MySpace: A Place For Teachers

Lava Lamps and Text Messages

During the time it took for Brian to answer the phone, three rings, Mason couldn't control his giggling.

A voice on the other line said hastily with an evident smile present in his voice, “Hello?”

I stood still for a moment, my mind throwing my thoughts around in my head in a wild typhoon. After a few seconds, I managed to reply, in a soft, high-pitched voice. “Hi. Brian?”

“Wow, I can't believe you called. Hi,” he stated in an awe-stricken voice, laughing nervously. It was apparent that he'd been waiting anxiously by his cell phone.

I giggled in my wind-chime-like voice. “I think we've covered that. How are you?”

“Oh, I'm fine.” He laughs anxiously. “How are you and your niece?”

“We're fine.” I bit my lip. “I'm just here sitting in her room, kind of helping her clean up, you know how little kids are.”

He laughs. “Oh, I know. I've got classes full of them.”

Mason, I could tell, was having a very hard time controlling his laughter. His face was turning purple while he was covering his mouth. I held up a finger to my mouth with a scowl. He giggled softly.

“She definitely has some odd stuff. I think the dick-shaped lava lamp takes the cake, though,” I admitted in a deliberate, tiny voice. I smiled.

Brian laughed loudly for a minute before choking out, “Can't say I've heard that before. Must be a pretty damn interesting room, then.”

“Oh, it is,” I mused in a slow voice.

“Aren't all lava lamps shaped as dicks, though?” he inquired in a serious voice.

I giggled. “Not all of them. But, with all the teen pregnancies, I'm not surprised to see dick shaped things everywhere.”

“Is that even relevant?” he asked, laughing quietly.

“It could be,” I pondered in a light voice.

Mason was over his laughter and was sitting on my computer chair with his fingers curved and resting on his bottom lip in that classic incredulous gay look. I waved a hand at him and he just chuckled under his breath. I secretly wished he would leave the room.

“How's your friend, Sam? It must be hell running that day-care center. How many kids usually show up?” he asked curiously and somewhat amazed.

“Probably around fifteen. They're all well-behaved, except around snack time, of course,” I replied, a smile evident in my voice.

“Of course,” he repeated, chuckling softly.

At that moment, I hated to admit it, but his voice was really hot. It had a sinister edge to it, and a sweet tone that contrasted greatly to it. It made me smile.

“What are your friends like?” he asked abruptly, making my voice catch in my throat. I had to clear it before replying.

“Insane.” I laughed; he joined in after a second. “We're all crazy, but I love all of them. They're really fun to hang out with. What about your friends?”

“We go clubbing a lot, so they're pretty good friends. Although, they only get crazy when they're drunk. A couple of them are just all around crazy,” he admitted sheepishly.

I laughed lightly. “Ah, I see. Heavy partier, are we?”

“Aw, don't be all innocent like you haven't been to a wild party,” he teased.

I smiled broadly as Mason raised his eyebrow in curiosity. I shot him a smug look. “Of course, that's all I live for.”

“I bet you do,” he mused teasingly, chuckling into the phone. My earlobe tingled a bit, although I automatically blamed it on Mason's screaming in my ear without a second thought.

“Boyfriend?” Brian asked offhandedly in a casual way.

“Nope. Sam usually takes them from me, but I don't mind because I get all the crappy boys,” I admitted, trying not to laugh. Of course, that could be true. Mason would probably take any boy that just happened to be interested in me.

“What about you? Girlfriend?” I asked curiously. Brian was still laughing.

“My girlfriend dumped me to become a stripper after I spent thousands of dollars on her and took her to the Bahamas. That was also after she cheated on me seven times,” he replied bluntly.

“Aw, I'm sorry. Well, she definitely sounds like a bitch,” I consoled, trying to find a logical reason that a girl would do that to such a sweet guy. I didn't find a reason.

We talked for what seemed like hours before Mason tapped his wrist, signaling that I had been on my cell for quite awhile. I frowned at him; he knew I didn't like when he did that. He just smiled charmingly at me.

Before I said goodbye, he offered once more in a hurry, “Are you sure you don't want to go to the party? I mean, I could come pick you up if you needed it. It wouldn't be a problem.”

Oh, you have no idea,I though grimly.

“I'm sorry, Brian. I really have to babysit my niece and her friend. They're a handful,” I quickly lied, although it seemed believable.

“Alright,” he mumbled, a bit regretfully. My heart lurched for moment at his gloomy voice; he seemed depressed that he wouldn't be able to meet me.

“Well, hey, I could be a serial killer for all you know,” I added lightheartedly, laughing softly at his regret.

“With that voice, never,” he argued hastily.

I felt a few degrees warmer in my face, and I knew a blush had crept slyly over my cheeks due to the look Mason was giving me. He started laughing; I glared hostilely in response.

“I think I have to go. The kids are burning something in the house,” I told him, with a hint of regret in my voice.

“They're probably trying to hide the weed,” he suggested, nonchalant.

I laughed for a few seconds before telling him, “Okay, I'll watch out for it. Talk to you later, Brian.”

“Bye, Lily,” he said in a sad voice, making my heart twist in regret. I heard the phone click, signaling the end of our conversation. I snapped my phone closed, also, stuffing it in the pockets of my skinny jeans.

“Aww, he likes you,” a giggly voice accused by beside my ear.

I jumped a bit and flinched away from the sound. “How the hell-”

“Don't change the subject! What did you two talk about?” he demanded in a shrill voice, laughing.

“Dick shaped lava lamps, his bitch of an ex-girlfriend, and parties,” I replied casually, focusing on the tips of my nails. They were getting long.

He cocked his head and his eye twitched, a sign of his disbelief. “Really?”

I hummed in agreement. “My “niece” has a lava lamp in the shape of a dick, remember?”

He nodded his head and smiled. “Funny. I have one just like it.”

“Weird how things work out like that,” I mused in a sly voice, patting him on the head.

He glanced around my room and walked around in a small circle, as if looking for something that he lost.

“Did you lose something?”

“No. I was just wondering why your mom wasn't here?” he replied suddenly, thinking about something.

I laughed. “Oh, that's all. She's on a trip with my dad or something. Happens,” I admitted sheepishly.

He nodded. Mason knew everything about my family, and we were the ones he came running to when he has a fight with his parents. Ever since they became aware of his “preferences”, there has been a lot of tension in the Harlow family. Mason would have to stay weeks in my house while the previous arguments have time to blow over. Despite everything that's happened, he's always been in a good mood.

“I think I'll stay the night again,” he muttered, flopping down on my bed.

“Another fight?” I asked quietly, sitting down next to him and gently stroking his dark hair off his forehead.

“No, I just like your house more,” he admitted, smiling wolfishly. I rolled my eyes and smacked his forehead lovingly. He smiled.

“I'm gonna order pizza. Same as usual, right?” I asked, digging my cell phone out of my pocket. I memorized the number for the pizza place down the street from us. I sighed to myself, thinking of how much we always ate pizza.

“Yes. Order a third pizza; I want to have some for breakfast,” he told me, staring up at the ceiling with unblinking eyes.

I rolled my eyes. “Alright. I should have just known you wanted pizza for breakfast.”

He gave me a crooked smile before I placed my order for pizza. The guy over the phone, whom I talked to enough to know his name was Jared, said it would be here in about fifteen minutes.

I placed my phone in my pocket and went to lie next to Mason, who was sleeping. I rolled my eyes and patted his cheek. He grumbled and rolled over. “Just wake me up when the pizza gets here, love. I want to sleep.”

“Aw, I'm sorry. I'll just let you sleep and eat all the pizza myself,” I replied sweetly, kissing his forehead.

He snapped awake and mock glared at me. “I don't think so.”

I laughed and pulled him down the hallway into the living room, where we waited for ten more minutes before the pizza arrived. I tipped the guy, Mike, and Mason and I hungrily pounced on the pizza. I laughed to myself as we devoured the two boxes of pizza. I stashed the third box of pizza in the microwave to sit overnight. I think I'll have a few pieces for a midnight snack, although Mason doesn't need to know that.


“You already ate two pieces?! Damn, sweetie, I thought you'd at least wait for me to wake up,” he accused lightly, staring incredulously at the box of pizza that was currently missing a couple slices.

I just shrugged dismissively and reached for another piece as Mason picked up three. I hurriedly plopped the lid over the remained pieces of the pizza and shoved it back into the microwave. At least we'd have a snack for later.

I stared at Mason.

“Wha?” he asked with his mouth crammed full of pizza, cheese strings hanging off his bottom lip.

I laughed as I pulled the cheese and smacked it to the floor. “Lovely.”

He grinned as he shoved more pizza into his mouth and swallowed. He set the crusts on the counter, cringing away from them as he tugged me out the doorway to school. Mason never did like the crust.


I was having a bad day.

I kept running through Brian's words in my mind. My mind was drifting in and out of awareness, and I fell asleep in more than one of my classes – although that wasn't uncommon. I couldn't deny the fact that I probably looked like shit. I smiled grimly at that thought. I was drowsy, irritated, and slow. I forgot all of my assignments and couldn't answer a single question that was asked of me by anyone. I was uptight and high strung throughout my classes.

It was undeniably obvious I wanted Brian near me.

I groaned out load as I sunk onto the bench that was attached to the cafeteria table. I smacked my forehead on my outstretched arms and mumbled a few curses.

Mason giggled and slung his arm around my shoulders. “Having a bad day, love?”

I mumbled in reply and Mason rubbed my back in a consoling gesture. I smiled at him over my arm.

“Aw, it'll get better, I promise, sweetheart,” he murmured, stealing one of my fruit cups.

I looked at him incredulously and shook my head; I should be used to that by now. I smiled softly at him as I took a Twinkie from his sack lunch. Considering that he packed his lunch with my food, it seemed like a fair trade. Especially when he steals my fruit cups.

Mason started rambling, as per usual when we were quiet. Right now, he was droning on about a really cute guy he saw in Wal-Mart. “So, I asked him for his number after a few minutes of talking because he seemed, like, really cool. He was gay, so that pretty much raised my chances of totally – Whoa, look at the bitch!”

His random outburst made me cock my eyebrow at him as I let half of the Twinkie hang out of my mouth. I swallowed and waved my hand for him to explain his own interruption.

“Marissa and her crony have entered the lunchroom,” Mason boomed in a loud voice, although it was drowned out by the laughter and yelling of other high schoolers.

“Oh, lovely,” I murmured, picking at an apple I took from Mason's bag. He doesn't eat apples.

Mason shuddered. “She's so … hideous. Damn.”

I laughed and rubbed his shoulder. “You only say that because you prefer guys.”

He considered that for a moment and looked deep in thought before coming up with a blunt conclusion. “No, I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.”

I mock sighed and rested my head on his shoulder as I bit into the apple. He cringed at the sound. I smiled up at him as he dug for another Twinkie in his bag.

“Aww, isn't that soo sweet,” a sickly sweet voice murmured in front of us, followed by a whiny giggle.

Marissa and Ashlee were standing in front of us, evidently forcing the smiles on their lips. I shot both of them the bird and continued shoving my mouth full of apple chunks.

“What do you think of Mr. Haner, Rory?” she asked in an innocent voice, dropping down onto the bench directly in front of us.

“I don't give a rat's ass about a teacher,” I told her firmly, scowling at her. “I haven't even spoken a word to him.”

I lied, although she didn't seem to even listen to what I had to say. Mason had a small knowing smirk on his lips. I turned my scowl on him, and he just shrugged innocently.

Marissa rambled on about how cute his ass is, how hot his attitude is, and his sexy eyes for about ten minutes before she got pulled over by a football player a few tables over. The word whore popped up in my mind.

The whole time she talked about Brian, Mason was anxiously bouncing his knee up and down. I could tell he had wanted to join in on the one-sided conversation and he had having a hard time staying quiet. After she and her crony left, I patted his hand gently and he relaxed a bit.

“She did have a poi-” Mason started suggestively.

I groaned. “Don't say it!” I slumped onto the table and covered my head with my arms. I sighed, knowing I would have to endure whatever he had to say until we got to Literature. Then, it'd be hell.


I made it to Literature with most of my sanity.

Mason was gnawing my ear off with whatever he was trying to talk to me about. I pushed through the door to his class and promptly sat down. I didn't bother looking towards the front of room, knowing he was probably not here yet. Everyone else was here in the classroom, but not seated. We all knew this was the only class we all chose to be on time for, even if the teacher wasn't.

Mason decided to ask a relevant question. “Did you bring in a movie idea?”

“Movie idea? For what?” I asked, completely confused and irritated.

He chuckled a bit. “Mr. Haner asked us to bring in a movie or just a movie idea for us to watch.”

“Shit,” I deadpanned.

Mason laughed and scooted his chair over a bit next to me. “I take it you didn't do the assignment, either?”

“You would know,” I mumbled, laying my head down. “You were with me the entire time at my house.”

Mason shook his head and smiled softly, like he knew something I didn't.

About ten minutes later,Brian Mr. Haner wheeled in the TV and set it in the corner closest to the door. Mr. Haner glanced at us with passive and stoic eyes. Most of the girls, including Marissa, were giggling quietly.

“I got a movie from the library,” he started, picking up the movie and twirling it around. “I really don't give a shit whether or not you brought in a movie, so, we're watching this one.”

Once again, he made me smile.

He put in the DVD and hit play after he had turn the TV on. Just as he was about to return to his desk, he turned around to face us and said, “Oh, yeah, if the principal happens to walk in, I'll ask you guys a question about the last five seconds of the movie before he came in. But, if you get lucky, I'll just mouth the answer to you.” He turned back around to his desk and propped his feet up.

The movie turned out to be Copying Beethoven and I failed to think of a reason that this movie would be relevant to Literature.

Apparently, another boy had the same idea as me, but actually spoke his mind. He ended up being cussed out by Mr. Haner, of course.

About fifteen minutes later, Brian stormed over to the TV and turned it off with a hard jab to the stop button. “Ugh! I can't take it anymore. It's so boring!”

He seemed to come to realization that we were all staring at him, waiting for an explanation. “Oh, I have ADD really bad. This might happen throughout the year.”

We sat around our desks and talked while Brian tried, unsuccessfully, to teach us about Ancient Myths. He had my attention, although not because of the lesson. My mind was still a bit fuzzy and hazy, but I found this the easiest class to focus in today.

Then, Last Resort by Papa Roach filled the small classroom, making all go quiet.

He walked over to his desk with an annoyed scowl on his face, but that quickly changed when he read a text on his phone. He silently laughed and replied quickly, shoving his phone back on the desk.

“Alright, well, one famous Myth that we all probably kn-” he was cut off mid-sentence by Papa Roach.

He walked briskly back to his desk to address his text, then walked back to the board to resume his lesson.

I was starting to get suspicious. I glanced over at Mason accusingly and he shot me an angelic look. Angelic, my ass, I thought. A thought entered my mind and stuck to it like a small, clinging child. Panicking, I instinctively reached my pocket and patted it where my cell should be. My lips formed a taut line and I tossed a hard glare towards Mason.

He smirked as he took my red and black cell phone out of his hoodie pocket. I quickly mouthed to him, You didn't.

He did.

“What the hell?! Do you know what would happen if he found out? He's right there, are you blind?” I whispered harshly, leaning over.

He didn't reply to my rant, so I kept going on.

“Do you know how risky that was? That was a very stupid move, Mason. I don't even know-”


“-What you sent him, but-”

“Miss Connelly.”

“-He seemed pretty damn happy about it,” I continued, ignoring that smooth voice that came from the front of the room. I was also unaware of the stares I was getting.

“When I find out what you texted him, I swear-”


“-That's your cue to start running, Mason, I-”

Mr. Haner slammed his hand on my desk loudly, making me nearly jump out of my pants. “RORY!”

I stared at him for a few moments before I blinked and leaned back in my chair. I didn't speak at all; I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing me speak.

“Detention. After school. Thirty minutes,” he stated bluntly, walking towards the front of the room slowly.

I blinked, not believing what he just said. I turned towards Mason for his reaction, but he just had a contented smirk on his face. I shot him the one finger salute as I rested my chin on my open palm.

I have detention withMr. HanerBrian after school. Taking into consideration that it's the beginning of the year, no one would be joining me. That's just a nice way of saying I have to spend thirty minutes alone with Brian.
♠ ♠ ♠
Longest chapter! :D I figured I should make it long considering I'm the worst updator on this site. Well, I'd like to thank all my subscribers and commenters for sticking with me, although I know I'm horrible at updating.

The drama is just starting to stir up.... Remember: Comments = Love for the author! :)