What have I started

I like your tights

"I do." I said.

"More than me?"

"Jordan you've always had a place in my heart but it's just not meant to be. I gotta move on. Dubinsky is my best friend."

"Alright." he said and kissed my forehead.

We went to bed. He wrapped me in his arms. I soon fell asleep. I woke up and he was still sleeping. I bought a plane ticket and made coffee. My ticket was for tomorrow at 12:00 noon. I sat there to think. I'm really leaving. Alaska?! I'm insane, oh yeah I'll be with Dubs. Jordan walked out, stretching and yawning.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I said smiling.

"Hey." he said softly.

"I leave tomorrow." I said.

"Oh." he said.

"Yeah." I said. It was a little awkward. I mean I felt bad but I have to move on.

"I don't know what to say." he said, soft as possible.

"I'm sorry." I said. I put my head in my hands. I hear him coming over. His hand rested on my back. A sob racked through my body.

"Please don't cry." he whispered in my ear.

"It's so hard. Jordan I have to move on but this is hurting you."

"He's better anyways. We just have to be friends."

"Thanks." I said. I hugged him.

"Now, you need to pack." he said.

Five hours later I was ready to leave. We went to his house and I said my goodbyes. I got hugs and kisses.

"Don't forget about us." Eric whispered.

"I would never." I whispered.

I hugged Jared, "I'm going to miss you the most."
"Thanks hot-shot." I said.

"I'll see you soon munchkin." Marc said.

"Yeah Marc, soon." I said.

Jordan drove me to the airport. We got out and walked in. I was just about to board my plane when Jordan said goodbye.

"Bye Em." he said. He was about to cry.

"Don't cry. I'm so sorry."

"You're right. You need to move on. Be happy. I'll miss you."

"Bye Jordan." I said. I hugged him.

"I'll always be your Superman." he said. he triggered a memory that really hit home.

"I'll always be your Wonder Woman." I said.

"I like your tights." he said smiling. He was making me laugh.


"Bye Em." he said, waving.

Before I knew it I was in Alaska. I saw Brandon waving me over.