MySpace: A Place For Teachers

Detentions and Instant Messages

I yawned as I leaned back in my rolling chair and propped my feet on top of the wooden desk. I picked up the Guitar World magazine that lied on top and flicked through it. I smirked to myself, waiting for the only girl in detention to show up.

I waited for five minutes before the door slid open a bit to reveal a nervous looking Rory.

I smirked at her lightly as my attention focused on her. “Wow. The first week of school, and you're already stuck after school with me. Haha, even the potheads haven't gotten detentions, yet,” I acknowledged lightly, chuckling.

She shifted her graze around the room in an attempt not to meet my eyes. I let my eyes wonder around the room before fixating on a desk close to mine. She seemed to notice that.

“Okay. Just sit there,” I instructed, pointing to the desk.

She nodded shyly and walked over to the desk with slow movements. She definitely looked anxious about something as she slid into her seat with ease. The corners of my mouth turned up every few minutes or so as I read my magazine, not really paying attention. I notice her glance briefly at me from time to time, trying to distinguish anything from my actions. The only action I was really doing was flipping through my magazine.

After about ten or fifteen minutes, I sighed loudly and set my magazine down with a huff. Rory looked up at me blankly, waiting for me to say something. It was suddenly really hot in the small classroom. I didn't like that. I rolled up my sleeves and pushed them back to my elbows. I didn't really think my tattoos would be a problem.

Rory had a hoodie on, so I wondered if she was getting hot, too. I didn't want to say anything, really, because things were already awkward, enough. She didn't seem like a talkative girl.

Then, a few minutes later, I heard a hesitant, child-like voice echo off the classroom walls. “Mr. Haner?”

The voice, which belonged to Rory, had a small lisp. It was kind of cute. I stared, shocked for a few seconds at what I just thought about a student, but merely brushed it off as a scattered thought. I prayed to God that it wasn't her real voice.

I looked at her with a gentle expression before a look washed over her face that registered her realization of her small child-like voice.

“Yes, Rory?” I replied in a inquisitive voice, curious as to why she would be speaking. Much less to me.

“Can I take my hoodie off? I have spaghetti straps, but it's really hot in here,” she admitted in her small voice. It really was adorable.

I nodded my head a bit and said, “That's fine. It's after school, anyways.” I smiled at her softly and she returned it. I like her smile...

She unzipped her hoodie and set it on the floor by her chair. She had on a very brightly coloured zebra print shirt, which I thought was odd, but suited her. She got lost in a daze as she stared down at her desk, unblinking.

I clenched my fist to my side as I fixed my gaze only on her. I nearly willed my eyes to look away from theseventeen year old girl, but then it clicked into my mind I didn't want to look away.

I stared at her peach complexion, thinking how soft and smooth her skin would feel under my fingers. The faraway gaze in her eyes made her look cute. Her shoulders curved in a soft way, giving her a gentle, feminine look.

Oh, shit. I feel like a creep, I thought grimly to myself as I mentally sighed in exasperation. I was thinking about a student.

It's not my fault she decided to wear that shirt.

Damn, she just looks so –

“I'm bored, so I guess since it's just you in here, you can talk,” I told her nonchalantly, shrugging off my self-interrupted thoughts.

“Okay, so what do you wanna talk about?” she asked in a slightly more normal voice. It was not much less softer, and it was just as nice to listen to. Damn it.

I shrugged slightly, then curiosity got the better of me. “What were you and Mason arguing about today?” I asked in pure curiosity.

“He... wanted me to listen to a Lady GaGa song. Um, he's gay,” she admitted the last part hastily, probably so I wouldn't assume anything. That was basically the thing I would have assumed, anyway.

I chuckled lightly and she smiled along with me. I liked that.

“So, why did you keep running back to your phone earlier?” she asked with interest in her voice. I couldn't tell whether she really wanted to know, or not. It didn't seem likely that she did.

I paused a bit, wondering if I should even tell her about it. “Uhhh,” I stuttered, “One of my friends.”

The sound of her giggles were amplified by the closed walls of the classroom. “A laaaaaaaaaaaaady friend?” Rory asked, putting emphasis on the vowel and dragging it out, sounding much like Jimmy.

I smirked sharply as I thought of this and just had to tell her that. “You sound just like my friend Jimmy, and yes, it was a girl.”

She laughed to herself as if she was part of a private joke I didn't know.

My ringtone played loudly, Last Resort, and I quickly grasped for my cell. I was hoping it was that girl I talked to on Myspace, Lily. She was a lot different than other girls I've talked to. Lily was about 23, which I thought was perfect. I thought about the time I asked her to join me at a party, although she said “no”.

Rory looked a bit doe-eyed as she gripped the outside of her pocket warily. She looked troubled and a bit anxious, just like she had been when she walked in.

She smiled nervously and asked me lightly, “Is that your lady friend?”

I smirked at her and replied with, “Maybe.”

Lily just sent me a couple texts asking me how I was and what was going on. I quickly replied.

oh just doing detention. i gave a high school girl detention for talking to one of her friends.

ooh sounds fun ;)

Rory's face was turning a light shade of scarlet and her hand was clamped to her mouth in a firm hold. She looked like she was trying not to burst out laughing. She was staring intently at whatever was behind my back. I wanted to think it was just a squirrel or something, but the look on her face told me otherwise.

I turned around in my chair to the window behind me to see what was so funny, but I only saw a couple bushes and a tree. I turned back around to face Rory. She had a passive expression on her face and I gave her a look that somewhat questioned her sanity before I turned my attention back to my cell.

I didn't even get one more text in before, my (douche bag) boss decided to make my day come crashing down on my head.

“Mr. Haner,” he called my name firmly.

I turned my expression soft and innocent as I looked up at him.

“Yes, Mr. Bermann?” I asked softly, feigning obliviousness.

“Why are you texting while detention is being served?”

I came up with a small lie, that seemed believable. If you're a principal. “Um…It's my mother. She’s in Uganda helping with some charity.”

He gave me a look of exasperation mixed with disbelief, but walked out the door with one more look.

“Did you just lie to him?” Rory bluntly inquired, staring at me.

“No...” I returned her stare.

She raised an eyebrow at my obvious lie.

“...Yeah.” I gave her a wolfish grin.

She laughed about yet another private joke. I wondered if she just wanted to drive me crazy.

She pulled out her book to read as I texted Lily.

oh it is fun. my boss just caught me texting.

good job! i can tell youre wonderful at being subtle ;)

i told a lie, it really wasn't that bad.

lovely. shouldn't you be watching the student?

shes just reading... she's really not a bad kid

reading, huh? well, then... haha.

After a few more minutes, I looked up over my cell phone only to catch Rory's steady gaze. My cheeks were graced by a light blush as she looked down, complimented with her own scarlet blush. I wondered if she caught me blushing. I hoped she didn't.

I glanced up at the clock after ten more silent filled minutes just as she did, also. I could tell she wanted to get out of here as much as I did. I glanced at her and smiled.

“So, since you've been cool and chill, I'm gonna let you go early,” I announced, grinning broadly at her. “Aren't I the coolest teacher?”

She laughed, the sound ringing in my ears pleasantly. “Of course. See you tomorrow, Mr. Haner.”

She tossed me a parting smile before throwing her bag over her shoulder.

“Bye, Rory.”

Damn, I really need to get a girlfriend.


As I entered my apartment, I threw my crap over the chair and table. I sauntered over to the computer before sitting down and typing in my Myspace. I clicked on Lily's name and typed her a quick message.

To: ~*~Lily-Bear~*~
From: Brian ((rockstar))

Hi! How was your day? I just got home…long day at work…ya kno this Myspace messaging thing takes too long…do you have a yahoo or msn? =)

Within ten minutes, I received a reply back. I smiled to myself as I opened the message and glanced over it.

To: Brian ((rockstar))
From: ~*~Lily-Bear~*~

Hiya! My day was good, but im tired. Youre right, it does take a long time. I have MSN. I know the name is weird, but don’t ask….=D

I typed in the address for MSN and quickly typed in my email before typing in Lily's. I added her to my buddy list and sent her an IM.

Synyster says: Lily?

LilyRAWR says: yup =)

Synyster says: hi!

LilyRAWR says: lol hi! Whats with your screen name?

Synyster says: its just a nickname my friends gave me. Lol, im synyster gates, and i am awesome!

LilyRAWR says: im sure you are…

She always made me laugh, although I'd only known her for a little while. I learned more about her and she turned out to be a sweet, rambunctious, and sarcastic girl. She was almost as cocky as I was around my high school students. I smirked at that.

A thought ran across my mind and I hurriedly typed it up on the computer to Lily.

Synsyter says: whats your fave song?

LilyRAWR says: um….that’s hard! Uh…Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic at the Disco I guess

Synyster says: cool, that’s your new ringtone for when you txt and call me <3

It was first instinct to put the small IM heart next to that last message, although I didn't know why I did that. I prayed to God she wouldn't freak out or anything. I mentally slapped myself for typing it then slapped myself for real when I realized she probably didn't give a crap what I typed. I was just a guy she met on Myspace.

LilyRAWR says: Okay, I g2g Bri. My “gay boyfriend wants some food”

I laughed at this.

Synyster says: aww. Ok, text me?

LilyRAWR says: yea =)

I thought of one more thing to type to her. I smiled to myself softly before typing carefully:

Synyster says: yay! Bye, lily…haha take one letter away and you have ily.

As she signed off, it finally clicked into my mind that I just said 'I love you,' to Lily. Although, I basically just acknowledged a small fact that just happened to be emphatic to something.

I just said 'I love you' to a girl I met on fucking Myspace.

I know the girl, though, in a way...

She probably thinks I'm a stalker that hangs around Myspace.

But, she's pretty...

I sighed to myself as I buried my face in my hands. A wave of paranoia nearly swept me away as I mused to myself a shitload of pathetic questions.

I liked Lily.

I knew that for sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, Brian has a crush! <3
Laci wrote the last chapter, which was in Rory's P.O.V, because this actually happened to her with her music appreciation teacher. Oooh! Drama. :)
This is probably the only chapter that will be in Brian's P.O.V, but probably not the last time you'll see Laci. (Dun dun dunnnn.)
*I personally thought this chapter was boring. Don't question the author. The author knows all! XD