.
“I love you Sidney.”
“I love you too baby. Now come on, let’s get you to bed.”

Unable to function otherwise, I allowed him to carry me up the stairs and eventually lull me into a deep slumber.

As much as Sidney and I talked about our match-up beforehand, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t affect us at all. We never could have predicted how out of proportion the league blew the series and I found myself wishing it would just end. As much as I hated him as Sidney Crosby the captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins, I missed him as Sidney Crosby the boy who I loved and that I hadn’t talked to for over a week. This series was taking a toll on me, not only physically, but also emotionally. I loved my team and the condolences they gave me, but it wasn’t Ovie’s arms that I wanted giving me a comforting hug.

Finally, the much dreaded Game 7 arrived. This was it; now or never; it all ends tonight. There was no chance that either of us would get off happy so instead of thinking of Sidney like I usually did, I set my mind on the hard game ahead. Unfortunately, maybe I should have stuck with my superstitions and thought of him because that game most certainly did not go as planned. I guess you could say that I was happy that the hell series was finally over, but at the same time I was filled with heartbreak. As I saluted the Caps faithful with the rest of my team that had become as close as my family, a foreign feeling swelled inside of me. I hated Sidney Crosby.

On the outside, I was calm and put on the sad disappointed face that was reflected on everyone else’s. I went through the interviews not remembering anything that I had said afterwards. I slowly put my gear back on its hooks when in reality I just wanted to take everything and throw it all over the locker room. I was doing fine hiding my inner fury until Sidney called. His customized ring tone went off, alerting the locker room who it was who was calling, but what surprised them was when I ripped the battery out and slammed the phone on the bench. I had cracked.

Instantly, I felt Ovie’s arms around my body as tears began to slip out. As angry as I was, I let him hold me because this time I didn’t want anyone else. No one said anything as Alex held me tightly, not once showing any indication of letting go. When there was a knock on the door, I buried my head into his chest. I knew who it was. I couldn’t thank Mike [Green] enough when he turned Sidney away, telling him now was not the time. Finally, after I had calmed down I looked up into Alex’s piercing blue eyes.

“I hate him,” I whispered. He didn’t fight me, just nodded along.
“I know, and it ok to hate him.”
“No, you don’t understand Alex, I hate him. I don’t want to see him again. I hate him, I hate him.” Ovie silenced me by placing a finger on my rambling mouth.
“I know you do. Don’t worry, everything be okay. I take care of you.”
“Thanks Alex.”
“Any time love.” I held onto him for a few more minutes. “You need to get home and go to bed soon.”
I merely nodded in response.
“Do you want me come with you?” I shook my head ‘no.’
“No it’s ok, I’ll be fine.”
“I love you Lei.” I smiled into his strong chest.
“I love you too Al. Thanks.” He nodded and let go of me so I could hike out to my car. I sent him one last reassuring smile that I would be ok before leaving the locker room and heading home, the entire time praying Crosby wouldn’t be there.

When I pulled up into my driveway, there was a black Range Rover sitting there. Fuck. I thought of driving away and spending the night with Mike or Alex, but I really wanted to sleep in my own bed. I’d just ignore Sidney and go straight to bed, that would work. If only it could’ve been so simple. The second I was in the door, his arms were around me.

“Are you ok baby?” I frowned in disgust and shoved him off.
“Get away from me.” To say he looked thoroughly confused would probably be the understatement of the year.
“Lays, are you ok?”
“What the hell do you think?” I couldn’t help but snap at him, and this time I felt no remorse doing it.
“Leia, I know you’re upset, but let me stay here and help you. I know how you’re fee-”
“I swear to god if you say you know how I feel right now I’ll kill you. You have no fucking idea what I’m feeling right now.”
“Look, I’m sorry my team beat yours, but you don’t have to take it out on me.”
“Oh really? Well which other bastard skating around like he owned the place would you like me to take my anger out on?”
“No, don’t start with me Sidney. I hate you. I hate you and your entire goddamn team. We were better, we were supposed to win.”

By now tears were slowly beginning to trickle down my face. Hesitantly, Sidney wrapped his arms around me. When I didn’t push him away, he pulled me into his chest and held me there a little while before he dared speaking again.

“Sweetie, it’s been a long day. Let’s get you to bed,” he whispered soothingly.
“No. I’m too angry to go to bed.”
“Please try. You’re going to wear yourself out.”
“I know what my body can handle Crosby, I’m not a baby.”
“You’re my baby,” he whispered before kissing the top of my head. However, when my body tensed he realized he had said the wrong thing and instead covered it up. “Come on, time for bed.”

I felt myself being lifted up as Sidney carried me to my room and lay me down on the large bed. I felt the bed shift as he sat down beside me and stroked my hair. I could tell that all he wanted to do was help me, but at that point I didn’t want his help. What he didn’t seem to understand was that I felt miserable and weak and needed to take care of myself to prove to myself that I was strong and not a complete failure. It was an internal battle that Sidney got caught in the middle of. I once again felt the bed shift as he got off, kissing me head and closing the door behind him.

The next morning I woke up feeling no better than when I had fallen asleep the night before. I was still angry and all it seemed like I wanted was to have my boys around me. I wanted to go to practice, to practice drills until my legs fell off. I wanted to push myself past my limits, but I knew that couldn’t happen. It was over. The Pittsburgh Penguins had beat the Washington Capitals in Game 7 of Round 2 by a score of 6-2. What a way to go.

I heard a light knock on my door and the memory of Sidney being here rushed back. When I didn’t answer, he poked his head in the door, looking at me expectantly. I turned away from him and he sighed. “I made breakfast for you if you’re up for it.” For some reason, anger coursed through my body at his words. Because I didn’t have the energy to fight him, I stayed silent. I heard him close the door and pictured the defeated look on his face. It didn’t matter, I didn’t care. Maybe now the prized Sidney Crosby could finally realize that he can’t get everything his precious heart desires.

After a couple of hours just sitting in my room, thinking, I decided to head downstairs, again hoping that Sidney would have gotten the hint and just left. Unfortunately for me, the boy was about as thick as his tree-trunk legs. He was sitting on the couch, talking on his phone when I came down. He paused for a moment to tell me breakfast was on the stove, but I ignored him and instead went straight to the fridge for some orange juice. I was sipping it calmly at the counter when I felt him put his arms around me and hold me close to his warm body. I refused to talk and pushed him off me. I could tell through his sigh that he was feeling dejected and had no idea what to do. Maybe he should just leave.

“Look Leia, I know you’re upset but I thought we agreed to leave everything on the ice.”
I didn’t answer him, but instead continued looking into my cup.
“Can you at least look at me?”
I brought my cold, hard stare up to meet his pleading face.
“Baby, let me help you. I’m here for you, I love you. I’ll do whatever you want.”
I grunted as a reply and began to walk away when he began talking again.
“OK fine, if you’re not going to talk then I’m just going to leave.”
Once again I said nothing.
“I’m gonna go now. I love you Leia and please, don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone,” he sounded so helpless now and I could picture him scratching the back of his neck. “Alright, I’m heading out. Bye babe.”

And with that, he was gone. It was only after I heard his car pull out of the driveway that I broke down. I just crumpled to the floor, unable to control myself. An hour later that was the exact same position Alex and Sergei [Fedorov] found me in. Alex knelt down and scooped me up in his strong arms and, at that point, that was what I needed. I clung to him for dear life as Feds just kept mumbling that I’d be ok and soothingly rubbed my back. Between the two of them, and half the team that decided to show up, I was perfectly fine after a couple hours, completely forgetting Crosby.

I ran into another emotional road block though, two days later on Breakdown Day. Sidney had tried to call maybe a dozen times over the past couple of days but every time I completely ignored him. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to talk to him, and if I wasn’t, I didn’t want to take any more misdirected anger out on him. I at least felt sorry for that. Besides, it was Breakdown Day and I had enough to worry about. While packing the last couple of leftover sticks I had in my bag, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to face Bruce.

“How are you holding up Leia?” I shrugged my shoulders.
“I’m hanging in there. Things could be better.”
“I heard from the guys about your little breakdown the other day.” I groaned. Just great.
“I’m just going through a rough time. Hopefully the off-season can clear my head.”
“Right, well I know I’m not your father, just your coach, but you should talk to him. If I were Sidney, I’d be worried sick by now.”

Bruce’s words stuck with me the rest of the day. Most of the boys weren’t leaving right then so once we were all done packing up and the final meetings had ended we all went to lunch together. The entire time, everyone seemed to forget that we were, in fact, done with hockey for the rest of the year. We were all having so much fun that it just slipped our minds. Of course Bruce’s words were still in my head, but they moved to the back of my mind. For now, I was just enjoying the last moments that I had with the boys I loved.

Once I was peaceably back at home, I settled down on the couch and popped in one of the Friends season disks. I had just gotten comfy when I heard my front door swing open and smash into wall. Not even two seconds later I was being crushed by a very large body holding onto me tightly as if they were afraid that if they let go I would vanish.

“Jesus christ Sid, what are you trying to do, kill me?” His head immediately picked up from my shoulder and looked me dead in the eyes.
“I hadn’t heard from you in days and I was worried something had happened. I even tried Alex and he wouldn’t pick up.”
“I’m fine Sidney.”
“Well, it’s a start. At least you’re talking to me now.” I glared angrily at him.
“Fuck I just lost communication with you again didn’t I?” I nodded my head and while he wore a mournful expression on his face, his eyes gave him away that he was humored with the current situation.
“Leia, I will do anything you want to make you feel better. I will confess to the world that the Washington Capitals are better than the Pittsburgh Penguins as long as it will make you happy.”

I couldn’t resist anymore, a full out grin broke out on my face. This boy really was something special. I tugged down on him until our lips met. I could tell, upon contact, that he was happy. While still connected, his mouth curved upwards and I could almost feel his teeth smiling through. Sidney deepened the kiss by pressing down harder and pushing me farther into the couch cushions, but this isn’t what I wanted. I didn’t want us to launch right back into the loving relationship we had before because things were different and I wasn’t ready for this yet.

When I pulled away, Sidney looked down at me with that expression on his face that showed he was terrified he did something wrong. “Sidney, if you want to make me happy, just hold me, keep loving me and let me get over this on my own. I promise I’ll come back to you, but this was a hard loss and I need time to get over it.” He merely nodded and pulled me close to his body, kissing the top of my head. This was what I wanted, and what I needed.

The rest of the day we just lay there on the couch watching Friends. He held me closely and for that I was very thankful. The only time he moved was when he got up to make dinner. Of course when he returned, he had to make some snide comment. “Now, will you at least attempt to eat my cooking this time? I worked hard on it.” I blushed, slightly embarrassed by my previous and inconsiderate actions. When I saw the light twinkle in his brown eyes, I realized that he was just teasing me and smiled widely up at him before starting eating.

After dinner and once we were both too exhausted to even function anymore, Sidney insisted on carrying me upstairs. He waited for me to finish changing in the bathroom to help tuck me in. He leaned down and gently, but slightly hesitantly, kissed my lips. As he straightened up and turned to leave, I realized something else I wanted. “Sidney,” I called out to him. He looked back at me, waiting for me to continue. “Stay with me tonight?” A small smile broke out on his face as he nodded enthusiastically. He quickly stripped down to his red and blue striped boxers that I had gotten him a couple months before, and climbed into bed next to me.

The next morning, I woke up reaching into the blank space next to me that Sidney had previously occupied. He never let me wake up by myself; he was always there. A small wave of panic began to set over me, that is, until I faintly smelled bacon. I climbed out of bed and sleepily stumbled down the stairs into the kitchen. There, standing over the stove, pan in hand and humming lightly to himself, was the one hockey player who truly held my heart in his callused hands.

A flashback from Detroit the previous year flashed through my mind. This was like a complete role reversal. Mimicking Sidney’s actions from that day, I crept up behind him and snaked my arms around his toned waist. His body never tightened as he pulled me into his side without missing a beat. Once everything was done cooking, he turned off the stove and finally turned to face me. We just stared at each other for a few moments before I took it upon myself to break the silence.

“I’m sorry I was a dick.”
“Look Leia, I already told you. I know how you’re feeling, well at least about the losing part. I’m here for you and I’m not leaving.”
“Thanks Sid,” I wrapped my arms tightly around his middle.
“No problem babe. Besides, who else is going to handle your complete hotheadedness?” I playfully punched his shoulder, adding maybe a bit more force than necessary before dragging Sidney to the table to eat.

After breakfast, Sidney and I sat on the couch just talking and planning. We made amends, well, I made amends and resolved by cuddling on the couch. We decided that I would take my time and then meet him up in Pittsburgh, hopefully before Game 1, but the timing wasn’t fully important. I really was eternally grateful for him being so understanding. Once our talk was over, Sidney and I said our good-byes as he left to head back to Pittsburgh before he got into any more trouble for skipping out.

Once I was alone, my thoughts began to wander. Upsetting emotions began bubbling up, but I pushed them away. I wasn’t going to think of what would have happened had the Caps won. I wasn’t going to think about this upcoming Round 3 series. To busy myself, I did what most people do when they don’t want to think about something. Clean. I cleaned up the kitchen, cleared up a lot of the random hockey gear lying around and began packing for the trip to Pittsburgh. The entire time I packed though, I couldn’t help but not feel enthusiastic. I should’ve been excited to be able to go and be with my boyfriend nonstop again; to be able to see him everyday. But I wasn’t. Something about this series had messed me up royally and I could only hope that things would get better soon.

Once I got to Pittsburgh with Sidney, things weren’t quite back to normal between us. Sidney seemed to be undisturbed, but I still felt weird around him. I felt like there was still something there that was keeping me from fully loving him to the extent that I knew I could, and should. When their series opened up against Carolina, I outwardly rooted for Sid, but internally I continued to Rock the, this time Carolina, Red. After the series sweep I even went down to the Canes’ locker room to congratulate the boys on getting this far. Sure they were division rivals, but they did their best to represent the Southeast. In the same sense though, they really hadn’t gotten any farther than we had. Ha ha suckers.

Come Finals time, I had gone into a slump. This time, Sidney noticed. After Game 1 when the Pens lost, I put on a sad face for the Pittsburgh boys, but inside was perfectly happy. Of course, Sidney noticed my fake emotions and called me out when we got back to the hotel. In short, he called me a bad girlfriend and told me that maybe I should just go back to “my goddamn team” if I wasn’t going to be supportive of him. Needless to say, I ended up spending the night in Jordan Staal’s room before flying back to Pittsburgh early the next morning.

I ignored all of Sidney’s calls up until they lost Game 2. Once they had lost that game, pangs of guilt began to fill me. As selfish as it may sound, I knew that I was the reason Sidney hadn’t done that well at all. And, as strange as it was, that one thought made me break out of my mini funk and go nearly 100% back to normal and loving Sidney Crosby. I realized then how much I must have hurt him by not supporting him and all I wanted was for him to come home so I could tell him how sorry I was.

Sidney was fairly shocked when he got home the next day and I was there making him a grilled cheese sandwich in the kitchen. I wouldn’t say that he was angry; he seemed more relieved than anything. However, the second I heard him come in I dropped everything and ran to him. It was like old times being reunited. My legs wrapped around his torso and his hands held me under the knees while my arms clung around his neck.

“Sidney, I’m so, so sorry. I was an ass, I know I was and you didn’t deserve it at all. I was just being a bitter old hag when I should have been supporting you. I hope you can forgive and, if you’ll let me, I’d love to stay with you the rest of the playoffs and cheer you on. I’ll wear your jersey and everything; I just love you so much.” A bit of silence fell over us after my little speech and then suddenly Sidney just started cracking up, even though I didn’t see anything remotely funny in my long-winded apology.
“Leia, I love you too and I would love to have you stay with me. I understand that you were still angry, but I don’t care. I don’t want to think about any of that, I’m just glad that you’re still here.” He tightened his grip on me and we just stayed like that for a little while.

After Sidney finally let me down, I led him into the kitchen where we had a nice lunch followed by another nice “lunch” up in his room. Once we were done, I just lay there alone in the bed thinking while Sidney went down to get food. He always got hungry after we did certain activities. When he came back, he crawled in next to me and pulled me into his still sweaty body. I smiled up at him and just rested my head on his chest while he pressed a light kiss to my forehead.

We lay in silence for a little while. His arms were wrapped around me while I stayed pressed to his chest, listening to his steady breathing. Suddenly, I realized something; something I had to do.

“I want to go back to Detroit,” I whispered, looking up into Sidney’s face. He responded with a confused expression.
“What are you talking about Lays? We’re down 2-0. The series could end here in Pittsburgh.”
“I know, but I think you can get it done. You’re going back to Detroit. Just like last year this series isn’t ending at four games.” He let out a nervous sigh.
“I know.” I realized then just how nervous he was about having a repeat of last year.
“So can I come?” He looked down at me.
“Are you sure? I mean it didn’t work out so well the last time I took you up there.” I slumped a little bit, memories of what had happened rushing back.
“No, I want to be there for you. I just need to put Hockey Leia away and replace her with Girlfriend Leia.” Sidney let out a hearty laugh at my answer. I wasn’t amused at his laughter.
“Well if it’s something you really want, then sure, you can come with me. I’d love to have you there.”

He pecked my lips gently and I snuggled back into his body, a smile now plastered on both of our faces. We ended up falling asleep like that, not waking up until the next morning, fully rested and ready to go.

After the Pens won Games 4 and 5, Sidney and I found ourselves up in his room packing for the trip to Detroit. Sis packed mostly dress clothes while my suitcase was much more colorful. I had my Crosby jersey, which as a Caps fan/player I was slightly embarrassed to have, but then again I was dating the one and only so owning a jersey was the least of my fanhood destruction. Then came the article of clothing Sidney wasn’t too amused about; my Caps “Rock the Red” t-shirt. When Sid saw it, he vocalized his displeasure in my attire choice.

“Are you kidding me?”
“Why are you packing a Caps shirt?”
“Because I have to show my pride in some way. This is my way of protesting the system and saying my boys should be there while still cheering for you at the same time.”
“Seriously?” He was amused now.
“Yes seriously. Just because you’re some hockey hotshot superstar that doesn’t know how it feels to be in my position doesn’t mean you have the right to control my wardrobe decisions.” Sidney let out a medium chuckle before walking over and wrapping his arms around me.
“I love you.” He had this happy glint in his eyes that in turn made me happy.
“You’d better. Poo face.”
“Poo face?”
“Yes, poo face. Now go finish packing.”

Externally I displayed an annoyed expression, but internally, both Sidney and I knew that we were happy. Things were finally getting back to normal between us.

Game 5 was a complete and total disaster… if you were a Pens fan that is. It also was a game of mixed emotions if you were someone who had two halves: the Caps half that desperately wanted the Penguins to lose again so there weren’t as many bragging rights and the girlfriend half that just wanted her boyfriend to be happy. As the buzzer sounded ending the third period and concluding a 5-0 slaughter via the Detroit Red Wings, I realized something. Playoff hockey sucked.

I gloomily made my way to the locker room, dreading the attitude of the people that were going to come out of it. I stayed outside to wait, not wanting to be inside if someone were to pay me. And when the boys walked out, single file, not one look on their faces surprised me. I sat quietly next to Sidney on the bus ride back to the hotel. With his head pressed against the window the entire ride, I really couldn’t tell what he was feeling. I sure found out a few seconds after we were in our room though.

As soon as the door closed behind me, my body was pressed up against it. Sidney placed soft, passionate kisses up and down my neck, behind my ear and back again. Due to the shock of his sudden actions and the extreme pleasure I was feeling from said sudden actions, I was stiff for a few minutes, just letting him do his thing. When it occurred to me what was going on, I snapped back at him. Pushing him off of me, I put the best glare I could muster and placed my hands on my hips for dramatic effect.

“Sidney Patrick Crosby what the fuck is wrong with you?” Caught off guard by my unexpected outburst, Sidney just stared at me, still trying to catch his breath.
“I thought you’d like it. You’ve always liked that move before. I don’t get-”
“Sidney you just lost 5-0. Please tell me how in god’s name that turns you on enough to do what you just did.” He chuckled lightly.
“It’s not losing that turned me on. Seeing you waiting for me, still here and in my jersey turned me on. You looked so worried I couldn’t help myself. Sorry.” He hung his head.
“Me wearing your jersey turned you on that much?”
He nodded and I smirked, walking up to him and lacing my hands behind his head, playing lightly with thecurls on the back of his neck.
“What would me not wearing your jersey do to you?” I asked in a huskier whisper.

Sidney’s eyes instantly shot up to mine. They read hunger, desire, lust, want, need and a bright shimmer of happiness. I winked at him and started walking toward the bed in our room, only looking back once. I can honestly say that Sidney may not have brought his A-game to the ice, but it most certainly was not wasted that night. We fell asleep soon after and woke up happier than nearly every Penguins player and fan in the general Pittsburgh area.

After the Pens won Game 6, forcing a Game 7 in Detroit, Sidney and I didn’t get in any alone time because of all the celebrating. Before we left for Detroit a final time, he made sure that I was going to be fine going and I assured him that I would rather be there in case he didn’t win to console him. The entire plane ride I prepared myself with the scenario that Pittsburgh won. I planned out how I would feel and controlling my emotions. However, nothing could have prepared me for what happened. The Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup and I could never have felt more torn in all my life. I wanted to be happy, I really did, but I was a Caps fan and a player and a part of me died as the seconds ticked down.

I felt horribly guilty afterwards, but I couldn’t bring myself to watch Sidney lift the Cup over his head. It was too upsetting for me and while I wanted to support him I just couldn’t. I only hoped he’d understand. Once the painful celebrating was mostly over and only a handful of players still needed to hoist the infamous trophy above their heads, I left. I needed to do two things before I could leave and the sooner I got them done, the better.

First, I left a note of Sidney in his stall just letting him know that I was proud of him but couldn’t handle the atmosphere and needed to get back to the hotel. I told him not to worry and that I would be there whenever he got back, but also not to hold back from celebrating. After all, he had won the Stanley Cup.

The second task was more of a personal player-to-player thing. I walked down the hall to the Wings’ locker room to congratulate all the boys on a hard fought season. Once hugs had been distributed and condolences said, I left. I hailed the first cab and went straight to the hotel, turning off my phone along the way. I didn’t want Sidney calling me because I just needed my time alone to adjust. This was hard for me because I felt like it should have been me and my boys out there. Not necessarily raising the Cup, but being in the finals. It was a sore wound that needed to be healed on its on. As soon as I got to the hotel I went up to the room, changed and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning I felt a small weight around my waist. I knew it was Sidney and I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my lips. I turned around carefully in his arms and pulled myself closer to his chest so my head could fit under his chin. I stayed like that for a few minutes until Sidney stirred. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead, pulling me even closer into him.

“Hey Lays, are you ok?”
“I’m fine Sidney.”
“You don’t sound too fine.”
“This is just hard on me. I still love you though.” I felt him smile.
“Then that’s all I need to know.” He kissed the top of my head again. “Are you up for a shower?”
I looked up into his eyes to see them emitting a playful glow and I couldn’t help but let myself smile a little. “Sure, let me just wake up a little more.” He nodded unaware of my intentions.

In one swift move I pushed him down so I was straddling his hips. The look on his face was absolutely priceless. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his for a passionate kiss. When we finally pulled apart after a couple of minutes he looked up at me surprised.

“What was that for?”
“I never congratulated you on your big win.” He smirked as I lowered myself to him once again and caught on immediately.

After we were all showered and packed up, Sidney and I joined the rest of the team in the lobby for the plane ride back to Pittsburgh. Once we were back at Sid’s place, we planned. Since the Penguins would have a parade before they began having their respective days with the Cup, we decided that it would be best if I took a small two-week vacation to Russia until the whole thing was over. If there was one thing that could calm me down it would be a solid two weeks with my one and only Alex Ovechkin with a splash of Alexander Semin and a hint of Semyon Varlamov, and a possible guest appearance by the team daddy, Sergei Fedorov.

One quick phone confirmation with Ovie and a short trip back home, to finish packing, later, I was back on a plane, this time headed for “the Motherland.” I had made sure to give Sidney a good kiss and an ‘I love you’ before I left on my adventure, just to be sure he knew. Now all that separated me from a calming vacation was an ocean. I settled into my first class seat on the plane and quickly fell asleep.

As expected, by the time I returned home I had fully accepted the fact that the Pittsburgh Penguins were the new Stanley Cup Champions. After I had cleared customs and had my luggage at Dulles Airport, I called Sidney to let him know that I had landed. The second part of the plan was that I would spend three days getting myself back together in Washington before Sidney came down. From there we would plan out the rest of our off-season and do whatever our lovesick hearts desired. Thanks to my little Russian adventure, I also realized just how much I loved that Canadian and just how much I missed him at the moment. It was going to be a great rest of summer.


I was currently finishing my fifth season with the Washington Capitals and Sidney was in his sixth with the Pittsburgh Penguins. We were still just as strong as ever and had perfected the ability to put aside our differences and cheer for each other, when we weren’t on opposing ends of the ice that is. The year after Sidney won his Cup, I got mine. The Capitals were the 2010 Stanley Cup Champions. It was an incredible feeling and Sidney supported me throughout the entire ordeal.

In case you were wondering, we ended up beating the Chicago Blackhawks in a Game 7, double overtime scenario at a completely Red Rocked Verizon Center by a score of 2-1. Yes, even in the final game of the Stanley Cup Finals, the Caps couldn’t go out without a bang. The game winning goal? Well it went to none other than the Wayne Gretzky of the AHL himself, Alexandre Giroux who had started the season with the Caps for the first time. I came out of the game with an assist on the first goal, scored by Ovie of course, and Varly was once again our solid in net. He walked away with the Conn Smythe and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile wider. It was a night to remember and I was so grateful that Sidney had been there through it all with me. Of course before we celebrated, I apologized for not being all that supportive for him the previous year.

The 2011 playoffs were seen as a bit of a disappointment since both the Penguins and the Capitals were eliminated in the second round. Chicago won the Cup that year. But for me, the end of the season marked a bit of uncertainty. My two year contract extension expired and there had been no word yet of a resigning. I knew cap space was tight, but I wasn’t sure where exactly McPhee would go. Sure, I had been getting other offers from various other teams, but my priority was the Caps. It shocked me a little to get a call and an offer from Mario Lemieux, but I’m convinced that Sidney had something to do with it.

Once the playoffs were over and done with and no signings had been made I began to get a tad worried. Slowly but surely, the days started to count down to July 1: the opening of the Unrestricted Free Agent market. Sidney offered to stay with me until a deal was made and I was incredibly grateful. He was my rock during those couple of months and I don’t think I’d have been able to make the decision that I did had he not been there.

When July 1 came around, I woke up early and headed straight to Kettler where all the management offices were. McPhee seemed to be waiting for me which meant nothing good. I walked into his office and the look on his face said it all; they were letting me go. He explained to me that the cap was tight and they just couldn’t afford me if they wanted to at the price I was asking. He sent me on my way with my only option to stay with the organization that I had given my life to practically ever since I was born; a pay cut.

I went home right after to find Sidney waiting for me. He knew things hadn’t gone according to plan and held me as a couple tears escaped and slid down my face. He kept at least one arm wrapped around me the entire day as I received offer after offer from team after team. There were some from Edmonton, LA, Vancouver and Dallas, but all of those would mean being on the opposite end of the country from Sidney and I would rather take a pay cut than do that. Those offers were immediately dismissed and then I began getting some offers from eastern teams. Florida, Tampa, New Jersey and Philadelphia all offered me contracts. I refused Philly’s flat out because aside from the fact that they weren’t offering as much money as the others, I hated Philly with a passion and refuse, as a Caps fan, to ever end up there.

Then there was Pittsburgh. Mario stayed with his offer which was considerably generous. It was about 500 more than I was making now, getting me to a 5.5 mill, 4 year contract. Only New Jersey and Tampa were better offering 6 million for 5 years and 5 million for 5 years, respectfully. I had put all offers on hold and just headed to bed that day, unable to come to any clear decision.

The next morning I woke up early. The first thing I saw was Sidney sleeping peacefully beside me and as much as I wanted to just curl back up into his warm body and fall asleep, I had some decisions that needed to be made and there was only one place I could go to make them. I arrived at Kettler only 15 minutes later to a seemingly empty rink. I laced up my skates and hopped the boards, taking my time doing laps around the smooth ice. As I skated, I reflected back on everything that had happened since I first stepped foot on this ice in a Caps jersey. I had met Sidney, made a name for myself in the NHL, won a scoring title and a Stanley Cup, and bonded with the best family I could ever ask for.

As thoughts of my teammates entered my head, tears filled my eyes. Could I leave my teammates? I had already decided that my two choices were between taking a cut and staying with the team that had offered me so much from day one, or move to Pittsburgh to play and be with the man who loved me probably more than any one else could, save for Alex of course. With the thoughts swirling out of control in my head, I collapsed at center ice, right over the Capitals logo. As tears turned to uncontrollable sobs, a pair of skates with unmistakable bright yellow laces filled my blurred vision.

I looked up and was met with the perfectly crystal clear blue orbs of the one man who could calm me down with just a look in the eyes; Alexander Ovechkin. He didn’t say anything, but helped me up and led me over to the benches where he hoisted me up to sit on the boards. He climbed up next to me and we just sat there in silence for a few moments, both of us lost in our own little worlds.

It was our typical pose, and had a photographer been there they would’ve thought of it as a perfect photo opp. But for us, it meant so much more than just a photo on the cover of the Washington Post sports section. For us, this could mark the last time we sit side by side just staring off into space. At this thought, a single tear ripped itself free from my eyelid and started a single wet path down my cheek.

“Please don’t cry. It make things harder.” I looked over at Alex and his worried expression.
“What do I do Alex?”
“Do what your heart tells you to.”
“My heart’s split in two.” I looked down at the ice a foot below my skates as Alex’s laces once again filled my vision. I turned my attention up to his face.
“Why you love Washington?”
“It’s where I grew up. This is my home. This is my team-”
“I didn’t ask Caps. I ask about Washington.”
“I love the atmosphere. The crazy people everywhere and the power and pride that people who live here have.”
“Good answer.”
What was this boy getting at?
“Why you love Crosby?” I gave him a blank look before I responded.
“He cares about me. He holds me when I’m upset and doesn’t usually take my bullshit unless I’m really upset and he knows it’s not directed at him. We fight constantly but I think I’d rather fight with him than have a perfect relationship with someone else. God I feel like a cliché right now.”
“Can city put arms around you?” It’s official, Ovie’s on something.
“Exactly. So choose Pittsburgh. Be with Sidney.” Where the fuck did that come from? It actually made sense.
“But I have you to comfort me. I don’t always need Sidney,” I tried to reason.
“What happens I get traded?”
“You can’t because of your contrac-”
“No sass now please. What if I break contract? Go back to Russia? Then who take care of you?”
I was about to answer but he cut me off, his blue eyes boring into my brown ones.
“You always have Sidney. Be with him. He love you, he take care of you. He deserve you. You deserve him.” Tears began to brim again because I realized Alex was right.
“What the hell am I going to do without you?”
“You manage. I just phone call away.” A sad smile formed on my face as I wrapped my arms around him tightly.
“I love you Alex.”
“I know. I love you too.” He kissed my cheek before I pulled away with a sad sigh.
“I guess I need to call Mario now and get a contract together.” A smile broke out on Alex’s face. Fuck. What did that boy do now?
“Already take care of.”
“Everyone up in George [McPhee] office now.” I should have seen this one coming. He knew I was going agree with him. He always was my Russian other half.

Once up in McPhee’s office, I sat down and read over the contract with Mario. Alex stood next to me, his strong hand on my shoulder as I signed my name on the line. When done, I leaned back in the chair, overlooking what I had just committed to. Sure I was scared, but I had a feeling everything was for the best. I stood up and shook Mario’s hand before giving a tackle hug to Ovie, not out of excitement, just the need to be held. He gave me a strong squeeze before letting me go so I could collect a box of new Penguins paraphernalia from Mario.

After the signing, I prepared a press conference, more so for the fans than for the general media. I wanted them to understand why I was doing this. After all, I was a Caps fan myself and if one of my favorite players up and left for Pittsburgh I would definitely want some explanations. In the conference not only did I explain how hard of a decision it was for me to make, but I made a promise to all Caps fans that I would stay active in the community. I was sure as hell true to my word.

Every time we would play a game in Washington, I made a point to make a public stop at Kettler. Sure as we were passing through the city I made a couple of personal stops to catch up with my boys, but those were only for a couple of hours. While I did bond with my new team and accept their traditions, I made a point of creating my own tradition by wearing my old Caps gloves during warm-ups. Of course that was an accidental superstition that started in pre-season where they couldn’t find my Pens gloves until right before the game started and I ended up scoring a hattrick that game. I was very superstitious so from that point forward I always wore my Caps gloves. And much to my complete joy, my first game back at Verizon Center, the only boos I heard were directed towards Sidney and tweets for Gonchar. My fans didn’t hate me.

Of course getting back home after the unplanned signing with Pittsburgh was a completely different story. When I opened the door I found Sidney pacing around my living room like a semi mad man. I set my box of new hats, shirts, etc. down on a chair and went over to make sure he was ok.

“Where the hell have you been?!” I totally wasn’t ready for an outburst.
“I was at Kettler.”
“I’ve been worried sick. I wake up and you were gone. There was no note and your phone wasn’t on. I got worried.”
“Sid I’m fine. I just had some thinking to do.” His face turned serious.
“And how’d that go?” I purposefully started heading past him towards the kitchen.
“I made a decision.”
“Oh yeah?” I knew he was dying to hear what happened so I decided to play around with him a bit.
“Yeah.” He let out a sigh.
“I know you’re not going to tell me so I’ll just give up now.” I smirked triumphantly.
“Good plan.”
“So what’s in the box?”
“See for yourself dear.”

I waited, slowly counting down in my head for the reaction I was sure would come. I heard the box being opened and prepared myself for whatever he would say.

“Oh my god!”
“You signed with Pittsburgh? You’re coming to be with me?” I couldn’t help but laugh at his childish excitement.
“Yes, I signed with Pittsburgh and I’m coming to live with you.”
“Holy shit, I can’t believe it. What made you choose?”
“Ovechkin?” I nodded my head.
“We had a good long heart to heart this morning and he helped me realize what was really important.”
“And what is really important?”
“You. I realized that while I love my team like another family, I just flat out love you and you’re more important to me.” There was no hiding the smile on his face.
“So you love me more eh?”
“Yes I do, and I’m prepared to use this against you for the rest of our lives together.” He groaned.
“I thought you might.” I merely laughed and walked into his arms for a very passionate kiss.

About a month later, Sidney and I were outside of his house in Pittsburgh unloading most of my crap. I had insisted on keeping my house in Washington because I loved the area and intended on going back there for years to come so there wasn’t too much to bring over. When we had finished unpacking, Sidney put his arm around my shoulders.

“Welcome home baby,” he whispered, his lips pressed against the side of my head.
We fell back on the couch, completely exhausted.
“It certainly is,” I whispered back as I curled up into his side, ready to start the next chapter of our lives together.

♠ ♠ ♠
- 9,426 words
- 19 pages
- 229 paragraphs.
- basically 3 Stanley Cups
- 2 off-seasons and...
- 1 unrestricted free agency.

I call that an accomplishment. I'm not gonna lie, a few tears were shed while finishing this up so if you could message me with your thoughts, that would be great. Thanks again, you guys are the best!