Vampires Will Never Hurt You Unless You're Eliza

Chapter 27

Mikey’s POV

I watched Gerard and Christina going into the storage room. We all got up and did the finally sound checking. After 15 minutes Gee and Christina still hasn’t come out yet. I looked at Ray and he sensed my fear.

“Come on Mikey we’ll go check on them,” Ray said. That’s why I like Ray. He knows when you feel uncomfortable or need someone to talk. He’s like a mind reader!

We walked to the storage room and Ray opened the door.

“Hey Gerard, Christina you in here?” I shouted.

“Maybe they left the room,” Ray said.

“No they didn’t leave because I was watching and waiting for the door to open the whole time,” I said.

I then heard something rustling like someone was in here.

“Yeah you know maybe I was wrong,” I said. I mouth the words someone is here to Ray and he nods.

“Yeah I told you Mikey they’re not in here, they’re probably at the bathroom or something,” Ray said slowly walking to the door opening it and then shutting it.

Ray and I just stood there waiting for something to happen, when finally we heard someone said, “Good they’re gone.”
We both walked a bit further into the room when we both saw Christina and Gerard being held with a knife against their throat. I almost gasped but covered my mouth just in time. It was Bert and Dan! I guess Christina was right. So what are we going to do?

I looked at Ray and he seemed just as shocked as me. He finally then pointed towards Bert and he made this attacking sign. I nodded. We both waited for the right time when Bert and Dan were busy talking to them.

We both charged at them tackling both to the floor. Both taken by surprised, they dropped their knives and fell to the ground. Ray picked them up and handed one to me. Bert and Dan looked so shocked when they saw us. Bert tried standing up but Ray pointed the knife at Bert. He growled but sat back down.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” Ray asked.

“We were here to make up with Gerard and live happily ever after what do you think?” Bert replied rolling his eyes.

Ray glared at him and asked, “Gerard, what did they say?”

“Well, he said he wanted to me kill me for breaking up with him,” Gerard said.

He kept looking at his feet and swaying from side to side. I looked at Gerard and he looked back at me. He looked…sad? He should be angry with Bert not sad. I beckoned him over to me. He walked over to me slowly and just stared at me.

“What’s wrong Gerard?” I whispered soft enough so he could hear.

He looked at me and asked slowly, “Can we please tell Bert?”

I was shocked. Bert was this close from killing him and now he wants to tell Bert!

“Why?” I asked simply.

“Because,” he said a bit louder, “he deserves to know why I broke up with him!”

I had no idea what to say. I mean Bert just tried killing him and what if he’s gone mad or something? Even if Gerard does tell him Bert won’t take him seriously.

I sighed and asked Gerard, “You sure this is what you want, I mean what if he doesn’t believe you?”

“I’m absolutely sure about Mikey, okay,” He said.

We both turned our attention back towards Bert and Dan again. They were still sitting there not doing anything. I sighed and whispered to Ray what Gerard wanted. He was shocked but nodded anyways.

Ray asked, “Where are the others?”

Dan said, “The others went to the bathroom.” I find it funny how Quinn and Jeph both had to go to the bathroom at the same time and at the wrong time.

“Hey Christina, could you go tell Bob to find Quinn and Jeph?” I asked her. She nodded and ran out of the room getting Bob. They came back about 2 minutes later with Bob dragging Quinn and Jeph.

Bob forced Quinn and Jeph to sit on the ground with Bert and Dan. I sighed and processed what we were doing. We’re here in this tiny room about to tell The Used what this whole thing was all about.

Bert finally spoke, “What are you going to do with us?”

“Bert do you want to know what happened that day I broke up with you?” Gerard asked calmly.

“Of course I do!” He said.

“Well then you’re going to have to believe what I say,” Gerard said.

“What if I don’t want to?” Bert asked. Bad move.

“WELL TO FUCKING BAD YOU”RE GOING TO LISTEN!” Gerard shouted. I flinched at Gerard’s sudden anger. He can be so scary sometimes.

“Fine we’ll listen and then we’re out of here,” Bert mumbled.

Gerard took a deep breath and told him everything.

A bit longer because I finally got 100 comments. XD I'm so happy! I love you guys for all the comments! Thank you so much. Coould you guys read my one-shot slash Love Hurts, Dosen't It Baby?