MySpace: A Place For Teachers

Confusion and ***ing

"We are not going."

Mason's jaw dropped. "What do you mean? We have to! Life's throwing you an opportunity to be sexed up by this gorgeous hunk of meat - "

"Mason - "

"And maybe me, if he turns out to swing that way..."

I clapped my hands in front of his face. "Mason! We can not go. It's so inappropriate. This guy is our teacher, not a student."

"Teacher, student, not a big difference." He rolled his eyes.

"Did you really just say that?"

"Did you really just hear it?" Mason retorted.

Mason was getting impatient, and when he got impatient, he got bitchy. He's worse than three girls on their period at the same time. And when he was bitchy and horny, the world better watch out.

I sighed. "If you wanna go, then fine. I'll just walk home."

"Rory! You have to go! He waaaants you!" he yelled, shaking my shoulders.

Since we were still in Barnes and Noble, people stared. And stared.

"You really have no volume control, do you?"


Once again, people directed their attention to Mason and I. It's a little embarrassing being around him in public.

I pulled away from him. "That's it, I'm leaving."

Mason trailed after me on the sidewalk. "And going to Brian's apartment?"

"Yes, Mason. We're going to Brian's apartm -- what do you think?" I spat.

Mason backed off. "No need to get all pissy."

I love Mason. I really do, but sometimes he gets me to that point where I want to go on a mass killing spree. He literally holds the power to turn me into a ruthless axe murderer if he felt like it.

"I'm not pissy. I'm confused," I confessed.

"Aw. love. I just want you to be happy and find a guy."

"I will find a guy. That's my age, okay?"

His shoulders slumped. "I just wanted to help."

I pulled him into a hug. "I know you did. And I appreciate it."

Mason grinned. "So, can we go to Brian's now?"

* * *

An hour later, an excited Mason was dragging me to the apartments. I didn't give him a direct "yes", but he managed to put the words in my mouth. I was not a happy person. On one hand, I really missed Brian and wanted to see him. But, what if someone saw?

"Rory, let me see your phone!"

I shook my hand and put my hand in my pocket. "Uh-uh. You're not touching my phone."

"I just want to text Liam... I miss him." He pouted.

I stared at him, searching for any hints of a lie. "Where's your phone?"

"Not with me... Please, please, please? I miss Liam!" he wailed.

"Okay, okay! Shit, you're loud." I grabbed my phone and offered it to him.

"Yay! I love you!"

He sat down on the nearest bench and hovered over the small screen. He concentrated on the keys as he pressed them.

"SENDING ... SENDING ... SENDING ... SENT!" Mason screamed and jumped up to hand my phone back to me.

"Mason, I swear..."

My phone chimed and I slid it open to view my message.

To: Lily
From: Brian

nah i got it covrd ;) im excitd wen will u b here?


He cringed. "Eww... Don't say my middle name in public."

"You texted Brian!" I screamed. "What did you say?"

He bit his lip and awkwardly moved a rock back and forth with his foot.

I navigated to my message and clicked on the "sent" messages.

To: Brian
From: Lily

im on my way ;) should i bring the condoms baby?

"Oh.. my... fuck. Start. Running," I seethed.

Mason shrieked. "OMG, she's gonna keel me!"

He took off running down the sidewalk with me at his heels.

We passed an elderly couple sitting on another bench, calming enjoying the nice weather. Until we came into sight.

Mason screamed, "RAPE, RAPE!" over and over.

I heard the elderly man mutter, "so corrupted these children of this generation are." I was a little offended.

We eventually arrived in front of the apartments, as I had chased Mason, and Mason obviously knew where he was going.

"Mason, why are we here?"

He stared. "Did you really just ask that question?"

"Did you really just hear it?"

"That's my line!" he mumbled.

I laughed. "You deserve it. You texted Brian without telling me."

"I only texted him, because I knew you wouldn't," he informed. "Now, I think his apartment is number 207. On the East side, I'm pretty sure. Let's go!"

"You're serious..."

"Of course I am." He grinned.

"Fuck my life," I grumbled as he pulled me along.

* * *

Somehow, I ended up in front of Brian's apartment with Mason. I just wanted to run all the way back home without stopping. I wouldn't know what to say, so I was glad Mason was at my side. Then again, I wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for him. Stupid boy.

Mason knocked at the door with the biggest grin on his face.

I heard a voice on the other side of the door, and was greeted by the face.

"Are you Lily?" the man asked with a sly grin.

Mason covered my mouth. "Yes, she is."

"Ookay, well, we better start fucking, I'm only here for another couple hours," he announced nonchalantly, and waved me in.

Both of our jaws dropped.

The man started giggling. "I'm just kidding! You're Rory, and you are... Rory's gay boyfriend."

Mason grinned flirtatiously and held out his hand. "Gay and proud. I'm Mason."

"I'm Brian's friend, Jimmy. And I'm straight."

"FUCK!" Mason screamed, stomping his foot.

"Why are we here?" I asked to no one in particular.

Jimmy laughed. "Come in, and I'll tell you."

Mason ran inside and plopped on the couch, and I could tell he wanted Jimmy to sit next to him. I ducked under Jimmy's arm and sat on the couch.

Jimmy was very attractive, much like Brian. He was tall and slender, and painted with interesting tattoos. He had a cute lisp and thick rimmed glasses. Jimmy had a child-like quality that made me smile.

"I texted you," he pointed at me, "because I was booored. And I wanted a girl. Then Brian told me about you."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"That you fucked him over on MySpace." He laughed. "And that you're his student in his Lit. class. Tell me, is he a good teacher?"

"He's interesting," I admitted.

"I thought so. He's in the shower right now, and I'm not sure if you two want to stay, but you can if you want. Stir up some chaos."

"We're staying," Mason confirmed.

I glared at him. "No, we're not."

Jimmy walked over to me and sat by me. He put his arm around my shoulders. "So, Rory, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I don't." My face heated up.

"I thought so. You look too innocent," he mused. Grinning.

"And you look the exact opposite," I retorted.

"Ooh, ouch. You're cute and tiny. I like you." He hugged me.

I pried myself out of his grip. "Whoa, there."

I heard a door slam in the back, and we all looked simultaneously. Brian came out in a pair of black sweats and nothing else. He had tiny eyeliner smudges under his eyes.

"Where the fuck did you put my phone?"

Then, he noticed Mason and I on the couch.

"What the fuck, Jimmy?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry! I haven't had access to write a chapter in so long! I've moved last week, and I'm still packing stuff up from my old house. So, this will be the last update for at least another week. I'll probably start the next, *longer* chapter on my iPod next week.
I'm sorry for the shortness!

Ooh, what do you think will happen? Epic foursome? :D