Status: sleeping

I Can See You Awake Anytime In My Head

:Part 17:

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::Frank's POV::

It was late when I arrived home. Probably around midnight. Mom heard me rush in and came to see what the matter was.

"Frank, sweety?" she said, entering the kitchen in her pajamas. She saw the redness of my eyes and the tear stains on my cheek. "Is Gerard alright?" she asked franticly. She probably thought I was crying over something that had happened to him. And in a sense, I was.

"No, he's fine. He woke up. He'll be alright," I replied, more to myself than her. I thought about what Gerard had said earlier.

Sure, I loved her more than air, but in the back of my mind I always sort of expected something like this to happen.

Is that how Emily felt about me? Does she think I would lie to her about our relationship? No, it can't be. I know we haven't been seriously dating, but lately it seems that we are. And I've been able to spend more time with Riley. But now that Gerard's okay and Emily will come back to school, will I still be able to cheat on her? I don't know if I quite like her as much as she likes me. But Emily is fragile; I wouldn't want to hurt her. And Riley is. . . . .amazing. And she's so hot. But Emily is beautiful. And if I do break her heart, Mikey, Gerard and the rest of the guys would hate me forever. I would most likely get kicked out of the band. Then I wouldn't have any friends at school. No one would back me up when I get picked on. No one would love me.

"Then what's wrong?" she asked, interrupting my thoughts. Worry was sketched onto her face.

"Huh?" I said.

"Why were you crying?" I had to come up with an excuse quickly.

"Oh, it's from when Gerard woke up. Tears of joy," I explained, a fake smile caressing my lips.

"Alright then. You should get some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow." What?

"What?" my thoughts came to life. "What do you mean?"

"The Green Day concert. Isn't that tomorrow in New York?"

"Oh, no. We're not going. You see, we were going to go as a group. But Gerard's still in the hospital so Emily told me we can't." Thoughts of her flooded back into my head and I raced past my mother towards the stairs.

"Are you sure you'll be alright Frank?" she called up.

"Positive!" and I shut my door.

::Emily's POV::

"Emily. . . . .Emm. . . . WAKE UP YOU FUCKER!!!!" Mikey yelled in my ear. I rolled over lazily in my bed to look at him.

"In case you're not wearing your glasses, nerd, I was sleeping. And in case you left your brain at the hospital so they can use it on some other poor loser, it's-" I looked over at the clock on my nightstand "-the unearthly hour of seven in the morning on the weekend and we stayed up half the night playing video games. What could you possibly fucking want?" An evil smile appeared on his face.

"Waffles." My eyes shot open.

"Waffles?" I asked, starting to get excited. He nodded his head slowly up and down. "Oh My God!!! WafflesWafflesWafflesWafflesWafflesWafflesWaffles!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I jumped out of bed, almost tripping on a book that was laying randomly on our floor, and bolted downstairs into the kitchen. The sweet smell of vanilla and maple syrup entered my system and I let out a peaceful sigh.

Life is good.

If you're wondering why one could get enthusiastic over such a thing as waffles, you may have forgotten. Grandma Helena is here and she cooks better than God himself.

"I'm guessing you're hungry then?" she laughed. She placed a hot steamy waffle that was almost bigger than the plate in front of me and I felt like a little kid in Disneyland. My hand stretched across the kitchen counter for the syrup. The door bell sounded, announcing someone's arrival.

"Mikey,GoGetIt!" I instructed.

"What!?! I want some too!"

"I've got two more coming up in a minute. You'll just have to wait," Grandma told him. I stuck my tongue out at him while simultaneously smothering my waffle in syrup. I heard Mikey open the door and someone run through our house and straight into the kitchen, almost knocking me out of my chair.

"WAFFLES?!" An equally excited Bob was bubbly standing next to Helena with a pout gracing his face.

"In a minute. Wait your turn. Now sit!" His head dropped and he pulled up a seat next to me eyeing my food.

"Oooo! Stop it, you're drooling!!" I complained.

"How'd you get here?" Mikey asked, walking back in.

"Car, duh. I remember how good Helena's waffles were so I woke up early so I could come over here." It was then that I noticed he was still in his pajamas.

"Are Ray and Frank coming too?" I asked before shoveling a couple pieces into my mouth.

"No. And don’t invite them to either! They'll eat all of them!" Just then, the sound of the waffle machine dinged and Mikey and Bob were at full attention.

"Waffles! . . . Waffles! . . . Waffles!" they began to chant.

"You boys. . ." Helena said rolling her eyes at their childishness. She put the two hot treats onto plates for them and set them beside me. They attacked with grate force, forgetting the usefulness of forks, and ripped it in half with their teeth before chewing it and squeezing syrup into their mouths.

Eww. Boys are gross.