Strange Sepia

A Familiar Voice.

I was worried.
Today, what would happen? And WHY didn’t I think of the consequences yesterday?
I pull on my green school sweater, pick up my bag and head out the door, in a hurry; I was running late. School was not too far away, but it took a good twenty minutes, so I embarked as swiftly as I could to avoid the evil glares from Mrs Escritt at school, which would undoubtedly await; as I was late.
It was quite a beautiful morning, or, at least, it would have been, had I not been so racked with guilt at my idiocy last night. Honestly!
I half-ran past Toby’s house, laughing at myself for doing so. But then another voiced joined me.
Panicked, I spun around for prying eyes.
No one.
“It’s me” I heard a voice next me. A girl’s voice, it was sweet, but harsh. Familiar, yet...
“Who said that...?” I suspiciously asked, my brow furrowed
“I did. It’s me. You know me, don’t you?” The mystery voice spoke yet again,
“Where are you? Show your face!”
“Are you still there?
Then I saw her. A sweet face, curly hair, large eyes. She looked like me, only beautiful. Her tanned olive skin stretched neatly across her perfectly formed face, her lips plump as cherries. She smiled
“I’m still here”
Her lips curled and suddenly I knew who she was.
“You’re her...the woman dreams. I can see you now. Where were you hiding?”
She didn’t answer. Just turned her head.
After a short while, she spoke again,
“Take my hand.” She ordered
I did as I was told. But her hand was cold, faint, she grasped me tightly, scarily tight. I was afraid I’ll never be let go.
Then she took hold of my head,
“Listen Helen,” Her voice became harsh, and almost crackly
“I know all your secrets; the secrets that you don’t even know yourself yet. I know your life, your death. I know your destiny. I am your destiny...”
Her voice was spookily gruff and haunting. I turned to look at her, but she was gone.
“Where are you? Who are you?” I asked her frantically
I whipped my head around
“What’s your name? Just tell me!”
I felt a cold rein leash my shoulders, chaining me up
“You know my name...” She answered me
I didn’t. I was sure...
Then the rein went.
“Are you still there?”
More silence.
Then suddenly,
“I’m still here.” She spoke
I felt the rein again, tighter than ever
“I’m you now...”